Moon Rock Will Return to Space Aboard Endeavour


In May of last year, we followed the story of former astronaut Scott Parazynski, as he climbed Mt. Everest to collect a piece of the mountain and test out equipment for NASA. During the climb, Parazynski carried a Moon rock that was brought to the Earth by the Apollo 11 mission. Though the journey of this rock has been rather long, it is about to come to an end.

The rock, along with a piece of Mt. Everest that Parazynski collected, will travel to the International Space Station during the next Space Shuttle mission. It and the Mt. Everest rock will be displayed in the Tranquility (*cough* Colbert *cough*) module, which is part of the payload of STS-130.

Endeavour is currently scheduled to launch on February 7th, 2010 and will carry the Tranquility module, which will provide more life-support systems for the ISS, as well as a seven-windowed cupola that will be used as an observation and control room for control of the robotic arm outside the station.

Interestingly enough, the rock originated in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon, and will be returning to be displayed inside the Tranquility module itself.

The Moon rock and piece of Mt Everest will be presented by Parazynski to STS-130 commander George Zamka this Wednesday, January 6th. You can watch the presentation on NASA TV at 3:30pm CST.

Source: NASA press release

What Would NASA Do with an Added Shuttle Flight?

Space Shuttle Atlantis sits poised for the STS 129 launch from Pad 39 A on 16 November 2009. Atlantis would likely fly a proposed new flight as STS-135. Credit: Ken Kremer

The end of the Space Shuttle Era is rapidly approaching and with it some urgent questions including, “How will the US support continued use of the ISS?” and “What would NASA do if granted an additional shuttle flight?”

Currently, only 5 flights remain on the manifest and right now, the final shuttle flight is set for September 2010. This deadline and policy was decreed by the Bush Administration and simultaneously coincides with the end of ISS assembly and the end of the Fiscal 2010 budget year. Thus far the Obama Administration has not announced any policy changes despite recurring questions from Congress and the press as the retirement approaches.
ISS.  Credit: NASA

Then comes the big “gap” in US human spaceflight launch capability between the looming shuttle shutdown and the debut of the Orion capsule. Orion will not be ready until 2015 or later. So there will be a minimum 5 year “gap” when NASA cannot launch its own astronauts or even unmanned cargo supply vessels to the International Space Station which will operate until at least 2015. Hence the practical questions from the US side on “How to re-supply the ISS?”

NASA will then be utterly dependent on Russia to launch US astronauts to the ISS at a cost of some $50 million per Soyuz seat. Several companies are receiving NASA funding under the COTS program to develop cargo up-mass vehicles to the ISS and are also exploring crewed options.

For the most part, the general public is unaware of these facts. Congress has been fully aware of this quandary since 2004 when President Bush announced new NASA goals as part of the VSE or “Vision for Space Exploration” to return to the Moon and beyond to Mars. NASA’s budget has been cut in the intervening years and the “gap” has grown longer. Insufficient funding from Washington, DC directly caused a slower development pace for Orion and the Ares rocket.

One much discussed “gap” closing measure is to slightly extend the deadline for closing out the shuttle program by adding 1 or more new flights. This action requires a direct decision soon from President Obama and enabling funding from Congress.

If granted the authority to extend the Shuttle program with an additional flight, NASA officials at a very high level have already decided on paper what such a mission would entail. Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Operations says that the team has done some planning for what is dubbed a ‘contingency’ flight. “It sits on the manifest as a ‘contingency’ if we need to fly it. It would be prudent to have an MPLM (pressurized Multi-purpose logistics module) in there to carry spares and restock station. We originally wanted to have a back up shuttle available in case we had a situation where we needed to do a contingency crew support to keep them in orbit for some period of time.”

At the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), I spoke with Scott Higginbotham about the details of the ‘contingency’ flight. Scott is a shuttle payload mission manager at KSC, most recently for STS-129 . He told me, “If there was to be another mission then the plan is to fly another MPLM. We have two more MPLM’s but only one is flight worthy. For the call up mission, the possible new last flight, we would fly ‘Raffaello’. But NASA needs more money and work modifications to get ‘Raffaello’ ready and up to speed”.

‘Donatello’ MPLM module inside the Space Station Processing Facility at KSC.  This module is being utilized for spare parts. Outer shielding is being removed.   Credit: Ken Kremer
‘Donatello’ MPLM module inside the Space Station Processing Facility at KSC. This module is being utilized for spare parts. Outer shielding is being removed. Credit: Ken Kremer

NASA has three MPLM’s total, named ‘Leonardo’, ‘Raffaello’ and ‘Donatello’ after significant engineers in Italian history and the Ninja turtles too. All were built by Alenia in Italy under contract to the European Space Agency (ESA). ‘Leonardo’ will be permanently attached on the current last flight, STS 133, after “beefing up the outside to provide extra micrometeoroid debris protection for the module. That will allow it to stay on orbit,” according to Gerstenmaier. ‘Leonardo’ would then be redesignated as a Permanent Multipurpose Module, or PMM. Initially it will be docked at a space facing port on the Harmony connecting node.

“Since the MPLM’s only go up on short sortie missions, their shielding is not as thick as the other station elements,” said Higgenbotham. ‘Leonardo’ flies once more in March 2010 and will then be modified to add shielding. “Donatello will never fly. It’s become our spare parts man to be raided if needed.” Alenia also constructed the Tranquility and Cupola long duration modules I observed recently at a ceremony inside the KSC Space Station Processing Facility (LINK). While inside the station facility, I inspected all three of the MPLM’s (see photos).

“Because of the limited number of shuttle missions left and budget constraints, it makes more sense financially to just fly ‘Leonardo’ over and over again. ‘Raffaello’ is being maintained just in case” added Higgenbotham. “We know that we would like to fly more supplies to the station and bring things home. But whether we actually go prepare ‘Raffaello’ for that contingency mission is being discussed. So we are doing some of the advanced exercises in case we get turned on.”

Leonardo’ MPLM module inside the Space Station Processing Facility at KSC built by Alenia under contract to ESA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).  This module will be left attached to the ISS on the last scheduled shuttle mission, STS 133. It will be modified with additional shielding for protection against strikes by micrometeoroids. Note grapple fixture at top. Each MPLM is 21 feet long, 15 feet in diameter, weighs 4.5 tons, and can deliver up to 10 tons of cargo to the ISS.  Credit: Ken Kremer
Leonardo’ MPLM module inside the Space Station Processing Facility at KSC built by Alenia under contract to ESA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). This module will be left attached to the ISS on the last scheduled shuttle mission, STS 133. It will be modified with additional shielding for protection against strikes by micrometeoroids. Note grapple fixture at top. Each MPLM is 21 feet long, 15 feet in diameter, weighs 4.5 tons, and can deliver up to 10 tons of cargo to the ISS. Credit: Ken Kremer

“We know the big picture of what would be included. It would include science experiments, spare parts, food, clothing, station consumables and what the crew needs to get by day to day”, he said. “So if I have the ability to launch another MPLM mission, then I can loft thousands of pounds that I don’t need to pay a commercial vendor or the Russians to do,” Higgenbotham explained. “We can save them for other items that may break down in the future.”

Large outside items would probably not go up on that mission. “The expectation is we are going to clear the house of all large external parts by the time the last mission flies. All those are planned for going up on the already manifested missions. We have analyzed what’s needed over the lifetime of the station if we extend out to 2020,” said Higgenbotham.

The station must be continually resupplied with spare parts and logistics for its remaining lifetime whether it’s 2015 or longer to 2020 which is far beyond the upcoming retirement of the Space Shuttle.

“NASA has one External Tank (ET) already built for the ‘contingency’ mission” according to Mike Moses, shuttle integration manager at KSC. Two others exist only in pieces he told me. Since it takes 3 years to build a new ET from scratch, there would be some launch delay for any further missions beyond the possible ‘contingency’ flight.

The future goals of NASA and US human and robotic spaceflight hangs in the balance awaiting critical choices by President Obama and political leaders in Washington, DC. At this point, there is no indication of when President Obama will make a decision on goals or funding. With each day’s delay, the chances to extend the shuttle program are diminished as US manufacturing production lines are shut down, more shuttle workers are layed off and their high technology skills are lost.

About 7000 shuttle workers will lose their jobs at KSC and many more across the US as the Space Shuttle program is terminated in the midst of the current recession.

Shuttle Atlantis Returns Home (Video)

Space shuttle Atlantis and its crew of seven astronauts landed safely at Kennedy Space Center Friday morning at 9:44 a.m. EST, ending an 11-day journey to the ISS. The Atlantis shuttle flew 171 orbits around Earth and traveled 7,226,176 kilometers (4,490,138 miles) since its Nov. 16 launch. STS-129 was the 129th space shuttle mission, the 31st for Atlantis and the 31st shuttle mission to the International Space Station. It was the fifth and final flight of 2009. Enjoy the landing video!

Absolutely Amazing Shuttle Ascent Video

This video compilation of the STS-129 ascent is incredible! (and is it now available again after a short hiatus.) It includes video highlights from ground, air, SRB and external tank cameras during the launch of Atlantis on Nov. 16, 2009. It will give you a new appreciation for the space shuttle. The music is great, as well. Not to be missed!
Continue reading “Absolutely Amazing Shuttle Ascent Video”

Amazing Images from STS-129

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear some of the images from the STS-129 shuttle mission to the International Space Station were CGI renderings taken from a science fiction novel. Take the above image, for example of astronaut Mike Foreman working on the exterior of the ISS during the second space walk of the mission. It looks almost surreal. But these are genuine images of real people working on an authentic, almost-completed space station. This images, and the other images below, leave me in awe of what we are accomplishing in space. Enjoy this gallery of amazing images from the fifth and last shuttle flight of 2009.

Robert Satcher on the Canadarm2 during the first space walk of STS-129. Credit: NASA
Robert Satcher on the Canadarm2 during the first space walk of STS-129. Credit: NASA

Here’s another awe-inspiring image. Anchored to a Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, astronaut Robert Satcher Jr. works during the first space walk of the mission. Satcher and Mike Foreman (out of frame)installed antennas, cables, and other items to prepare for the Tranquility node that will be brought up to the station next year.

Starship Enterprise?  No, just the space shuttle and space station. Credit: NASA
Starship Enterprise? No, just the space shuttle and space station. Credit: NASA

There was some chatter on Twitter that this image brought to mind visions of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek. But this is a closeup of Atlantis’ docking ring backdropped by the ISS as the shuttle crew approached for docking with the station. Docking occurred at 10:51 a.m. (CST) on Nov. 18, 2009.

Sun rise in space. Credit: NASA

Another great shot: Sunrise in space. This scene shows from the Russian section of the ISS, as photographed by one of the STS-129 crew members.

Satcher works on the Z1 truss.  Credit: NASA
Satcher works on the Z1 truss. Credit: NASA

I always love these images which demonstrate how HUGE the ISS is. Here, Robert Satcher works on the Z1 truss section during the first EVA of the mission.

ISS and docked spacecraft. Credit: NASA
ISS and docked spacecraft. Credit: NASA

Taking on the appearance of a busy spaceport, the Russian segment of the ISS has a docked Soyuz spacecraft (center) and a Progress resupply vehicle that is docked to the Pirs Docking Compartment.

Mike Foreman looks at his spacewalking partner Randy Bresnik.  Credit: NASA
Mike Foreman looks at his spacewalking partner Randy Bresnik. Credit: NASA

Every shuttle mission picture gallery isn’t complete without a picture of an astronaut with another astronaut visible in the helmet visor reflection. Here, Mike Foreman’s helmet reveals his crewmate, Randy Bresnik, capturing the image with an electronic still camera. The two were in the midst of the second scheduled space walk for the Atlantis crewmembers.

Upside down, or not?  Credit: NASA
Upside down, or not? Credit: NASA

Who is upside down? Charlie Hobaugh (left), STS-129 commander and Robert Satcher , or the astronaut who took the picture? The two are pictured near a window in the Destiny laboratory.

Mealtime on the ISS. Credit: NASA
Mealtime on the ISS. Credit: NASA

Eight of the 12 crew members of the joint ISS/shuttle crews pose for a photo at the galley in the Unity node. Pictured from the left are NASA astronauts Leland Melvin, Robert Satcher Jr., Charlie Hobaugh, Nicole Stott, cosmonauts Roman Romanenko, Maxim Suraev, and astronauts Jeff Williams, and Frank De Winne, commander of Expedition 21 from the ESA.

Launch of Atlantis on Nov. 16, 2009. Credit: NASA
Launch of Atlantis on Nov. 16, 2009. Credit: NASA

A gorgeous shot of Atlantis’ launch on Nov. 16. Below is another launch picture, with the members of the NASA Tweetup watching by the famous countdown clock.

Atlantis' launch with Twitterers.  Photo credit:Jim Grossmann
Atlantis' launch with Twitterers. Photo credit:Jim Grossmann

Astronaut Becomes Dad While in Space

Rebecca Bresnik, the wife of STS-129 Mission Specialist Randy Bresnik, gave birth to their new daughter on Saturday night, making Randy the second astronaut ever to become a father while out in space. Bresnik reported this morning that his wife and new daughter, Abigail, are doing fine, and thanked the flight control team for their assistance.

Abigail was born in Houston on Saturday at 11:04 p.m. CST. The STS and ISS crews were awoken by the song “Butterfly Kisses” this morning, which was chosen by Rebecca for Randy, and contains the lyrics “There’s two things I know for sure/She was sent here from heaven and she’s daddy’s little girl.”

Becoming a new father is just a series of first for Bresnik on this mission: STS-129 is the first mission for Bresnik, and this was his first spacewalk. Bresnik installed antennas and other equipment on the ISS Saturday while awaiting the birth of his daughter. He will do another spacewalk Monday, before returning to Earth with the rest of the STS crew on Friday.

Bresnik and his wife adopted a Ukrainian orphan last year, who is now three years old, but this is the first child born to the couple. Mrs. Bresnik, who is an attorney that specializes in international law at Johnson Space Center, said in a pre-flight interview with NASA:

I’m a little disappointed that he won’t be able to be there but understanding that we don’t choose the timing and excited for him that he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s trained one year for this mission but really he’s been here five, almost six years, and I’m just real excited for him and excited for us and just to be gone basically a week beyond her being born. So, I’m excited for him to come home safely.

Bresnik is the second astronaut to become a father while in space. The first was astronaut Mike Fincke, whose wife gave birth while he was working at the International Space Station in 2004. If you would like to view the entire pre-flight interview with Rebecca and Randy, it’s available from NASA here.

Source: NPR, NASA

Spectacular Shuttle Belly Flip As Atlantis Docks to ISS (Video)

Atlantis performed a belly flip prior to docking with ISS on 18 November 2009 while station astronauts snapped hundreds of digital images looking for any signs of damage to the heat shield crucial for a safe reentry. Credit: NASA TV

(Editor’s note: Ken Kremer is in Florida covering the STS-129 mission for Universe Today)
The astronaut crews for the International Space Station and Space Shuttle Atlantis united as one team in space on Wednesday when Atlantis successfully docked with the ISS at 11:51PM EST. Preluded by some of the most spectacular footage ever of the shuttle “belly flip” or the Rendezvous Pitch Manuaever (RPM), docking occurred in orbital darkness about 220 miles high above earth and directly between Australia and Tasmania. The shuttle astronauts were welcomed aboard the ISS and the jubilant crews exchanged bear hugs, handshakes and high fives inside the Harmony module.

Thursday morning at 9:24 a.m. EST, STS-129 spacewalkers Mike Foreman and Robert Satcher headed outside for the first spacewalk of the mission.

The shuttle docked at a port on Harmony, located on the US end of the station and parallel to the earth below. Russian Soyuz manned capsules dock at the opposite end of ISS on the Russian side of the station. The ISS currently weighs over 800,000 pounds.

After a series of leak checks, hatches between the two vehicles were at last opened at 1:28 PM EST, at 1 day and 23 hours mission elapsed time for Atlantis marking the start of joint operations. ISS Commander Frank DeWinne from Belgium performed a brief ceremony. With an overall crew of 12 people representing many ISS partners, Harmony was rather crowded. The shuttle astronauts received a safety briefing and tour.

Later in the day, Nicolle Stott’s tenure as an ISS crew member ended and she transitioned over to become an official member of the shuttle crew for her return to earth. She will be seated on a special recumbent seat brought aloft by Atlantis. Stott has spent 3 months aboard the station.

Commander Charles “Scorch” Hobaugh piloted Atlantis for the final approach to the ISS from behind and below. After guiding the shuttle to a distance of 600 ft he initiated a spectacular back flip, known as the Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver (RPM), about 30 minutes prior to docking. Hobaugh began the now standard 360 degree back flip maneuver while flying in formation with the ISS at Mach 25 above the Amazon.

The purpose is to collect obtain high resolution imagery of the delicate heat shield tiles which protect the orbiter during the searing heat of reentry. The photos are carefully inspected to look for any signs of damage to the over 20,000 tiles before NASA commits the shuttle to landing back on earth.

Why is this photography important? Because any heat shield leak can be catastrophic for the vehicle and crew. That lesson was tragically learned during the reentry of Columbia.

Station astronauts Jeff Williams and Nicole Stott had about 90 seconds to photograph Atlantis’ belly while aiming 800 mm and 400 mm telephoto lenses respectively through portholes on the Russian Zvezda module. They snapped hundreds of digital photographs which were quickly down linked for analysis by teams waiting in Houston. The spectacular show was carried live on NASA TV.

Atlantis cargo bay carrying spare parts for installation on the ISS with earth in the background. Credit: NASA
Atlantis cargo bay carrying spare parts for installation on the ISS with earth in the background. Credit: NASA

With Atlantis cargo bay pointing towards the ISS the RPM began with a dramatic pitch of the nose upwards and a stunningly beautiful view of earth in the background. Continuing on a full circular path, the shuttle spun around until the bright belly nearly filled the TV screen. Individual tiles and even the wheels wells were easily discernible as the spin progressed unabated. Momentarily the shuttle was again oriented perpendicularly as the tail faced the ISS with a fantastic view directly down into the shuttle’s three main engines and OMS pod. Finally the Atlantis shuttle returned to the same cargo bay orientation from which it started.

The RPM back flip is true spaceflight and looks like something straight out of a futuristic science fiction TV show or movie like my favorites, Star Trek and Babylon 5. But this is real and it’s happening today. And there is nothing routine about it. Make no mistake. Spaceflight is a highly risky business. And highly rewarding. Only a thin line separates life and death.

In the darkness of space, Hobaugh then closed in on the ISS at 0.2 ft per second. For the last 100 feet, Atlantis gradually slowed even further precisely aligning with the ISS until a flawless docking at 0.1 feet per second. Thrusters fired post contact to force the two docking ports together.

A spring loaded docking system damps out the relative motions of the ISS and shuttle over several minutes. The docking ring was then withdrawn to allow a hard mate between the two vehicles.

The astronauts wasted no time and their workload began right away today. Less than 90 minutes after hatch opening the first of two on board Express Logistics Carriers, dubbed ELC 1, was plucked out of the cargo bay by the shuttle arm. ELC 1 was then handed off to the station arm (Canadarm 2) which plugged it into an earth facing attach point on the ISS port side backbone truss at 4:27 PM. During the back flip and docking sequence approach, the shuttles robotic arm could be seen extending outwards from the cargo bay and attached to the 14,000 pound ELC 1.

The hugh ELC’s measuring 16 ft x 14 ft are designed to hold large space parts like the control moment gyroscopes (CMG’s) which provide orientation control for the station. The ELC’s are brand new equipment provided by NASA Goddard and flying for the first time on a shuttle. Also attached to ELC 1 are the ammonia and nitrogen tank assemblies and a battery charger discharge unit. There are some open attach sites to accommodate new spares brought up on future flights.

The first of three planned spacewalks, or EVA’s, is slated for Thursday at 9 AM and will last about 6½ hours. The astronauts quickly moved their space suits into the stations Quest airlock module to begin configuring all equipment needed. The two spacewalkers will spend the night “camped out” inside Quest to acclimate their bodies and purge nitrogen from their bloodstreams, preventing decompression sickness once they move out into the vacuum of space.

This mission will insure that the ISS has spare parts to sustain operations for several years to come. Having these spare components already on board will enormously simplify ISS planning. Of course, the unexpected can always happen. And that is the impending difficulty caused by the looming retirement of the shuttle.
Potentially the ISS could operate for another 10 years to 2020. Currently the ISS is only funded through 2015 and that’s another decision for President Obama on his packed plate. The other ISS partners, especially Russia, favor an ISS life extension as it just now finally reaches its full science capability.

Ken Kremer’s website

Read my earlier reports from KSC on the flight of Atlantis and Atlas launch attempt here:

Atlantis Roars to Space for Trek to ISS
Tweeters and Atlantis Ready for Launch
Clock Ticking for Shuttle Atlantis on Critical Resupply Mission
Atlas Launch halted by ORCA; Shuttle Atlantis Next in Line

Atlantis Roars to Space for Trek to ISS

Moments after 2:28 PM EST blast off of Space Shuttle Atlantis and six person crew on 16 November 2009 from pad 39 A at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Credit: Ken Kremer

(Editor’s Note: Ken Kremer is in Florida for Universe Today covering the launch of Atlantis.)
Space Shuttle Atlantis and her six person crew roared into space on Monday precisely as planned at 2:28 PM EST from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The yellow exhaust flames grew into a nearly blinding intensity as Atlantis ascended off the pad on a trail of crackling fire and smoke. For what felt like an eternity, it seemed like Atlantis would be engulfed in a rapidly expanding inferno emanating from her tail in mid air. The time span was in reality perhaps 5 seconds. Atlantis then dove straight upwards, arced over and finally looked like she would return back to Kennedy on a big circular loop directly through the wake of the exhaust plume. In fact that sight was just an optical illusion but the feeling was shared by other media I conversed with here at the KSC Press site.

As Atlantis rose on 7 million pounds of liftoff thrust following ignition of the 3 space shuttle main engines and twin solid rocket boosters we saw her rotate about her vertical axis. Atlantis swiftly rising exhaust trail was clearly visible for about three minutes as she ascended northwards up the east coast of the United States for her trek into the orbital plane of the International Space Station (ISS) and carefully choreographed link up in 2 days time.

Gloomy early morning skies which were completely overcast had threatened to delay the launch. At a post-launch briefing, even senior Shuttle manager Mike Moses related how he awoke to the unexpected turn in the weather and said “What the heck happened!”.

Ken Kremer met up with a group of lucky Tweeters at the KSC press center a few minutes after Atlantis blast off.  Back dropped by the world famous countdown clock, pad 39 A.  Do you think they are having a blast?   Credit: Ken Kremer
Ken Kremer met up with a group of lucky Tweeters at the KSC press center a few minutes after Atlantis blast off. Back dropped by the world famous countdown clock, pad 39 A and US Flag, they appear to be celebrating their good fortune to be invited by NASA to witness the drama first hand and instantly transmit their experiences across all earth’s continents. Do you think they are having a blast? Credit: Ken Kremer

Perhaps an hour before launch the thick cloud layer at last dissipated and Atlantis punched through the deep blue skies, thrilling everyone at KSC including the over 100 tweeters allowed onto the press site for the very first time, some of whom I met and expressed utter joy at having the best seat in the house.

STS 129 is carrying 15 tons of critical spare parts to guard against the fast approaching day when the shuttle is retired from service in about 1 year. The shuttle is a true spaceship whose vital role and capability to transport large components and replacement equipment to the ISS will remain unmatched for decades to come.

“We appreciate all the effort making this launch attempt possible. We are excited to take this incredible vehicle for a ride to another incredible vehicle, the ISS,” Commander Charlie Hobaugh said shortly before launch.

During three spacewalks, astronauts will install two platforms to the station’s truss, or backbone which will be used to store the spare parts brought aloft and also known as Orbital Replacement Units, or ORU’s.

The six person crew of Space Shuttle Atlantis walk out from crew quarters at 10:38 AM to greet the cheering crowd of media and NASA officials and then head out to pad 39 A to strap in for space launch with hours.  Credit: Ken Kremer
The six person crew of Space Shuttle Atlantis walk out from crew quarters at 10:38 AM to greet the cheering crowd of media and NASA officials and then head out to pad 39 A to strap in for space launch with hours. Credit: Ken Kremer

Hobaugh is joined on Atlantis’ STS-129 mission by Pilot Barry E. Wilmore and Mission Specialists Leland Melvin, Randy Bresnik, Mike Foreman and Bobby Satcher. Atlantis will return with station resident Nicole Stott, marking the final time the shuttle is expected to rotate station crew members. Wilmore, Bresnik and Satcher are first-time space fliers. All future ISS residents will ride aboard Russian Soyuz rockets.
I visited the huge Tweet Up Tent which NASA set up for the first time at the Kennedy Space Center Press center so that ordinary folks from around the world could observe a shuttle launch and share it globally straight away as events unfolded.  This reminded me of a high tech command center.  Credit: Ken Kremer
I visited the huge Tweet Up Tent which NASA set up for the first time at the Kennedy Space Center Press center so that ordinary folks from around the world could observe a shuttle launch and share it globally straight away as events unfolded. This reminded me of a high tech command center. Credit: Ken Kremer

Indian TV interview with Ken Kremer at Launch Pad 39 A on NASA’s future, at this link

Read my earlier reports from KSC on the flight of Atlantis and Atlas launch attempt here:
Tweeters and Atlantis Ready for Launch
Clock Ticking for Shuttle Atlantis on Critical Resupply Mission
Atlas Launch halted by ORCA; Shuttle Atlantis Next in Line
Ken Kremer’s website

Bob Crippen on the Current State of NASA

Astronaut Bob Crippen, along with John Young, made history on April 12, 1981 when they launched on one of the riskiest test flights ever, STS-1 on space shuttle Columbia. Crippen also commanded three other space shuttle missions (STS-7, STS-41C, STS-41G), and was the former director of the Kennedy Space Center and former President of Thiokol Propulsion. Crippen has always been a straight shooter — telling it like it is — and a strong supporter of human spaceflight. Personally, I will never forget the moving speech he gave after the Columbia accident, eulogizing the spacecraft itself. I had the chance to talk with Crippen today following the launch of STS-129.

Universe Today: You had the good fortune to be there for the launch today. It looked great on my little computer screen; how did it look live and in-person?

Bob Crippen: It was a beautiful launch here as well, one of those picture perfect launches where the countdown went smooth, there were no technical problems and the winds cooperated, thank goodness.

UT: I don’t remember a countdown that proceeded so trouble-free.

Crippen: We like it that way!

UT: You were there for the beginning of the space shuttle program. What are your thoughts now as you see this program coming to an end?

Bob Crippen on board Columbia for STS-1. Credit: NASA
Bob Crippen on board Columbia for STS-1. Credit: NASA

Crippen: I’m feeling somewhat nostalgic. It’s been a part of the better part of my life. It’s been a great vehicle and it’s done some great things, but I would very much like to see us go back to the Moon and beyond and the space shuttle is not the vehicle for doing that. But truthfully, my preference would have been to keep flying it until we had another vehicle to bring people to orbit. I’m not fond of the hiatus we’re going to have between the shuttle and whatever is going to follow it.

UT: What are your thoughts on the Augustine Commission Report.

Crippen: First, I applaud them for saying there wasn’t enough money for NASA to do what is on its plate, because I’ve thought that myself for quite some time. Some of the other things they proposed I’m a little bit uncomfortable with. My thought is that the program that was laid out, the Constellation Program, was a good program. It’s been underway now for a few years and to switch over to anything else, I believe, is going to take longer and cost more money.

UT: Do you think anything could be done to close the gap for our human spaceflight capability?

Crippen: I believe that given some additional funds, NASA could come pretty close to their projected timetable of 2015, of having the Ares ready. The Augustine Committee said it probably wouldn’t be until 2017. I think they were allowing for the normal problems you run into in programs. I don’t believe extra money would pull it back any earlier than 2015 at this particular juncture, so I think we’re still going to see at least a five year gap.

UT: How about commercial spaceflight. Can they contribute to human spaceflight?

Crippen: Sure. I’m all for commercial spaceflight. I think NASA has been supporting them with the programs to be able to bring up cargo to the International Space Station. I think it would be premature to rely on commercial to get the crews up there. Maybe someday that is going to happen, but I believe it is a ways down the road. We need to see what happens with cargo before we step up to human crews on those commercial flights.

UT: You’re at the launch today with a group from Coalition for Space Exploration. What kinds of things do you do to support them?

Crippen: The Coalition for Space Exploration is a group of individuals like myself and companies that strongly belive we ought to have an exploration initiative. I support is as one of their advisors by doing interviews and I’ve written some op-ed pieces so try and keep the issue in front of the public, the government and the powers that be that we should continue on the road we are on.

The STS-1 crew of John Young and Bob Crippen. Credit: NASA
The STS-1 crew of John Young and Bob Crippen. Credit: NASA

UT: What are some of your favorite memories from your flights on the space shuttle.

Crippen: I’ve got some great ones. I like to use my friend (astronaut) John Young’s answer to that one: the part between takeoff and landing is the best part. It’s all great. All my missions were different, but all of them had some great aspects to them and I’ll always have fond memories of them.

Tweeters and Atlantis Ready for Launch

(Editor’s Note: Ken Kremer is in Florida for Universe Today covering the upcoming Atlantis launch attempt.)
Space shuttle Atlantis is all fueled up and ready for launch. Liftoff time is slated for 2:28 PM EST Monday. The weather forecast has degraded somewhat to 70 percent acceptable from the prior 90 percent forecast. The only concern is the possibility of low cloud ceilings this afternoon. Skies are overcast here at the KSC press center. All the emergency landing sites are “Green”. The launch team is not working any issues at this time. Among those on site at Kennedy Space Center are about 100 Twitter devotees, who are part of a special NASA “Tweet Up.” They’ve been able to tour different facilities and will be on hand for the launch attempt today.

Close up of Space Shuttle Atlantis and crew walk out arm and platform at 195 ft level of pad 39 A.  Close out crew assists crew into their seats. Thereafter the orbiter hatch is closed for the 11 day mission to the ISS.  The arm swings away a few minutes prior to launch.   Credit: Ken Kremer
Close up of Space Shuttle Atlantis and crew walk out arm and platform at 195 ft level of pad 39 A. Close out crew assists crew into their seats. Thereafter the orbiter hatch is closed for the 11 day mission to the ISS. The arm swings away a few minutes prior to launch. Credit: Ken Kremer

The “tanking” procedure began with a 10 minute chill down of the pipes at pad 39 A. Valves leading to the bottom of the 154 foot tall External Tank (ET) were cracked open to begin the roughly 3 hour fueling process of cryogenic propellants. Approximately 535,000 gallons of supercold liquid oxygen (LOX, minus 298 deg F) and liquid hydrogen (LH2, minus 423 deg F ) are loaded from storage tanks around the pad to the shuttles mobile launch platform and is nearly complete as of 7 AM. Thereafter the LOX (145,000 gallons) and LH2 (390,000 gallons) are replenished as needed.

The final inspection team will then proceed to pad 39 A to carefully inspect the ET for any signs of ice build-up which could fall off the ET during ascent and potentially damage the shuttle. The cryogenic propellants fuel the orbiters three main engines (SSME’s) during liftoff and ascent for the 8 and a half minute climb to orbit.
This is the 129th Space Shuttle flight, the 31st flight of Atlantis and the last flight of 2009. Only 5 flights remain after STS 129.

The countdown clock began ticking at T minus 6 hours with the start of fueling.

Media from around the globe have descended on the Kennedy Space Center press site to report on STS 129.  I met journalists from many countries including India, Australia, Japan, Korea, Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, United States and more. RSS rollback has just commenced as we stand at the perimeter security fence surrounding Pad 39 A. Credit: Ken Kremer
Media from around the globe have descended on the Kennedy Space Center press site to report on STS 129. I met journalists from many countries including India, Australia, Japan, Korea, Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, United States and more. RSS rollback has just commenced as we stand at the perimeter security fence surrounding Pad 39 A. Credit: Ken Kremer

On Sunday, I watched from a mere few hundred meters away as NASA technicians retracted back the Rotating Service Structure (RSS) at Launch Pad 39 A to unveil a gleaming white Space Shuttle Atlantis for her heavenly trek to the International Space Station (ISS). Media numbering perhaps a hundred from around the globe, including many from across Asia, were on hand to witness the event which began at 5:30 PM EST as the sun was setting.

The global nature of the news coverage augers well for interest in the ever expanding number of international science experiments being conducted aboard the station in a peaceful and collaborative manner to unite the nations of the world in this magnificent engineering achievement.

Rollback of the RSS to the parked position was completed at 5:56 PM during the T minus 11 hour hold during the launch countdown. The massive cocoon-like structure is 130 feet tall and provides weather protection and access for technicians to work on the shuttle and cargo in the payload bay. Installation and work on the STS 129 payload had already been completed and the payload bay doors were closed.

The protective Rotating Service Structure is about halfway through its 25 minute long rollback at dusk on 15 November 2009 to expose Atlantis for launch at Kennedy Space Center Pad 39 A.  Credit: Ken Kremer
The protective Rotating Service Structure is about halfway through its 25 minute long rollback at dusk on 15 November 2009 to expose Atlantis for launch at Kennedy Space Center Pad 39 A. Credit: Ken Kremer

The countdown continues smoothly towards an afternoon liftoff at 2:28 PM EST. The STS-129 Space Shuttle Commander is Charles O. Hobaugh (third flight). Pilot is Barry E. Wilmore (first flight). The four Mission Specialists are Leland Melvin (second flight), Randy Bresnik (first flight), Mike Foreman (second flight) and Robert L. Satcher Jr. (first flight).

Watch continuous NASA live launch commentary on NASA TV and the Web

Here is a timeline of events on what to expect for Launch day:
4:30 AM Crew wake up
5 AM Crew breakfast
5:03 Tanking Begins. Chill down propellant transfer lines
5:13 Begin loading the external fuel tank with about 500,000 gallons of cryogenic propellants
5:30 Crew final medical checks
6:03 Liquid Hydrogen “fast fill” begins
7:18 Liquid Hydrogen “topping” begins (gaseous hydrogen vent valve cyclng)
8:03 Complete filling the external tank with its flight load of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants
Final Inspection Team proceeds to launch pad
8:30 Ascent team on console in Mission Control
9:30 Launch coverage begins on NASA TV
10:05 Astronauts don flight suits
10:38 Crew departs Operations and Checkout Building for pad 39 A
Complete closeout preparations in the White Room
Check cockpit switch configurations
11:08 Flight crew begins to board Atlantis
Astronauts perform air-to-ground voice checks with Launch and Mission Control
12:13 PM Begin to close Atlantis’ crew hatch
Perform hatch seal and cabin leak checks
12:53 Complete White Room closeout
Closeout crew moves to fallback area
1:13 Enter 10-minute hold at T-20 minutes
NASA test director conducts final launch team briefings
1:23 Resume countdown at T-20 minutes
Transition the orbiter’s onboard computers to launch configuration
Start fuel cell thermal conditioning
Close orbiter cabin vent valves
Transition backup flight system to launch configuration
1:34 Countdown enters estimated 45-minute hold at T-9 minutes
Launch director, Mission Management Team and NASA test director conduct final polls for “go/no go” to launch
2:19 Resume countdown at T-9 minutes
Start automatic ground launch sequencer (T-9 minutes)
Retract orbiter crew access arm (T-7:30)
Start APU recorders (T-6:15)
Start auxiliary power units (T-5)
Terminate liquid oxygen replenish (T-4:55)
Start orbiter aerosurface profile test (T-3:55)
Start main engine gimbal profile test (T-3:30)
Pressurize liquid oxygen tank (T-2:55)
Begin retracting the gaseous oxygen vent arm (T-2:50)
Fuel cells to internal reactants (T-2:35)
Pressurize liquid hydrogen tank (T-1:57)
Deactivate bi-pod heaters (T-1:52)
Deactivate solid rocket booster joint heaters (T-0:50 seconds)
Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power (T-0:50 seconds)
Ground launch sequencer go for auto sequence start (T-0:31 seconds)
Booster gimbal profile (T-0:21 seconds)
Ignition of three space shuttle main engines (T-6.6 seconds)
Booster ignition and liftoff (T-0)

2:28:04 PM Preferred launch time

Read my earlier KSC reports on launch attempts for Atlantis and Atlas here:

Clock Ticking for Shuttle Atlantis on Critical Resupply Mission

Atlas Launch halted by ORCA; Shuttle Atlantis Next in Line

Ken Kremer’s website