Space Exploration

Antares Return to Flight Launch Likely Slips to August, Cygnus Completes Atmospheric Reentry

The long awaited maiden launch of Orbital ATK’s revamped Antares commercial rocket utilizing new first stage engines, from its Virginia…

8 years ago

Mars at Closest Earth Approach Over SpaceX Recovered Falcon 9 at Sea – Photo

PORT CANAVERAL, FL - As you may have heard its Mars opposition season. What you may not have heard is…

8 years ago

Daylight Arrival Affords Eye-popping view of Radiant SpaceX Recovered Booster Sailing Victoriously into Port Canaveral

Port Canaveral, FL- The first ever daylight arrival afforded endless eye-popping views of what can only be described as a…

8 years ago

Re-engined’ Antares Rocket Completes Crucial Engine Test Firing

Orbital ATK announced late Tuesday that the company’s Antares medium-class commercial rocket outfitted with new first stage RD-181 engines has…

8 years ago

Webb Telescope Gets its Science Instruments Installed

The package of powerful science instruments at the heart of NASA’s mammoth James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have been successfully…

8 years ago

Spectacular Imagery Showcases SpaceX Thaicom Blastoff as Sea Landed Booster Sails Back to Port: Photo/Video Gallery

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL - Spectacular imagery showcasing SpaceX’s Thaicom blastoff on May 27 keeps rolling in as…

8 years ago

Reborn Antares Raised at Virginia Launch Pad for Crucial May 31 Engine Test

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – The soon to be reborn Orbital ATK Antares commercial rocket sporting new first stage engines has…

8 years ago

The House Makes NASA A Counteroffer It Probably Can’t Refuse

NASA's proposed new budget is mostly good news, though some planned missions will not be funded.

8 years ago

America’s First Asteroid Sampling Mission OSIRIS-REx Arrives at Florida Launch Base

America’s first ever mission designed to retrieve samples from the surface of an asteroid and return them to Earth -…

8 years ago

SpaceX Calls In The Lawyers For 2018 Mars Shot

The focus of space exploration, and exploitation, has long been the technologies required. But there's a legal aspect to space…

8 years ago