Space Shuttle

Space Plumbers hook up crucial Tranquility cooling and power to Space Station

[/caption] (Editor's Note: Ken Kremer is at the Kennedy Space Center for Universe Today covering the flight of Endeavour) Astronauts…

15 years ago

Spectacular SRB Videos from STS-130 Provide Night-time Shuttle Love

This may be the last time we'll see this. Launch videos taken from the space shuttle's solid rocket boosters are…

15 years ago

Tranquility attached to Space Station

[/caption] (Editor's Note: Ken Kremer is at the Kennedy Space Center for Universe Today covering the flight of Endeavour) The…

15 years ago

Best. Shuttle Image. Ever

[/caption] While watching space shuttle Endeavour approach the International Space Station late Tuesday/early Wednesday, there was an amazing view shown…

15 years ago

Pirouettes and Twitpics from Space

If you were watching NASA TV late Tuesday/early Wednesday you likely saw the beautiful backflip maneuver that space shuttle Endeavour…

15 years ago


[/caption] I am still shaking and still awestruck! I just witnessed my first rocket launch and my first space shuttle…

15 years ago

Launch Scrub for STS-130

[/caption] The launch of space shuttle Endeavour was scrubbed about 9 minutes before the scheduled 4:39 am EST (9:49 GMT)…

15 years ago

Tough Times Could Be Ahead for Kennedy Space Center

[/caption] The cancellation of the Constellation program compounds an already bleak picture for the Kennedy Space Center and those who…

15 years ago

RSS Rollback: Watch Endeavour Appear Before Your Eyes

This morning I had the opportunity to see up close the rollback of the Rotating Service Structure for space shuttle…

15 years ago

Russian Cargo Freighter Docks at ISS; 1 Day to Endeavour launch

[/caption] (Editor's Note: Ken Kremer is in Florida for Universe Today covering the upcoming Endeavour launch attempt.) A Russian cargo…

15 years ago