Space Shuttle

Shuttle Launch No Earlier Than Saturday

The crew of STS-122 and the Columbus science module will have to wait a little longer for their ride to…

17 years ago

Station Astronauts Wrap Up Leftover Tasks

Although Discovery returned safely to Earth, there were still a few unfinished tasks. The astronauts on board the International Space…

17 years ago

Discovery Lands Safely in Florida

NASA's space shuttle Discovery touched down in Florida today, landing at Kennedy Space Center, and wrapping up a successful assembly…

17 years ago

Discovery Ends 11 Days at the Station

The space shuttle Discovery pulled away from the International Space Station Monday morning, wrapping up an eventful 11-day visit. The…

17 years ago

Better View of the Damaged Panel

With all that fancy camera equipment, the NASA astronauts took more detailed images of the damaged solar panels on the…

17 years ago

Station Solar Array Tears During Redeployment

The third spacewalk of STS-120 involved moving a large solar array panel to a new position on the International Space…

17 years ago

Harmony Module Installed onto the Station, Damage Discovered

NASA astronauts added the newest module to the International Space Station on Friday morning, clearing the way for several new…

17 years ago

Astronauts Study Discovery with Robotic Arm

Although the space shuttle Discovery launched yesterday, it still won't actually link up with the International Space Station until Thursday.…

17 years ago

Liftoff for Discovery, STS-120 is Underway

NASA's space shuttle Discovery blasted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral today, beginning the next construction mission to the International Space…

17 years ago

Discovery Set to Launch October 23rd

NASA announced today that the space shuttle Discovery has been officially targeted for an October 23rd launch. If all goes…

17 years ago