Space Exploration

Assembly Complete for NASA’s Maiden Orion Spacecraft Launching in December 2014

Technicians at the Kennedy Space Center have completed the final major assembly work on NASA’s maiden Orion crew module slated…

10 years ago

This 3-D Martian Picture Feels Like You’re Standing Beside The Opportunity Rover

Grab your 3-D glasses (you do have a pair handy, right?) and take a look at this latest vista from…

10 years ago

Stunning View of Solar System’s Largest Volcano and Valles Marineris Revealed by India’s Mars Orbiter Mission

India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) has delivered another sweet treat - a stunning view of our Solar System's largest volcano…

10 years ago

Mr. Fusion? Compact Fusion Reactor Will be Available in 5 Years Says Lockheed-Martin

The Farnsworth Fusor; Pons and Fleishmann. It seems the trail to fusion energy has long gone cold -- stone cold,…

10 years ago

Could ‘Heavy Metal’ Frost Lurk Beneath Venus’ Hothouse Clouds?

Talk about using old data for a new purpose! Researchers re-examining information from the completed NASA Magellan mission found signs…

10 years ago

Martian Permafrost And Dust-Sculpted Surface Captured By NASA Spacecraft

Mars was once thought to be a fairly unchanging planet, similar to the Moon. But now we know it is…

10 years ago

MRO Spies Tiny, Bright Nucleus During Comet Flyby of Mars

Not to be outdone by the feisty Opportunity Rover, the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) turned in…

10 years ago

How Rosetta Will Send Philae Lander To Comet’s Surface (Plus, Landing Site Contest!)

The Philae spacecraft has a tough job ahead of it on November 12: it is slated to make the first…

10 years ago

Zap! Saturn Moon’s Electron Beam Beaned Cassini Spacecraft From Charged Surface

Ever taken a balloon and rubbed it against your hair? That's an example of electrostatic charging, which you see as…

10 years ago

Balloon launcher Zero2Infinity Sets Its Sights to the Stars

Clearly, the sky is not the limit for balloon launcher Zero2Infinity. Based in Barcelona, Spain, the company announced this week…

10 years ago