Space Exploration

Curiosity Bores into Kimberley rock after Inspection Unveils Enticing Bumpy Textures

Curiosity snaps selfie at Kimberley waypoint with towering Mount Sharp backdrop on April 27, 2014 (Sol 613). Inset shows MAHLI…

10 years ago

Winning Z-2 Spacesuit Prototype Design Gets Ready For ‘Test Campaign’

Striking a Buzz Lightyear-like pose above is the winning design for NASA's Z-2 spacesuit prototype. The version, called "technology", was…

10 years ago

Curiosity Reaches Out to Scrutinize Next Martian Drill Target at Mount Remarkable

Multisol composite photo mosaic shows deployment of Curiosity rovers robotic arm and APXS X-ray spectrometer onto the ‘Winjana’ rock target…

10 years ago

Imagine What Could Be Done With a “Penny4NASA”

If you're reading this then you're probably a big fan of space exploration. And while on one hand you could…

10 years ago

Curiosity Captures First Ever Asteroid Images from Mars Surface

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has caught the first image of asteroids taken from the surface of Mars on April 20,…

10 years ago

UPDATE: Spacewalkers Zip Through Tasks To Fix Broken Computer

UPDATE, 11:42 a.m. EDT: Rick Mastracchio and Steve Swanson finished their spacewalk in just 1 hour and 36 minutes, nearly…

10 years ago

Remembering John Houbolt: the Man Who Gave Us Lunar Orbit Rendezvous

The space community lost a colossus of the of the Apollo era last week, when John Houbolt passed away last…

10 years ago

Easter Sunday Space Station Rendezvous and Berthing for SpaceX Dragon Freighter Successful

The SpaceX 3 Dragon commercial cargo freighter successfully arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on Easter Sunday morning, April…

10 years ago