Space Shuttle

Clock Ticking for Shuttle Atlantis on Critical Resupply Mission

Editor's Note: Ken Kremer is in Florida for Universe Today covering the upcoming Atlantis launch attempt. As the shuttle enters…

15 years ago

Video Preview of Next Shuttle Mission

The next space shuttle mission STS-129, slated to launch next Monday Nov. 16, is a "spare parts and stock-up" mission.…

15 years ago

STS-129 Behind the Scenes: How to Put on the “Pumpkin Suit”

NASA has been creating some behind-the-scenes videos as the STS-129 crew prepares for their upcoming mission to the International Space…

15 years ago

Space Shuttle Loses Battle of Launch Dates

[/caption] It's the old shuttle shuffle. The launch of Atlantis for the STS-129 mission has been pushed back by four…

15 years ago

Tweet Your Way to the Next Space Shuttle Launch

Space shuttle Atlantis rolled out to Launch Pad 39A on Wednesday in preparation for the next shuttle flight, STS-129, currently…

15 years ago

Spectacular Soyuz Rollout Images

[/caption] NASA photographer Bill Ingalls is in Russia at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, capturing the rollout of the Soyuz…

15 years ago

Russian Space Official: Shuttles Could Fly Beyond 2011

[/caption] Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos head Anatoly Perminov said earlier today in Moscow that he hopes that the US…

15 years ago

Spectacular Videos of Shuttle Piggyback Flight

With the shuttle retirement looming, you never know if or how often you're going to see this sight again. So…

15 years ago

Space Shuttle Flushes the Toilet for All the World To See

[/caption] This picture is from last week; September 9, 2009 to be exact, but I still wanted to share it.…

15 years ago

Son of Israeli Astronaut Killed in Plane Crash

[/caption] Sad news to report: The son of Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon was killed Sunday when his F-16 warplane crashed…

15 years ago