Space Shuttle

Astronauts Test Shuttle Tile Repair Techniques

Two astronauts tested a special applicator and “goo” to see how well techniques developed for repairing damaged shuttle tiles work…

17 years ago

Incredible SRB Video

Take a look at this amazing video shot from the cameras located on the solid rocket boosters on space shuttle…

17 years ago

Great Images From the STS-123 Mission

There have been some outstanding images coming in from the current space shuttle mission at the International Space Station. The…

17 years ago

Godzilla Wakeup Call

This is hilarious. You know how NASA beams up a morning wakeup song to the shuttle astronauts on every mission.…

17 years ago

Party Videos of Endeavour’s Launch

Whenever we report on the launch of the shuttle, the video footage and pictures come directly from NASA. That's great,…

17 years ago

Endeavour’s Launch Lights Up the Night Sky

With a spectacular and rare nighttime launch, space shuttle Endeavour lit up the dark sky and rocketed flawlessly to orbit.…

17 years ago

Shuttle Endeavour to Launch on March 11th; View the STS-123 Interactive Mission Timeline

We haven't had time to catch our breath after STS-122 touched down on February 20th, only nine days ago, and…

17 years ago

STS-122: A Mission in Pictures

Welcome home to the crew of STS-122! Space shuttle Atlantis landed at 9:08 am EST on February 20, following the…

17 years ago

Shuttle Crew Says Goodbye, Undocks from ISS

After a successful visit to the International Space Station, the crew of space shuttle Atlantis said farewell and undocked from…

17 years ago

Spies Caught Selling Shuttle Secrets to the Chinese

You wouldn't think espionage would have much of a place here in Universe Today, but you'd be wrong. Four people…

17 years ago