
Shiny New Supernova Spotted in Nearby Galaxy

[/caption] Literally an event of stellar proportions, a new Type Ia supernova has been identified in a spiral galaxy 25…

13 years ago

Pan-STARRS Discovers two Super Supernovae

[/caption] Supernovae are the brightest phenomenon in the current universe. As massive stars die as supernovae, they briefly outshine the…

13 years ago

Burned Out Stars Do A Deadly Last Dance

[/caption] "Well, I don't know, but I've been told... You never slow down, you never grow old." Well, Tom Petty…

13 years ago

Where Did Early Cosmic Dust Come From? New Research Says Supernovae

[/caption] From a JPL Press Release: New observations from the infrared Herschel Space Observatory reveal that an exploding star expelled…

13 years ago

Dark Energy… And Zombie Stars!

[/caption] It's called a Type Ia supernovae and it shines with the luminosity of a billion suns. For all intents…

13 years ago

Young Supernova Has Bright Future

[/caption] Way back in 1987 we received a present from our neighboring galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was an…

13 years ago

New Class of Stellar Explosion Sings the Blues

[/caption] A team of astronomers led by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered a new, ultra-bright class of…

13 years ago

Supernova Discovered in M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy

A new supernova (exploding star) has been discovered in the famous Whirlpool Galaxy, M51. M51, The Whirlpool galaxy is a…

13 years ago

Carina Nebula: Pumping More Than Just Iron

[/caption] We are all just star stuff... But when it comes to the elements produced by a star, it just…

13 years ago

What Triggers a Type Ia Supernova? Chandra Finds New Evidence

[/caption] What makes a star go boom? A new look at Tycho’s supernova remnant by the Chandra X-ray telescope has…

13 years ago