
NASA is Going to Test 25 New Technologies in Upcoming Aircraft, Balloon and Sub-Orbital Rocket Flights

NASA's Flight Opportunities program has selected 25 space technologies for further testing. They're testing the technologies on aircraft, balloons, and…

5 years ago

Rocket Lab is Going to try to Re-use its First Stage Booster, Catching it in Mid-air With a Helicopter

CEO Peter Beck of Rocket Lab recently announced that his company will begin retrieving the first stage of its Electron…

5 years ago

The Light Sail is Working… It’s Working!

Good news from The Planetary Society: LightSail 2's solar sail is functioning as intended. After launching on June 25th, then…

5 years ago

Drama In Low-Earth Orbit As LightSail2 Deploys Its Sails

LightSail 2 has successfully deployed its solar sails. Shortly after 12:00 pm PST The Planetary Society tweeted that the sails…

5 years ago

Can We Use Special Sails To Bring Old Satellites Back Down To Earth?

The growing problem of space debris in LEO (Low-Earth Orbit) is garnering more and more attention. With thousands of satellites…

5 years ago

Skywatcher and Satellite Tracker Photographs US Air Force’s Secret Space Plane in Orbit!

A satellite tracker from The Netherlands recently spotted and photographed the USAF's elusive and top-secret X-37B space plane.

5 years ago

The ESA’s SpaceBok Robot Will Hop Its Way Around Low-Gravity Worlds

The ESA is helping a group of students from Zurich test and develop their hopping exploration robot. Called SpaceBok, the…

5 years ago

Inflatable Heat Shield Could Deliver Heavy Payloads to Worlds With a Thick Atmosphere

NASA is testing out a new inflatable heat shield which could enable them to send heavier missions to Mars, as…

5 years ago

Japan’s First Private Rocket Flies to Space

Have you heard of Interstellar Technologies? They're the latest private company to launch their own rocket into space. They're a…

5 years ago

Astronauts Could Rely on Algae as the Perfect Life Support Partner

Researchers from Germany are testing a new hybrid life support system aboard the ISS, which uses algae to clean the…

5 years ago