Space Exploration

Swirly Southern Picture Of Jupiter Makes Us Want To Visit Right Now

Gimme a rocketship - we want to see what those bands are made of! This is a strange view of…

10 years ago

Bizarre Mars: Did Lava Bubbles Wrinkle This Giant Circle?

NASA is puzzled by this "enigmatic landform" caught on camera by one of its Mars orbiters, but looking around the…

10 years ago

Why NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Flew Old, Slow Computers Into Orbit

It's funny to think that your smartphone might be faster than a new spaceship, but that's what one report is…

10 years ago

Crazy Space Christmases: Moon Readings, Food Cans And Emergency Repairs

If you think the upside-down Christmas tree above is bizarre -- that's one of the latest activities of Expedition 42…

10 years ago

Did Philae Land In That Comet Crater? One Month Later, The Search Continues

Don't forget about Philae! The comet lander made a touchdown a month ago this week on its target, marking the…

10 years ago

Opportunity Mars Rover Treks Past 41 Kilometers Towards ‘Marathon Valley’

The Opportunity Mars rover is busy on its wheels as it moves towards "Marathon Valley", a location that could include…

10 years ago

Pluto Spacecraft Wakes Up For An Exciting Close Encounter Next Year

Pluto, humanity is getting ready to change your image. The New Horizons spacecraft is awake once more after emerging from…

10 years ago

The Dawn of Orion and the Path Beyond Earth: Spectacular Launch Gallery

Orion’s inaugural launch on Dec. 5, 2014 atop United Launch Alliance Delta 4 Heavy rocket at Space Launch Complex 37…

10 years ago

Venus Express May Be Out Of Fuel After Death-Duelling Maneuvers

After more than eight years orbiting a hellish planet, Venus Express is showing its age. The spacecraft made some risky…

10 years ago

Titan’s Atmosphere Still Baffles Us A Decade After Huygens Landing

It's almost exactly 10 years ago that humanity parachuted a spacecraft into Titan, that moon of Saturn that could hold…

10 years ago