
A New Kind of Rocket that’s Lightweight and Easier to Construct: a Rotating Detonating Engine. Unfortunately, it’s Also Completely Unpredictable

A new type of engine - known as the rotating detonation engine - could revolutionize rocketry and make space exploration…

5 years ago

Anti-Solar Cells Could Generate Electricity at Night

A new study proposes how thermoradiative technology could be used to make "anti-solar" cells that would work at night. Credit:…

5 years ago

A Cubesat Deployed a De-Orbiting Tether and Now it’s Losing Altitude 24 Times Faster than Before

A company called Tethers Unlimited has deployed its de-orbiting tether in a successful test on the Prox-1 satellite. The satellite…

5 years ago

LightSail 2 is Still Solar Sailing, But it’s Getting Lower and Lower with Each Orbit

LightSail 2 deployed it solar sail five months ago, and it's still orbiting Earth. It's a successful demonstration of the…

5 years ago

NASA Will Be Building a Quiet, Supersonic Aircraft: the X-59

NASA's X-Plane Program has been around for 70 years. Over the course of those decades, the agency has developed a…

5 years ago

ESA Astronaut Luca Parmitano will be Controlling a Rover From Space

The ESA has begun conducting experiments as part of their Analog project, which will allow human operators to control robotic…

5 years ago

This Artificial Leaf Turns Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel

Researchers from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, have developed an "artificial leaf" that has the potential to turn carbon emissions…

5 years ago

NASA is Testing a Coating to Help Astronauts and Their Equipment Shed Dangerous Lunar Dust

NASA is developing an advanced new coating that could protect everything from spacecraft systems to astronauts from harmful lunar dust.

5 years ago

NASA Has a New Method For Cooling Down Electronics Crammed Together in a Spacecraft

Engineers at NASA Goddard have completed flight tests on their revolutionary new cooling system, which has the potential to lead…

5 years ago

A Private Company in China Plans to Launch Reusable Rockets by 2021

A Chinese company is planning to launch a rocket with a reusable booster in 2021. The company is called i-Space,…

5 years ago