Space Flight

Soyuz Docks to Space Station with New Crew and 32 Fish

Three new crew members -- and 32 fish -- are now at the International Space Station. Kevin Ford, Oleg Novitskiy…

12 years ago

Gallery: The Next ISS Soyuz Rolls Out to the Launchpad

The Soyuz rocket is rolled out to the launch pad by train, on Sunday, October 21, 2012, at the Baikonur…

12 years ago

Gorgeous Glenelg – ‘Promised Land’ Panorama on Mars

Image Caption: Panoramic mosaic shows gorgeous Glenelg snapped by Curiosity on Sol 64 (Oct. 10) with eroded crater rim and…

12 years ago

Mars rover Scooping in Search of Pristine material at Rocknest

Image caption: Time lapse context view of Curiosity maneuvering her robotic arm. Curiosity conducts a close- up examination of windblown…

12 years ago

Watch: Incredible Headcam Video from Felix’s Freefall

Felix Baumgartner salutes his suit-mounted camera before stepping off his capsule's platform at 128,000 feet (Red Bull Stratos) Yesterday, October…

12 years ago

Baumgartner’s Record-Breaking Jump: Images and Video

Pilot Felix Baumgartner of Austria jumps out of the capsule during the final manned flight for Red Bull Stratos in…

12 years ago

Baumgartner Survives Heart-Pounding, Record-Setting Freefall

Felix Baumgartner sinks to his knees and raises his arms after his successful dive from the stratosphere on Oct. 14,…

12 years ago

Felix Baumgartner’s Record Breaking Jump Attempt

Part science experiment, part publicity stunt, part life-long ambition, the Red Bull Stratos mission features skydiver Felix Baumgartner attempting to…

12 years ago

Record Breaking Freefall Attempt Won’t Be Until October 14

A disappointed Felix Baumgartner exited his capsule on Oct. 9, 2012 after the flight was aborted due to high winds.…

12 years ago

Singer Sarah Brightman Will be Next Space Tourist

Singer Sarah Brightman at a press conference on October 10 to announce her upcoming space flight. Roscosmos and Space Adventures…

12 years ago