Stellar Evolution

MOST… Cutting To The Heart Of A Wolf-Rayet Star

[/caption] In 1867, astronomers using the 40 cm Foucault telescope at the Paris Observatory, discovered three stars in the constellation…

14 years ago

Coming To A Theatre Near You… Extreme Neutron Stars!

[/caption] They came into existence violently... Born at the death of a massive star. They are composed almost entirely of…

14 years ago

Globular Clusters Are Real Oddballs

[/caption] Hanging onto the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy like cockle burs on a shaggy dog's coat, globular clusters…

14 years ago

Early Stars Were Whirling Dervishes

[/caption] Even though some of the first stars in the early universe were massive, they probably lived fast and furious…

14 years ago

What is the Life Cycle of Stars?

Like all living beings, stars have a life cycle, which consists of birth, a lifespan characterized by growth and change,…

16 years ago