[/caption] It's more than a billion kilometers (759 million miles) away, but the more astronomers learn about Titan, the more…
[/caption] Archeologists have been divided about whether an extraterrestiral impact blasted North America about 12,900 years ago, wreaking havoc on…
[/caption] Researchers have discovered a link between the 11-year solar cycle and tropical Pacific weather patterns that resemble La Niña…
[/caption] NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft has made the first observations of fast hydrogen atoms coming from the moon,…
[/caption] The chaotic evolution of the planetary orbits in the Solar System could cause a close approach or even a…
[/caption] Compared to Earth, Mercury doesn't have much of an atmosphere. The smallest rocky planet has weak surface gravity, only…
[/caption] Think Titan looks pretty round? Not quite, according to new data released today by the Cassini radar team --…
[/caption] Fresh impact craters on Mars have revealed more evidence of stable ice that's been hiding just beneath the surface…
[/caption] New high-resolution images taken last month of Mars' south polar region are revealing signs of spring that are decidedly…
[/caption] Moonshadows on Saturn's rings are foretelling the planet's equinox, when the sun will be exactly aligned with the planet's equator…