Space Station

Life of the ISS May be Extended

[/caption] Fifteen partnering nations have agreed in principle to extend the life of the International Space Station, and keep it…

15 years ago

NASA to Announce New ISS Module Name on Colbert Report

[/caption] NASA announced via Twitter that the space agency will announce the name of the new International Space Staton module…

15 years ago

Soyuz Lands Safely in Kazakhstan

Isn't this a great picture? The Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft, carrying Expedition 18 Commander Michael Fincke, Flight Engineer Yury V. Lonchakov…

15 years ago

Still Learning to Live Together in Space?

[/caption] A Russian cosmonaut spoke out last week before boarding the Soyuz and heading to the International Space Station, saying…

15 years ago

STS-119: A Mission in Pictures

[/caption] If this isn't one of the most breathtaking space pictures ever, I don't know what is. It's the ISS…

15 years ago

First Views of ISS at Full Length, Full Power

[/caption] Space shuttle Discovery undocked from the ISS on Wednesday, providing the dramatic first views of the space station with…

16 years ago

ISS/Shuttle Crews Take Call from President Obama

[/caption] The ten astronauts aboard the International Space Station chatted with US President Barack Obama – along with some school…

16 years ago

Bathroom Works, Power’s On: ISS Now Ready for Crew of Six

[/caption] The International Space Station's complex water recycling system which includes a balky urine processing assembly, now appears to be…

16 years ago

Colbert Wins ISS Naming Contest

[/caption] NASA obviously underestimated the awesome power of the Colbert. In an online contest to name a new module for…

16 years ago

STS-119 Gallery: The Mission So Far

[/caption] The STS-119 mission to the International Space Station has provided some spectacular images during the crew's activities to add…

16 years ago