Space Exploration Technologies

A Private Company in China Plans to Launch Reusable Rockets by 2021

A Chinese company is planning to launch a rocket with a reusable booster in 2021. The company is called i-Space,…

5 years ago

An Army of Tiny Robots Could Assemble Huge Structures in Space

A team from MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) recently unveiled their prototype for a new assembler robot, which…

5 years ago

NASA’s New Lunar Spacesuit is Going to be a Lot More Comfortable for Astronauts

NASA is developing new spacesuits for their Artemis program. The new suits will give the astronauts greater mobility, will be…

5 years ago

A Satellite Just Launched Whose Job is to Extend the Life of Geosynchronous Satellites

Space Logistics LLC, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman, has launched a satellite that can extend the life of other satellites.…

5 years ago

This is What Moondust Looks Like When You Remove All the Oxygen. A Pile of Metal

The Moon has abundant oxygen and minerals, things that are indispensable to any space-faring civilization. The problem is they're locked…

5 years ago

NASA is Going to Test 25 New Technologies in Upcoming Aircraft, Balloon and Sub-Orbital Rocket Flights

NASA's Flight Opportunities program has selected 25 space technologies for further testing. They're testing the technologies on aircraft, balloons, and…

5 years ago

Shape-shifting Robots Like These Could Be Just What We Need to Explore Titan

When it comes to space exploration, it's robots that do most of the work. That trend will continue as we…

5 years ago

Just How Feasible is a Warp Drive?

At a presentation at this year's AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, engineer Joseph Agnew spoke of the progress being made…

5 years ago

NASA Tests Autonomous Lunar Landing Technology

In anticipation of many Moon landings to come, NASA is testing an autonomous lunar landing system in the Mojave Desert…

5 years ago

The Spaceline: an Elevator From the Earth to the Moon

A team of scientists recently proposed an alternative to a Space Elevator - the "Spaceline", a tether that extends from…

5 years ago