
The Starhops Have Begun!

After a minor delay, SpaceX has conducted the first successful hop test of their Starship Hopper, a key step in…

5 years ago

New Research Reveals How Galaxies Stay Hot and Bothered

It's relatively easy for galaxies to make stars. Start out with a bunch of random blobs of gas and dust.…

6 years ago

A New Atomic Clock has been Built that Would be off by Less than a Second Since the Big Bang

Physicists have developed an atomic clock so accurate that it would be off by less than a single second in…

6 years ago

Chinese Fusion Experiment Reaches 100 Million Degrees

Scientists at China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor set a new temperature record by super-heating plasma to six times…

6 years ago

Next Generation Telescopes Could Use “Teleportation” to Take Better Images

According to a new study by an international team of scientists, quantum mechanics may allow for some truly-cutting edge astronomy…

6 years ago

A New Solution to the Space Junk Problem. Spacecraft with Plasma Beams to Force Space Junk to Burn Up

A Japanese-Australian team is developing a new way to remove space junk from orbit and sending it harmlessly towards Earth.

6 years ago

Technosignatures are NASA’s New Target for Detecting Other Civilizations in Space. Wait. What’s a Technosignature?

A NASA workshop on Technosignatures paves the way for a new approach to the search for intelligent life.

6 years ago

Instead of Building Single Monster Scopes like James Webb, What About Swarms of Space Telescopes Working Together?

Looking to the next-generation of telescopes, a pair of astrophysicists propose using swarm robots to conduct observations instead of relying…

6 years ago

Engineers Propose a Rocket that Consumes Itself as it Flies to Space

A team of engineers from the University of Glasgow and the Ukraine have proposed a self-eating rocket as a way…

6 years ago

Uh oh, the EMDrive Could be Getting Its “Thrust” From Cables and Earth’s Magnetic Field

After conducting their own tests on the EM Drive, a team from UT Dresden reported that any thrust coming from…

6 years ago