Space Exploration

“X” Marks the Spot of Convective Churning on Hot Pluto

“X” marks the spot that’s illustrative of “convective churning” resulting from subsurface planetary heating, as seen in a fascinating new…

9 years ago

Understanding Juno’s Orbit: An Interview with NASA’s Scott Bolton

In this interview, we talk to NASA's Scott Bolton about the Juno Mission to Jupiter.

9 years ago

Spirit Rover Touchdown 12 Years Ago Started Spectacular Martian Science Adventure

Exactly 12 Years ago this week, NASA’s now famous Spirit rover touched down on the Red Planet, starting a spectacular…

9 years ago

What’s Ahead for Recovered SpaceX Falcon 9 Booster?

Now that SpaceX has successfully and safely demonstrated the upright recovery of their Falcon 9 booster that flew to the…

9 years ago

Orbital ATK Integration of Upgraded Antares Kicks Into High Gear For 2016 ‘Return to Flight’

NASA WALLOPS FLIGHT FACILITY, VA - Assembly and testing of a significantly upgraded version of Orbital ATK’s commercially developed Antares…

9 years ago

James Webb Space Telescope Mirror Installation Reaches Halfway Point

As history closes in on 2015, assembly of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) reached a historic milestone as the…

9 years ago

‘A City on Mars’ is Elon Musk’s Ultimate Goal Enabled by Rocket Reuse Technology

Elon Musk’s dream and ultimate goal of establishing a permanent human presence on the Red Planet in the form of…

9 years ago

First British Astronaut to Visit ISS Blasts Off on Soyuz with Russian/American Crewmates

The first British astronaut to blast off on a journey to the International Space Station (ISS) soared gloriously skyward early…

9 years ago

Cygnus Docks at Station for Christmas Delivery to Successfully Resume American Resupply Chain

The commercial Cygnus cargo spaceship, loaded with over three tons of critically needed supplies and research experiments, successfully rendezvoused and…

9 years ago

Spectacular Blastoff of Atlas Cygnus Ignites Restart of American Cargo Missions to ISS

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - Today’s spectacular blastoff of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying an Orbital ATK…

9 years ago