Space Exploration

Need A Summer Vacation? Pictures Allow You To Tour The Solar System For Free

Many of us in the northern hemisphere are on summer vacation right now, and others are dreaming of it. While…

10 years ago

Cygnus Commercial Cargo Ship ‘Janice Voss’ Finishes Resupply Mission and Departs Space Station

The Cygnus commercial cargo ship ‘Janice Voss’ built by Orbital Sciences finished it’s month-long resupply mission and bid farewell to…

10 years ago

How A Comet-Chasing Spacecraft ‘Likely’ Brought Interstellar Dust Back To Earth

If the scientists are right, a NASA spacecraft brought stuff from outside the solar system back to Earth. The Stardust…

10 years ago

Earth Nightlights (and Nightlife!) Shine In Stellar Shots From Space Station

A lot of action happens on Earth at night! Just ask NASA's Reid Wiseman, a prolific picture-tweeter who recently uploaded…

10 years ago

Spacecraft Stormchasing: Titan Clouds Swirl As Saturn Moon Approaches Northern Summer

Swoosh! At long last, and later than models predicted, clouds are starting to appear on Titan's nothern hemisphere. The region…

10 years ago

Europe’s Last ATV Cargo Ship Docks Safely At Space Station

It took two weeks to get there, but all indications is it was worth the wait. The final automated transfer…

10 years ago

Coma Dust Collection Science starts for Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

With the historic arrival of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft at destination Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko flawlessly accomplished on August…

10 years ago

Photo Gallery: Step Right Up And Tour Rosetta’s Comet! Where Shall We Land?

What's one of the first things you do when arriving at a new destination? Likely it would be scoping out…

10 years ago

Pictures: Punishing Mars Plateau For Curiosity Rover And Damaged Wheels

This picture alone illustrates the challenge NASA has as it slowly moves the Curiosity rover across Mars to its mountainous…

10 years ago

Watch This Weekend’s Near-‘Supermoon’ Set From The Space Station

With the full Moon approaching just a little bit closer than Earth to usual, a cosmonaut on the International Space…

10 years ago