Space Exploration

Orbital ATK Aims for March 2016 Antares Rocket Launch Restart with New Engines

The newly merged company Orbital ATK is aiming to restart launches of their “upgraded Antares” rocket in March 2016 using…

10 years ago

Ceres Bizarre Bright Spot Now Has a Companion

Aliens making dinner with a solar cooker? Laser beams aimed at hapless earthlings? Whatever can that - now those -…

10 years ago

25 Years Since Voyager’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ Images

A quarter of a century has passed since NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft snapped the iconic image of Earth known as…

10 years ago

Why Can’t We Design the Perfect Spacesuit?

So far, every spacesuit humans have utilized has been designed with a specific mission and purpose in mind. As of…

10 years ago

The Number of Asteroids We Could Visit and Explore Has Just Doubled

There’s a famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that says “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are…

10 years ago

All the World’s Rockets, Past, Present and Future

MOAR rockets! As a followup to our recent post about the Rockets of the World (to scale), here's another graphic…

10 years ago

You’ve Never Seen the Phases of the Moon from This Perspective: The Far Side

Sometimes, it seems to be a cosmic misfortune that we only get to view the universe from a singular vantage…

10 years ago

SpaceX Prepares for Crucial Crew Dragon Capsule Pad Abort Test

SpaceX is preparing for the first of two critical abort tests for the firm’s next generation human rated Dragon V2…

10 years ago