
A History Of Violence: Iron Found in Fossils Suggests Supernova Role In Mass Dying

In a study of deep ocean cores, scientists have uncovered the remains of magnetic fossils that point to a nearby…

8 years ago

The Closest Supernova Since 1604 Is Hissing At Us

By examining faint radio emissions from a local supernova remnant, astronomers are learning more about how stars behave before they…

8 years ago

Nearby Supernovas Showered Earth With Iron

We all know that we are "made of star-stuff," with all of the elements necessary for the formation of planets and even…

9 years ago

What are the Different Kinds of Supernovae?

When stars explode, it's one of the most energetic explosions in the Universe. But did you supernovae come in different…

9 years ago

Adventures With Starblinker

Observational astronomy is a study in patience. Since the introduction of the telescope over four centuries ago, steely-eyed observers have…

9 years ago

Andromeda and Milky Way Might Collide Sooner Than We Think

The merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy won't happen for another 4 billion years, but the recent discovery of…

10 years ago

As It Turns Out, We Really Are All Starstuff

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple…

10 years ago

Winds of Supermassive Black Holes Can Shape Galaxy-Wide Star Formation

The combined observations from two generations of X-Ray space telescopes have now revealed a more complete picture of the nature of…

10 years ago

‘Lopsided’ Supernova Could Be Responsible for Rogue Hypervelocity Stars

Hypervelocity stars have been observed traversing the Galaxy at extreme velocities (700 km/s), but the mechanisms that give rise to such phenomena…

10 years ago

Two Stars On A Death Spiral Set To Detonate As A Supernova

Two white dwarfs circle around one other, locked in a fatal tango. With an intimate orbit and a hefty combined mass, the pair is ultimately…

10 years ago