Space Exploration

The Path that MASCOT Took Across Asteroid Ryugu During its 17 Hours of Life

The tiny robot lander MASCOT did a fine job on the surface of asteroid Ryugu, and its zigzag path allowed…

6 years ago

Even Ganymede is Showing Tectonic Activity. We’re Going to Need Another Icy Moon Orbiter

A new study shows that the surface of Ganymede was once a very tectonically active place, with evidence of slip-faulting…

6 years ago

A German-French Hopping Robot Just Landed on the Surface of Asteroid Ryugu

The tiny hopping robot explorer called method has completed its 16 hour mission to asteroid Ryugu.

6 years ago

What Would a Camera on a Breakthrough Starshot Spacecraft See if it’s Going at High Velocity?

In a recent study, a pair of astrophysicists suggest that Breakthrough Starshot could also test Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity…

6 years ago

Breathing Lunar Dust Could Give Astronauts Bronchitis and Even Lung Cancer

According to a new study, one of the greatest health risks posed by missions to the Moon could be the…

6 years ago

Living Underground on Other Worlds. Exploring Lava Tubes

When humans try to live on the Moon and Mars, they’re going to need protection from the harsh environments. Fortunately,…

6 years ago

Astronaut Scott Tingle Was Able To Control A Ground-Based Robot… From Space.

The ESA is working on artificially intelligent robots that could be controlled from a distance by astronauts. The pair could…

7 years ago

Bacteria Surviving On Musk’s Tesla Are Either A Bio-threat Or A Backup Copy Of Life On Earth

Is Musk's Tesla Roadster in space a biological threat to life on other worlds, a back-up for life on Earth,…

7 years ago

Microbes May Help Astronauts Turn Human Waste Into Food

Researchers at Penn State are developing methods of turning human waste into food. And microbes, not plants, would provide the…

7 years ago

The Genesis Project: Using Robotic Gene Factories to Seed the Galaxy with Life

Dr. Claudius Gros explains the purpose, intent, and technology behind Project Genesis, which seeks to seed "transiently habitable" exoplanets with…

7 years ago