End of an Era: “Lasts” for Shuttle Program

Final test firing of reusable solid rocket motor FSM-17 on Feb. 25 in Promontory, Utah. Image Credit: NASA

Yesterday, NASA’s Space Shuttle Program conducted the final test firing of a reusable solid rocket motor, in Utah. Look to see the words “final” and “last” frequently over the next few months in regards to the space shuttle. “There is a whole series of lasts coming up,” said space shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach at Endeavour’s landing earlier this week, who talked about the “majesty of this ship” and “people who have fallen in love with this machine.” It’s going to be hard to let them go,” he said, “but we’ve been given a new direction and we’ll process that last shuttle and fly that last mission and move on.”

Here’s a few notes and recent news items on the end of the shuttle program:

Smoke curls into the Utah skies as FSM-17 completes its successful test firing. Image Credit: NASA

Some spectacular pictures from the final SRB test. FSM-17, (that’s flight support motor, not Flying Spaghetti Monster) burned for approximately 123 seconds — the same time each reusable solid rocket motor burns during an actual space shuttle launch.

The final test was conducted to ensure the safe flight of the four remaining space shuttle missions. A total of 43 design objectives were measured through 258 instrument channels during the two-minute static firing.
The first test was in July 1977. The motors, built by ATK motors have successfully launched the space shuttle into orbit 129 times – out of 130 attempts.

You can watch the entire test firing video below.

And speaking of the end of the shuttle program, NASA held an in-house competition to design a shuttle commemorative patch, and last week, the winners were announced. They are beautiful designs, so I’ll post the 3 winners.

Blake Dumesnil's winning design will become NASA's official space shuttle commemorative emblem. (NASA)

Blake Dumesnil, a Hamilton Sundstrand camera engineer from Johnson Space Center, designed the patch, above, which was chosen by judges out of the 85 designs submitted by the agency’s past and present workforce.

It shows a launching space shuttle bordered by a US flag and stars to commemorate both NASA’s orbiter fleet and the astronauts whose lives were lost while flying aboard them.

Second place went to Jennifer Franzo from the Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans. Her “Mission Complete” logo shows a shuttle in orbit “tipping its wing to the world, as a way to say ‘thank you’ and ‘farewell’ just as a cowboy would wave goodbye into the sunset.”

Tim Gagnon's third place design will fly with the other 84 contest entries on a CD aboard shuttle Atlantis. (NASA)

Third place went to Tim Gagnon, a former subcontractor employee at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, whose patch designs have been worn by the astronaut crews on shuttle and International Space Station flights. His contest entry focused on the “orbiter coming home for a safe landing at the conclusion of its final mission.”

Leonardo in the SSPF. Image: Nancy Atkinson

One other news item for one of the final shuttle flights. On STS-133, the second-to-last scheduled shuttle flight, the Leonardo Multi Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) will be brought up to the ISS to become a Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM).

Leonardo is currently undergoing processing to bring supplies to the ISS on the STS-131 mission, and I visited the Space Station Processing Facility last week to view the module up close. After returning home from this mission, Leoardo will undergo modifications to ensure safe, long-term operation as the PMM, and to increase the amount of mass it can carry to orbit.

Inside the PMM, experiments in fluid physics, materials science, biology, biotechnology and other microgravity experiments may be conducted.

MPLM’s have been flown inside the payload bays of the shuttles, successfully delivering vital hardware and supplies to the station. The new use for this proven carrier will provide more room and enhance the use of the station.

As promised, here’s the video of the SRB test:

Sources: NASA, collectSPACE, NASA

Could the Space Shuttle Program Be Extended to 2015?

Space shuttle Endeavour lands in darkness on Runway 15 at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo credit: NASA/Sandra Joseph and Kevin O'Connell


Congressional legislators in Florida are mounting a campaign to extend space shuttle operations to 2015, adding two flights each year. U.S. Rep. Suzanne Kosmas said a bipartisan plan is in the works, which would require adding another $200 million to the NASA budget for 2010 and between $1.5 – $2 billion a year starting in the 2011-12 budget year. “We’re not going to do anything that’s not safe,” Kosmas was quoted in Florida Today, adding that securing the funding would be difficult in tight budget times, but “we’re going to go for it,” she said.

At Kennedy Space Center early Monday morning after Endeavour returned home safely following the STS-130 mission, space shuttle program managers confirmed that while the shuttles are in good shape to continue flying, extending the program is not the direction their teams have been headed.

“From a technical, engineering standpoint, there would be nothing stopping the vehicles from being able to fly,” said space shuttle integration manager Mike Moses. “They have a lot of life in them. We talk about the risks and hazards of flying, and that’s a two edged sword. Anytime you’re launching into space is a risky proposition, but this is a vehicle that we understand its risks very well, and we’ve learned how to work around the pieces that can cause us problems – the foam from Columbia is a good example. We’ve come a long way, if you look at the performance of the external tank since then, we have put a set of controls in place that have been paying off and really driving our risk numbers down.”

Shuttle Program Integration Manager Mike Moses. Image: Nancy Atkinson

“So we could continue fly,” Moses continued,” and I’m confident we could fly at the rate and the risk level we have been flying and it wouldn’t be hard to do. But it becomes a political question: Is that the right thing to do? And from a budgetary standpoint can you commit the resources of NASA to go continue to fly those vehicles? The direction that we’re getting from (NASA) Headquarters is that we are going off to do bigger things and explore more. Unfortunately the budgetary realities are we can’t continue to do everything and fly the shuttles as well. So while it’s hard to let go and shut down a program, that’s the way the budget works out. But if you want to turn it around you certainly could there is nothing technically that is stopping you from doing it.”

Kosmas said the budget proposed by President Barack Obama’s is not acceptable as is because it would cede the United States’ leadership position in spaceflight in the short term — and possibly the long term. The plan being drafted would direct NASA to examine ways to build a heavy-left rocket by salvaging work done in the Constellation program. Obama’s budget called for the end of Constellation, the architecture that would return astronauts to the moon.

Additionally, another part of the plan being drafted by Florida representatives would require NASA to report to Congress in several months with specific safety requirements for manned commercial rockets. “Congress is responding to the president’s lack of specificity, lack of an action plan, lack of vision and direction,” Kosmas said.

During my time at Kennedy Space Center the past few weeks, the feeling among NASA workers and contractors is that the space shuttles are now in the best shape they have ever been, and the risks and quirks of the vehicles are understood better than ever. The cloud of job losses and a deteriorating economy now hangs over the workforce at KSC and the mood of the entire Space Coast is tentative at best.

The Augustine Commission recommended the shuttles would have to be recertified if they were to fly after 2010, and Moses said that effectively, the work to recertify them has already been done, and if production on External Tanks and other the shuttles could possibly fly until 2020.

Shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach. Image credit: Nancy Atkinson

It should be noted that Moses’ and shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach did not bring up the issue of extending the shuttle program, but only were responding to questions asked by several journalists about the possibility of keeping the shuttle program going.

“You guys are really fishing for me to say I want to keep flying the shuttles!” Moses said, while Leinbach expounded more on the reality staring in the face of the workers at KSC, and warned against giving people any false hope.

“We have been very consistent as an agency over the past several years about 2010 being the end of the shuttle program,” Leinbach said. “We have not wavered from that. There were people in the system that didn’t want to believe that. But here we are in 2010 and the reality is starting to hit us. Our direction to shut down the shuttle program after we finish the station is clear. What is not clear is exactly what we are going on to next. You guys are the ones who asked about extending the shuttle program, we didn’t sit up here and mention that. We’ve been very clear with the workforce. It hurts, but they know it is coming. Any talk of extension or anything like that is just … talk.”

What are your views? Should the shuttle program be extended to avoid the lack of US access to space, as well as the loss of aerospace jobs and institutional knowledge? Or is it time to move on?

ISS Astronaut Captures Shuttle Landing from Cupola

Endeavour from space. Credit: Soichi Noguchi


ISS astronaut Soichi Noguchi has been sharing lots of amazing pictures he’s taken in space via Twitter, but this one is extra special. Noguchi was able to capture the plasma trail produced by space shuttle Endeavour as it streaked through Earth’s atmosphere. “Space Shuttle Endeavour making S-turn during atmospheric re-entry,” Noguchi wrote on his Twitpic page, where he post his space photos from Twitter, @Astro_Soichi. “The first time it was photographed from Space Station Cupola. Priceless.”

Just think of the precision it took to be able to take this image. Noguchi and the space station were flying about 354 km (220 miles) above Earth, going about 28,163 kph (17,500 mph), and the shuttle was likely flying just under Mach 25 — the speed it is going as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. Priceless indeed!

Endeavour Comes Home to Kennedy Space Center

Endeavour lands at Kennedy Space Center. Image Credit: Alan Walters


Space shuttle Endeavour loudly announced its arrival with twin sonic booms, then two minutes later emerged like a phantom out of the darkness to touch down beautifully on runway 15 at Kennedy Space Center. The landing at 10:20 p.m. EST Sunday ended the two-week STS-130 mission to the ISS. After early concerns about the weather, conditions were almost ideal for landing.

“STS-130 is mission complete, and we’re safe on deck” said Commander George Zamka, speaking on the runway after the crew disembarked from Endeavour. “The Cupola is beautiful in both design and function, and Endeavour was perfect throughout the flight… Now it’s time for us to hit the showers and get used to life on Earth again.”

“It was really exciting to land on the first opportunity,” said astronaut Bob Behnken, “and we’re happy to put this capstone on such a great mission.”

Part of the convoy of vehicles heading out to service Endeavour after landing. Credit: Alan Walters

The STS-130 crew delivered the “room with a view” to the ISS – the Node 3, or Tranquility module with the attached Cupola that will provide astronauts with 360 degree views of Earth, space and robotic operations outside the space station.

At the post-landing press conference, mission managers echoed the astronauts’ sentiments.

“It was a fantastic landing day, and Endeavour’s landing here tonight at KSC capped off a perfect mission on orbit,” said Mike Moses launch integration manager for the space shuttle program. “The vehicle performed absolutely flawlessly, the crew did outstanding job,… the installation of Node 3 and Cupola all went perfectly. This just illustrates the great job the all the teams did. Just a spectacular mission.”

Space shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach also looked to what is ahead for the space shuttle program.

“One of the most magical things we get to do here is to walk around the space shuttle on the runway after a mission,” he said. “The shuttle looks outstanding out there, and we’re going to start the final processing flow of Endeavour tonight. So that will be a milestone for the space shuttle program, and we will go into that with our heads held high and we’re going to process the vehicle as we always do and be ready to fly her last mission. A little bit of a sad note, but a great ending to a great mission and we’re looking forward to the next one.”

With this mission the ISS is now 98% mass complete.

Next up for the shuttle and ISS programs is Discovery’s STS-131 mission, currently slated to launch on April 5, 2010.

While this marks the end of this mission — which Ken Kremer and I have been reporting on live from KSC — I will still be hanging around the Space Coast for a few more weeks, so look for more news (and launches!) coming up. And we hope to have photographer Alan Walters on location at KSC for Universe Today covering the final flights of the space shuttle program.

Endeavour Crew Preps for Sunday Landing as Showers Threaten Delay

NASA astronaut George Zamka, STS-130 commander, is pictured in a window of the newly-installed Cupola of the International Space Station while space shuttle Endeavour remains docked with the station.

[/caption](Editor’s Note: Ken Kremer is at the Kennedy Space Center for Universe Today covering the flight of Endeavour)

The crew of Endeavour is packing up their gear in the crew cabin and preparing for a Sunday evening (Feb. 21) landing at the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida as a forecast of possible rain showers threatens to delay their return to Earth.

The first landing attempt is set for 10:20 PM EST on Orbit 217 with the de-orbit burn planned for 9:14 PM. See landing track below. A second opportunity is available at 11:55 PM. There are two additional opportunities available overnight at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., at 1:25 AM EST Monday and 3:00 AM. The Spaceflight Meteorology Group and local news forecasts here in Florida predict deteriorating weather at KSC on Monday with increasing chances of rain.

The crew will berth the robotic arm and conduct the standard pre-landing check out of re-entry systems for the flight control surfaces. They will test the hydraulic power units and elevons and test fire all the steering jets during their last planned full day in space.

Landing ground track for 1st landing opportunity at 10:20 PM on Sunday, Feb. 21 at KSC. Credit: NASA

Eight Xenon lights will illuminate the SLF for the night time shuttle landing. Four xenons will be positioned at both ends of the runway to illuminate the touchdown and rollout area from behind the shuttle. Each Xenon light emits 1 billion candlepower, or 20 kilowatts.

Endeavour undocked from the ISS on Friday (Feb 19) at 7:54 PM EST while orbiting 208 miles high above the Atlantic Ocean after a completely successful period of joint operations with the Expedition 22 crew totaling nine days, 19 hours and 48 minutes. Shuttle pilot Terry Virts performed a fly-around of the station, enabling his crewmates to conduct a photo survey of the complex. The crew also conducted the now standard final check for any signs of damage to the heat shield tiles on Endeavour’s belly and the reinforced carbon carbon (RCC) panels on the wing leading edges and nose cap using the Orbiter Boom Sensor System attached to the shuttles robotic arm in order to ensure a safe reentry.

During the two week flight, the STS 130 crew brought aloft and installed the Tranquility habitation module and the Cupola observation dome and conducted three spacewalks. Tranquility houses critical life support systems. The Cupola possesses 7 spectacular windows affording dazzling vistas of the earth below and the cosmos above.

The station is now 98 percent complete by volume and 90 percent complete by mass. The station itself exceeds 800,000 pounds and the combined weight with the shuttle exceeds 1 million pounds for the first time.

Earlier STS 130/ISS and SDO articles by Ken Kremer

Cupola Bay Window bolted to face Earth; Stunning 38 Second Video

Space Plumbers hook up crucial Tranquility cooling and power to Space Station

Tranquility attached to Space Station

Sky on Fire as Endeavour Blasts to Space

Orion can Launch Safely in 2013 says Lockheed

Russian Cargo Freighter Docks at ISS; 1 Day to Endeavour launch

Endeavour astronauts arrive at Cape for launch of Tranquility

ISS Crew Twitpics from Orbit; Live Streaming Video Soon !

Path clear for STS 130 to attach Tranquility module

Endeavour aiming for on time launch with coolant hose fix ahead of schedule

STS 130 flight pressing forward to launch as NASA resolves coolant hose leak

STS-130 Shuttle flight facing delay due to Payload technical glitch

Shuttle Endeavour Rolled to Pad; Countdown to the Final Five Begins

Tranquility Module Formally Handed over to NASA from ESA

What’s the Internet Really Like in Space?

The space chicken seen in the STS-130 execute packages.

With the internet now part of daily life on the International Space Station, inquiring minds want to know! Can astronauts visit any websites they want, and what kinds of download speeds do they have in space? And what about that chicken, seen above, that has been gracing the STS-130 execute packages? And what’s the view from the new cupola really like? Astronauts answered those questions and more, at the joint crew news conference last night, where I had the chance to talk the crew members of Endeavour and the ISS.

“Thanks for asking about the internet!” replied ISS astronaut T.J. Creamer with a laugh. “This is a project that many people have worked on to make this possible for us, and some have pulled their hair out to make it successful, so many thanks to those folks. We have access to any website we are allowed to go to as government employees – that’s my best answer! And in terms of download speeds – you know, back in the old days, it kind of compares to 9.6 and the 14.4 kilobyte modems, so it’s not really fast enough to do large file exchange or videos, but it certainly lets us to do browsing and the fun reading we want to do, or get caught up on current events on that day. It’s a nice outreach for us, and of course you’ve heard about the Twittering which is a nice feature that we can partake in also.”

Later, Soichi Noguchi said he could keep up with results of the Olympics just like those of on the ground. Noguchi has been taking advantage of Twitter by sending several Twitpics from space.

The personal web access on the ISS takes advantage of existing communication links to and from the station provides astronauts with email, texting, Twittering and other direct private communications, which NASA says will “enhance their quality of life during long-duration missions by helping to ease the isolation associated with life in a closed environment.”

As for the chicken on the STS-130 execute packages, the STS-130 crew was perplexed. “That is possibly an inside joke that we are not on the inside of,” answered Commander George Zamka. “We don’t see the front pages, so it’s probably on the front pages of the execute package that we don’t get.”

You can see the STS-130 execute packages (and chickens) at this link.

Asked about the views from the new cupola, the astronauts waxed poetic. “It’s so hard to put into words the view that we see out those beautiful seven windows,” Kay Hire said. “It’s like comparing a black-and-white analog picture to a super high-def color picture. It’s just phenomenal what we can see out there. The most stunning thing I’ve seen so far is just some beautiful thunderstorms from above. It’s really interesting to watch the way the lightning jumps from cloud to cloud far below us.”

A view from the new Cupola, with all the window shutters open. Credit: NASA

“Getting to look out the shuttle windows and the station windows has been awesome,” added pilot Terry Virts. “But when we looked out the cupola, it’s impossible to put into words, but it took my breath away. We’ve only had a few opportunities to go down there because we have been busy inside doing work, but I think the favorite view that I’ve had has been watching a sunrise.

“At night, you can see cities if you’re over land and then when you pass into the sunlight you get the blue limb (of Earth) and then it turns into pink and different colors like that and then when the sun pops up, it’s like an instantaneous floodlight in your eyes, it kind of overwhelms you. But the view is amazing. You can sit there and perceive the entire Earth limb and you can really see the Earth has that round shape. It’s just amazing.”

ISS Commander Jeff Williams agreed. “To be able to see the entire Earth in one glance and see the entire limb of the Earth all the way around and see the spherical shape of the Earth is going to be new to us. Obviously, we’ve seen a lot of those segments of that view before, but only one segment at a time through a narrower field of view,” he said. “We have taken a lot of photography up here, we will continue to do so. The cupola will offer us a very unique and new opportunity for photography in a new way, particularly with wide angle lenses, which we’re already playing with a little bit to try to be able to share that experience with folks on Earth.”

Spacewalker Bob Behnken said the view from the cupola was as good as or maybe better than the view from a being out on an EVA.

“The reason being you actually have time to look around through all the windows,” he said. “Usually during a spacewalk, there’s a fair amount of work to get done. There wasn’t a lot of time for the sightseeing you might like to do out of a window like cupola.

“The other thing the cupola affords you is the opportunity to share some of those views with other people. We’re really limited on the photography we can do during a spacewalk, but taking one of the HD cameras or some still photos inside the cupola is really going to allow us to share those beautiful sunrises and sunsets and Earth views in general with everyone on the ground.”

You can watch the entire ISS/STS-130 news conference below.

Double Spaceship Sighting Alert!

Space shuttle Endeavour will undock from the ISS on late Friday (7:54 p.m. EST) or early Saturday (00:54 GMT) depending where you live, providing an opportunity to see the two spaceships flying in tandem. This is an incredible sight, and as the shuttle program comes to a close, one that will happen only about four more times. Early morning sightings are favored for those in the northern hemisphere. The two spacecraft will be seen as separate but closely-spaced points of light. The ISS is bigger, so will appear as the brighter object trailing the smaller Endeavour as they move across the sky. Double flybys will continue until the shuttle lands, currently scheduled for late Sunday or early Monday, with the two getting farther apart each day. Of course, your viewing ability will depend on cloud cover. Above, you can watch the ceremony as the shuttle crew returned to Endeavour and closed the hatches from the ISS.

To find out if you’ll be able to see spaceships in your area, there are a few different sites to check out:
Continue reading “Double Spaceship Sighting Alert!”

Obama Talks With ISS/Shuttle Crews

Astronauts on the International Space Station took questions Wednesday from President Barack Obama and a group of children. The astronauts eloquently explained the the science and benefits of the ISS, and discussed if artificial gravity could be developed, their thoughts and feelings about being in space, and what they could see from space. “This is really exciting,” said Obama. “We’re investing back here on the ground in a whole array of solar and other renewable energy projects. So to find out you’re doing this up there at the space station is very exciting.”

Obama added, “We wanted to let you know how proud we are of you and how committed we are to continuing human space exploration in the future.”

Let’s hope so.

Scenes from Space: Best Images from STS-130 (so far…)

Astronaut Robert Behnken during the first EVA of the mission. Credit: NASA


The STS-130 mission has provided some of the most amazing photos of any space shuttle mission to date — from a stunning shot of space shuttle Endeavour silhouetted against Earth’s colorful atmosphere, to incredible views of the International Space station, to the always amazing photos of astronauts at work in space. But that’s only the beginning! Take a look at a sampling of some of the best images from the mission so far. Above, astronaut Bob Behnken works outside the ISS during the first EVA of the mission.

Close-up view of Endeavour's nose section as seen from the ISS. Credit: NASA

During my time in at Kennedy Space Center the past couple of weeks, I had the chance to see space shuttle Endeavour up close. But not quite this close! Here’s the view the ISS astronauts had as the space shuttle pulled up for docking to the space station.

great view of the Tranquility module before being attached to the ISS. Credit: NASA

This is an amazing view of our home in space, the ISS, and a great way to see the international partnership of nations at work: CanadArm 2 from Canada hangs onto the Tranquility Node built by Europe; also a view of Japan’s JEM module, and the Russian Soyuz and a US space shuttle that are docked to the ISS.

Robert Behnken hangs on. Credit: NASA

I get vertigo just looking at this one! Hang on Bob Behnken!! But what a view. During the first EVA of the mission, Behnken and fellow spacewalker Nicholas Patrick relocated a temporary platform from the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or Dextre, to the station’s truss structure and installed two handles on the robot. Once Tranquility was structurally mated to Unity, the spacewalkers connected heater and data cables that integrated the new module with the rest of the station’s systems. They also pre-positioned insulation blankets and ammonia hoses that the same two spacewalkers connected up Tranquility to the station’s cooling radiators during the mission’s second spacewalk.

Superman, a.k.a Terry Virts zooms through the Zarya module. Credit: NASA

This is what we all want to do in space. Pilot Terry Virts does Superman in fine style in the Zarya Functional Cargo Block (FGB).

Fresh fruit and veggies are a rare treat in space. Credit: NASA

Fresh food in space is one thing we haven’t figured out how to do yet, so any arriving spacecraft must be extremely welcome for the crunchy and succulent apples, oranges, carrots, etc. they bring. It’s interesting to see NASA uses the same green bags that I use at home to keep fruit and vegetables fresh longer. That’s ISS Commander Jeff Williams with the goodies.

Endeavour silhouetted against Earth's atmospere. Credit: NASA

I know we published this image earlier, but it is so amazing, I had to include it in this gallery. Just absolutely stunning.

Another great shot of astronaut Bob Behnken during EVA-1. Credit: NASA

A great shot of astronaut Bob Behnken during EVA-2, a five-hour, 54-minute spacewalk. Behnken and Nicholas Patrick connected two ammonia coolant loops, installed thermal covers around the ammonia hoses, outfitted the Earth-facing port on the Tranquility node for the relocation of its Cupola, and installed handrails and a vent valve on the new module.

Moving the cupola. Credit: NASA

Another great view of the action taking place at the ISS this week. In the grasp of the Canadarm2, the cupola was relocated from the forward port to the Earth-facing port of the International Space Station’s newly installed Tranquility node. The cupola is a robotic control station with six windows around its sides and another in the center that will provide a panoramic view of Earth, celestial objects and visiting spacecrafts. With the installation of Tranquility and cupola, the space station is about 90 percent complete.

Night launch of Endeavour. Credit: NASA

Having witnessed the launch personally, I have to include a couple of incredible pictures of the night launch of Endeavour. Speaking of launches, the latest word is that the next mission may be an early morning launch, as STS-131 has slipped to launching no earlier than April 5, 2010 at 6:27 am EDT. We’ll keep you posted.

Launch, another view. Credit: NASA

For more images, see the STS-130 gallery on NASA’s website.

Cupola Bay Window bolted to face Earth; Stunning 38 Second Video

The cupola, attached to the station's robotic arm, is relocated to Tranquility's Earth-facing port. Credit: NASA TV

The Cupola, which is akin to a ‘bay window’ in a house back on earth, was relocated overnight to the Tranquility modules Earth-facing (nadir) port and put in place at 1:25 AM EST this morning. The so called ‘Room with a View’ was then securely latched and bolted into place. Cupola is an innovative 7 windowed observation dome, built in Italy, that will provide spectacular panoramic views of the Earth, the station and the cosmos and simultaneously function as a robotics work station for approaching cargo ships.

STS 130 Astronauts Terry Virts and Kathryn Hire used the stations Canadian built robotic arm to slowly and methodically drive Cupola from Tranquility’s end port to its new permanent position at a side port looking directly at the Earth. The maneuver took about 2 hours.


The astronauts dealt with a relatively minor delay in releasing the cupola. Bolts attaching it to its launch position at the end cone on Tranquility had been torqued a little tighter than expected. The problem was resolved by increasing the torque applied by the stations robotic arm to unscrew the bolts and detach Cupola.

First light through the windows is expected on Tuesday after Spacewalkers Patrick and Behnken remove the protective window covers during EVA-3, their final spacewalk of the STS-130 mission. The covers have been in place since before launch to shield the windows from debris and damage.

Earlier STS 130/ISS and SDO articles by Ken Kremer

Space Plumbers hook up crucial Tranquility cooling and power to Space Station

Tranquility attached to Space Station

Sky on Fire as Endeavour Blasts to Space

Orion can Launch Safely in 2013 says Lockheed

Russian Cargo Freighter Docks at ISS; 1 Day to Endeavour launch

Endeavour astronauts arrive at Cape for launch of Tranquility

ISS Crew Twitpics from Orbit; Live Streaming Video Soon !

Path clear for STS 130 to attach Tranquility module

Endeavour aiming for on time launch with coolant hose fix ahead of schedule

STS 130 flight pressing forward to launch as NASA resolves coolant hose leak

STS-130 Shuttle flight facing delay due to Payload technical glitch

Shuttle Endeavour Rolled to Pad; Countdown to the Final Five Begins

Tranquility Module Formally Handed over to NASA from ESA