Space Flight

First Image Captured by NASAs Jupiter bound Juno; Earth – Moon Portrait

[/caption] NASA’s solar powered Jupiter bound Juno orbiter has captured her first image - a beautiful portrait of the Earth…

13 years ago

Deadly and Destructive Path of Hurricane Irene seen in NASA Videos and Images NASA Video Caption: The Life of Hurricane Irene from the Caribbean to Canada from August 21 through August 29…

13 years ago

Cause of Progress Crash May Have Been Determined

[/caption] The Russian news agency Itar-Tass is reporting that the cause of the August 24 failure and crash of the…

13 years ago

International Space Station Could be De-Crewed by November

[/caption] For personal reasons I had to miss the NASA press conference this morning which gave an update on International…

13 years ago

The Astronaut’s Guide to Life in Space

NPR (National Public Radio) put together this video from 1980s-era NASA video with commentary by astronauts of various missions. The…

13 years ago

Opportunity Arrives at Huge Martian Crater with Superb Science and Scenic Outlook

[/caption]NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover has finally arrived at the huge Martian crater named Endeavour that simultaneously offers a mother lode…

13 years ago

GRAIL Lunar Twins Mated to Delta Rocket at Launch Pad

[/caption] With blastoff just 2 ½ weeks away, NASA’s GRAIL lunar twins completed a major milestone towards launch today (Aug.…

13 years ago

3 D Alien Snowman Graces Vesta

[/caption] An alien ‘Snowman’ on an alien World. The ‘Snowman’ is a string of three craters and is among the…

13 years ago

China To Launch Space Station Module Prototype

[/caption] China's space program is in the news again, this time with unconfirmed reports that the Tiangong 1 space lab…

13 years ago

SpaceX: Dragon ISS Bound

[/caption] Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is preparing its next Dragon spacecraft for a trip to the International Space Station (ISS).…

13 years ago