Space Flight

Curiosity’s Dramatic MARDI Descent Movie

Image Caption: Curiosity Heat shield falls away from the bottom of Curiosity and the Sky Crane descent stage in this…

12 years ago

President Obama Hails NASA Curiosity rover landing on Mars

Image Caption: Landing ellipse for Curiosity rover inside Gale Crater at the foot of Mount Sharp on Mars and will…

12 years ago

Long Live American Curiosity – Now We Start Exploring Mars

Image Caption: This image shows one of the first views from NASA's Curiosity rover, which landed on Mars the evening…

12 years ago

Super Bowl of Planetary Exploration – Great Convergence of Spacecraft for Curiosity Mars Landing

Image caption: This artist's still shows how NASA's Curiosity rover will communicate with Earth during landing. As the rover descends…

12 years ago

When are the First Pictures Expected from Curiosity

Image Caption: This graphic shows the locations of the cameras on NASA's Curiosity rover. The rover's mast features seven cameras:…

12 years ago

3 Days to Red Planet Touchdown – Watch the Harrowing Video of Car-Sized Curiosity Careening to Crater Floor Video Caption: This 11-minute animation depicts key events of how NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission will land the huge…

12 years ago

Progress Resupply Ship Takes Fast-Track to ISS, Arriving 6 Hours After Launch

After a flawless launch, an unmanned Russian Progress resupply ship used a new expedited technique to reach the International Space…

12 years ago

Curiosity Completes Crucial Course Correction – 1 Week from Mars !

Image Caption: Course correcting thruster firings on July 29 successfully placed Curiosity on target to touchdown beside Mount Sharp inside…

12 years ago

Progress Supply Ship Re-docks to ISS After Abort

A Russian Progress supply ship has been successfully re-docked to the International Space Station after an initial re-docking failed. The…

12 years ago