Space Exploration

New Calculations Show That an Interstellar Bussard Ramjet Drive Would Need a Magnetic Field Stretching 150 Million Kilometres

A new analysis of the fabled Bussard Ramjet shows that the spacecraft would need an impossibly big magnetic field to…

3 years ago

LightSail 2 has Been Flying for 30 Months now, Paving the way for Future Solar Sail Missions

Even after 30 months in space, The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 mission continues to successfully “sail on sunbeams” demonstrating solar…

3 years ago

Why Visit Just one Moon When you Could Explore Them all?

The Solar System's moons are intriguing objects for exploration. Especially moons like Europa and Enceladus. Their subsurface oceans make them…

3 years ago

Chefs on the Moon Will be Cooking up Rocks to Make air and Water

NASA has delayed their Artemis mission to the Moon, but that doesn't mean a return to the Moon isn't imminent.…

3 years ago

Avoiding the Great Filter. How Long Until We’re Living Across the Solar System?

According to a new study, humanity could become an interplanetary species in this century, interstellar by the 23rd, and intragalactic…

3 years ago

Chinese Astronauts Take Their First Spacewalk Outside the new Station

Spacewalks are a relatively rare occurrence, and they normally draw at least a moderate amount of media coverage.  So when…

3 years ago

Sending a Spacecraft to Another Star Will Require a Million Lasers Working Together

New research from the Australia National University shows that millions of lasers are the way to propel Breakthrough Starshot on…

3 years ago

“Ain’t like Dusting Crops!” How We’ll Actually Navigate Interstellar Space

May the 4th be With You! Blasting out of Mos Eisley Space Port, the Millennium Falcon carries our adventurers off…

3 years ago

The Space Court Foundation Presents: “Women of Color in Space”

The Space Court Foundation has launched a new series titled Women of Color in Space! Their first interview with Ruvimbo…

4 years ago

Plasma Thruster Could Dramatically Cut Down Flight Times to the Outer Solar System

I just finished the most recent season of The Expanse - my current favourite Sci-Fi series. Unlike most of my…

4 years ago