Space Flight

Details of Yuri Gagarin’s Tragic Death Revealed

On the morning of April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin lifted off aboard Vostok 1 to become the first…

11 years ago

Get Ready for the ATV-4 Docking with this Fun Music Video

Recall how during a space shuttle mission, the astronauts were awoken each day with music radioed up from Mission Control?…

11 years ago

Curiosity Gets Set for Epic Drive after Laser Blasting Mars Watery Secrets

Ten months after her breathtaking touchdown on the Red Planet, NASA’s Curiosity rover is nearly set to embark on an…

11 years ago

‘Space Class’ Among Aims of Chinese Taikonauts Who Left Earth Today

Riding atop a fiery Long March rocket, three taikonauts blasted off from Earth today (June 11) to kick off an…

11 years ago

Opportunity Rover Discovers Martian Habitable Zone Favorable for Pre-biotic Chemistry

On the cusp of the 10th anniversary since launching to the Red Planet, NASA’s long lived Opportunity rover has discovered…

11 years ago

10 Years & Top 10 Discoveries from Marvelous Mars Express

This week marks the 10th anniversary since the launch of the European Space Agencies’ (ESA) Mars Express orbiter from the…

11 years ago

First-Ever Video of an ATV Vehicle Into Orbit!

Yesterday, June 5, the European Space Agency launched their ATV-4 Albert Einstein cargo vessel from their spaceport in French Guiana.…

11 years ago

Human Voyages to Mars Pose Higher Cancer Risks

New measurements of the energetic space radiation environment present in interplanetary space taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover confirm what has…

11 years ago

How to Make Your New Space Roomate Feel at Home: Shave Your Head

International Space Station astronaut Chris Cassidy surprised the new crew arriving at the station earlier today, welcoming them aboard with…

11 years ago