Space Exploration

Watch Live Here – SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Unveils Manned “Dragon V2” Spaceship on May 29

SpaceX is hosting a worldwide live premiere event tonight, May 29, unmasking the veil from the company’s commercial “Dragon V2”…

11 years ago

The Battle Against What Spaceflight Does To Your Health

Why do some astronauts come back from the International Space Station needing glasses? Eye problems are one of the largest…

11 years ago

Push. Pull. Run. Lift! How Do We Make These Exercises Work In Zero G?

Here's the thing about going to the International Space Station: No one can predict what you'll need to do during…

11 years ago

Everyday ‘Astronaut’ Photo Series Goes From Cooking Disaster To Toasting Apollo 13

What's an everyday astronaut to do when it's not his turn to take a mission to space? Well, the same…

11 years ago

Launch Alert! Watch Live As Three People Rocket To Space Today

In a few hours, you'll be able to watch three crew members of Expedition 40/41 rocket to space -- live…

11 years ago

Space Robot Fixes Itself, Takes Selfie As Funny Livetweet Happens On The Ground

In a thrilling demonstration of space robotics, today the Dextre "hand" replaced a malfunctioning camera on the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm.…

11 years ago

NASA’s Mars Landing Idea Will Take To The Air In June

So what does an agency like NASA do after making a daring new type of landing with the Mars Curiosity…

11 years ago