Space Exploration

NASA’s Resilient Opportunity Rover Starts Martian Mountaineering

Opportunity starts Martian Mountaineering NASA’s Opportunity rover captured this southward uphill panoramic mosaic on Oct. 21, 2013 (Sol 3463) after…

11 years ago

Incredible Vertical-Landing Grasshopper Rocket Has Retired

Did you take a moment to look at that August video of the Grasshopper rocket deliberately going sideways and then…

11 years ago

What New Horizons Sounds Like (Sort Of) When It Phones Home

Now that's a tune for a space geek's ears. This is a highly modified sound bite of ranging signals between…

11 years ago

Cygnus Commercial Cargo Craft Completes Historic First Flight to Space Station

Commercial space took another major leap forward this morning, Oct 22., when the privately developed Cygnus cargo vehicle undocked from…

11 years ago

Skeleton Crew gets LADEE in Orbit, Checked Out and Fires Revolutionary Laser During Gov’t Shutdown

NASA’s new LADEE spacecraft successfully entered lunar orbit, is operating beautifully and has begun shooting its radical laser communications experiment…

11 years ago

Students: Want To Get An Experiment Into Space? You Know You Want To

Beer brewing in space? That's what a preteen student will ask astronauts to do on the International Space Station soon.…

11 years ago

India’s First Mars Mission Set to Blast off Seeking Methane Signature

India is gearing up for its first ever space undertaking to the Red Planet - dubbed the Mars Orbiter Mission,…

11 years ago

Topsy-Turvy Aurora Caught On Astronaut’s Camera

Isn't that aurora facing the wrong way? Not if you're in space! NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins tweeted this picture from…

11 years ago

NASA Celebrates Return To Work, But Shutdown’s Shadow Could Linger

After 16 days off the job, most employees at NASA returned to work today (Oct. 17). The good news came…

11 years ago

To The Moon! Crowdfunded Solar Sail Shoots For Lunar Launch

It's a tiny satellite with ambitious goals: to zip all the way from the Earth to the Moon using a…

11 years ago