Space Station

Another AMAZING Space Station Timelapse — with Aurora

What more can we say? The view from the International Space Station is incredible, and this latest time-lapse sequence of…

13 years ago

Soyuz Poised for High Stakes November 13 Blastoff – Space Stations Fate Hinges on Success

[/caption] The stakes could not be higher for the Russian Soyuz rocket now poised at the launch pad at Baikonur…

13 years ago

Watch Progress 42’s Fiery Re-Entry

The International Space Station crew were able to watch the Progress 42 cargo ship burn up in Earth's atmosphere after…

13 years ago

Russia Considers Simulated Mars Mission on the Space Station

[/caption] Russia and ESA are just finishing up a 500-day simulated Mars mission here on Earth, and now Roscosmos, Russia’s…

13 years ago

A Night Flight Over the Mideast

The cities of the Middle East and southern Asia shine bright in the night beneath the International Space Station as…

13 years ago

China Technology Surges Forward with Spectacular First Docking in Space Video Caption: Live Video of Shenzhou-8 and Tiangong-1 docking in Earth orbit. Photos below. Credit: CCTV commentary/CMSE China’s technological…

13 years ago

Progress Cargo Ship Docks Successfully at ISS

Three days after launching on its Soyuz booster rocket, the Russian ISS Progress 45 cargo ship docked to the International…

13 years ago

Progress Vehicle, Shooting Star, Or…?

[/caption] International Space Station Commander Mike Fossum captured this amazing view of the Progress M-10M cargo ship burning up in…

13 years ago