Black holes are big influencers for the early universe; these singularities that were close to ancient stars heated up gas…
Radio light, radio bright: when you look at M82 in this frequency range, a whole lot of activity pops out.…
Think the weather is nasty this winter here on Earth? Try vacationing on the brown dwarf Luhman 16B sometime. Two…
A recent find announced by astronomers may go a long ways towards understanding a crucial “missing link” between planets and…
For decades astronomers have puzzled over the many details concerning the formation of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now a group…
If you’re looking for something truly unique, then check out the cosmic menage aux trois ferreted out by a team…
6,500 light-years away in the southern constellation Puppis an enormous star pulses with light and energy, going through the first…
When it's a brown dwarf -- but where do we draw the line? Often called "failed stars," brown dwarfs are…
Circinus X-1 may look like a serene place from a distance, but in reality this gassy nebula is quite a…
That spooky hand in the image above is producing questions for scientists. While the shape only coincidentally looks like a…