
Can Webb Find the First Stars in the Universe?

The Universe's very first stars had an important job. They formed from the primordial elements created by the Big Bang,…

1 year ago

Could There Be a Black Hole Inside the Sun?

Primordial black holes are one explanation for dark matter, although it's not widely accepted. These black holes would have formed…

1 year ago

Ancient Stars Could Make Elements With More Than 260 Nucleons

Elements heavier than iron, like gold or platinum, were created when massive stars died or through colliding neutron stars. Some…

1 year ago

How Do Superflares Get So Powerful?

We live with a star that sends out flares powerful enough to disrupt things here on Earth. Telecommunications, power grids,…

1 year ago

Three Baby Stars Found at the Heart of the Milky Way

The core of our Milky Way is buzzing with stars. Recently astronomers reported that it contains at least one ancient…

1 year ago

A Star Near the Center of the Milky Way is a Visitor from Beyond

There's an alien red giant star orbiting in the center of our galaxy. It's called S0-6 and has chemical fingerprints…

1 year ago

This Planet is Way Too Big for its Star

Scientists love outliers. Outliers are nature's way of telling us what its boundaries are and where its limits lie. Rather…

1 year ago

JWST Reveals a Newly-Forming Double Protostar

As our newest, most perceptive eye on the ongoing unfolding of the cosmos, the James Webb Space Telescope is revealing…

1 year ago

Vampire Stars Get Help from a Third Star to Feed

Some stars are stuck in bad binary relationships. A massive primary star feeds on its smaller companion, sucking gas from…

1 year ago

What Would Happen to Earth if a Rogue Star Came Too Close?

Stars are gravitationally fastened to their galaxies and move in concert with their surroundings. But sometimes, something breaks the bond.…

1 year ago