
Ancient Star Found that’s Only Slightly Younger than the Universe Itself

Thanks to a team from John Hopkins University, a star was recently discovered that is 13.5 billion years old, almost…

6 years ago

A Red Dwarf Blasts off a Superflare. Any Life on its Planets Would Have a Very Bad Day

Astronomers observed a red dwarf superflare much more powerful than anything our Sun can produce. Bad news for any habitable-zone…

6 years ago

Surprising Discovery. Four Giant Planets Found Around a Very Young Star

What exactly is a "normal" solar system? If we thought we had some idea in the past, we definitely don't…

6 years ago

348 Years Ago, a French Astronomer Monk Might have Witnessed the Collision Between a White and Brown Dwarf Star

A collision between a white dwarf and a brown dwarf created the object we call CK Vulpeculae. It was first…

6 years ago

Gaia Sees Stars Out in Deep Space, Flying Between Galaxies

Based on Gaia's second data release, a team of astronomers from the Leiden Observatory have observed hyper-velocity stars that appear…

6 years ago

Inside the Crust of Neutron Stars, There’s Nuclear Pasta; the Hardest Known Substance in the Universe

A new study has shown that "nuclear pasta", which exists beneath crust of a neutron star, is the strongest material…

6 years ago

Oort Clouds Around Other Stars Should be Visible in the Cosmic Microwave Background

A new study by a team from the University of Pennsylvania suggests using maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)…

6 years ago

170 Years Ago, Eta Carinae Erupted Dramatically. Astronomers Now Think They Know Why

170 years after the star Eta Carinae erupted and became the second brightest star in the galaxy, astronomers now have…

6 years ago

Thanks to a Gravitational Lens, Astronomers Can See an Individual Star 9 Billion Light-Years Away

In a recent study, a team of international astronomers used the gravitational lensing technique to study the most distant individual…

7 years ago

Tabby’s Star is Dipping Again!

According to updates by Tabetha Boyajian and her team, it appears that Tabby's Star recently experienced another major dip in…

7 years ago