Stellar Evolution

Astronomers Find the Oldest Planetary Nebula

Planetary nebulae are short-lived "leftovers" of sun-like stars. Most of these "star ghosts" only last—at most—about 25,000 years. Usually, their…

2 years ago

In Wildly Different Environments, Stars End Up Roughly the Same

When you look at a region of the sky where stars are born, you see a cloud of gas and…

2 years ago

Thanks to Gaia we Know Exactly how and When the Sun Will die

Observations from the Gaia spacecraft gives us a detailed picture of how the Sun will live and die.

2 years ago

A Dormant Black Hole has Been Discovered Just Outside the Milky Way

What happens when a massive star dies? Conventional wisdom (and observational evidence) say that it can collapse to form a…

2 years ago

Red Supergiant Stars Bubble and Froth so Much That Their Position in the Sky Seems to Dance Around

Making a 3D map of our galaxy would be easier if some stars behaved long enough to get good distances…

2 years ago

Astronomers Caught Betelgeuse Just Before it Started Dimming and Might Have Seen a Pressure Wave Rippling Through its Atmosphere

A couple of years ago, Betelgeuse generated much interest when it started dimming. That caught the attention of astronomers worldwide,…

3 years ago

Slimmed Down Red Giants Had Their Mass Stolen By a Companion Star

Millions of stars that can grow up to 620 million miles in diameter, known as 'red giants,' exist in our…

3 years ago

A Second Generation of Planets can Form Around a Dying Star

When young stars coalesce out of a cloud of molecular hydrogen, a disk of leftover material called a protoplanetary disk…

3 years ago

Astronomers Watch a Star Die and Then Explode as a Supernova

It's another first for astronomy. For the first time, a team of astronomers have imaged in real-time as a red…

3 years ago

Giant Stars and the Ultimate Fate of the Sun

Astronomers have a new tool to help them understand giant stars. It's a detailed study of the precise temperatures and…

3 years ago