Space Exploration

New Horizons Sights Tiny Pluto Moon As Spacecraft Races Toward Dwarf Planet

Here's Hydra! The New Horizons team spotted the tiny moon of Pluto in July, about six months ahead of when…

10 years ago

Martian Ctl-Alt-Del: NASA Resets Opportunity Rover’s Memory, Stopping The Science Hiatus

In fantastic news for the long-running Opportunity mission on Mars, NASA says the rover's much-needed memory reset worked out perfectly.…

10 years ago

Comet’s Head Selected as Landing Site for Rosetta’s Historic Philae Lander

The ‘head’ of the bizarre comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has been selected as the primary landing site for the Rosetta spacecraft's attached…

10 years ago

Astronaut Snaps Amazing Picture Of His Crewmates Returning To Earth

Wow! See that bright streak in the photo above? That's a shot of the Expedition 40 crew making a flawless…

10 years ago

Assembly Complete for NASA’s First Orion Crew Module Blasting off Dec. 2014

This past weekend technicians completed assembly of NASA’s first Orion crew module at the agency’s Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout…

10 years ago

Mars Panorama Shows Off Rocks, Mountains and Curiosity Rover

Hey, it's Mars in your browser! Panning around this scene that the Mars Curiosity rover captured earlier this month is…

10 years ago

Wanna Trip To Space? To Raise Money, Mars One Is Offering A Lynx Joyride

Private trips to space are pricey, but from time to time contests come up that offer even those of modest…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Cloudy Comet Shroud Spotted From The Ground, While Spacecraft Picks Up Dust Grains

This picture shows it is possible to look at Rosetta's comet from Earth, but what a lot of work it…

10 years ago

Sweet Success for SpaceX with Second Successful AsiaSat Launch This Summer

Shortly after midnight this morning, Sunday, Sept. 7, SpaceX scored a major success with the spectacular night time launch of…

10 years ago