
SpinLaunch Hurls a Test Vehicle Kilometers Into the air. Eventually, it’ll Throw Them Almost all the way to Orbit

The commercial space company SpinLaunch just conducted its first successful launch test from their facility at Spaceport America.

3 years ago

China Wants to Build a Spaceship That’s Kilometers Long

China is considering building spacecraft in orbit that would measure a few kilometers long and ensure they become the dominant…

3 years ago

The Universe is Constantly Bathing you in Radiation. Incredibly, This Could be Used for Medical Diagnosis

Walk into any modern hospital, and you'll find a medical imaging department. Medical imaging uses x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),…

4 years ago

What if Starship Didn’t Do a Landing Burn at All?

Another 3D graphic artist has a proposal for Musk: to "catch" the Starship using a special launch tower, kind of…

4 years ago

Exploring the Moon’s Shadowed Regions Using Beamed Energy

NASA is exploring new concepts for its long-awaited return to the Moon, one of which promises to "beam" power wherever…

4 years ago

The UK is Considering Nuclear Propulsion in Space

The UK Space Agency recently contracted with the British Rolls Royce company to research nuclear propulsion, which could allow for…

4 years ago

Winning Urban Farming Ideas for Mars!

The 2020 Mars City Design challenge inspired some truly innovative ideas for urban farming and living sustainably on Mars!

4 years ago

A Steampunk Engine to Solve Your Satellite Woes!

NASA contractor Howe Industries just presented their design for a "steampunk" engine that could allow satellites to maneuver, without the…

4 years ago

One of the Terms of Service For Starlink is that You “Recognize Mars as a Free Planet”

In May of 2019, SpaceX began launching its Starlink constellation with the launch of its first 60 satellites. To date,…

4 years ago

What Martian Settlers Need to Know About Soil Can Teach us How to Grow Better on Earth

The Soil Health in Space experiment is now being conducted on the ISS, which could lead to sustainable farming on…

4 years ago