Telescope Reviews

Pentax Eyepieces – Observatory Quality

Back awhile ago I did a review on plossl eyepieces. In that article I was trying to reach for the…

16 years ago

William Optics Binoviewers – A Class Act

I like using binoculars... and I like using a telescope. So what happens when you combine both? For savvy telescope…

16 years ago

The Meade ETX80 Backpack Observatory – In A Heartbeat…

It's time you and I sat down and had us a long and quiet talk about the Meade Backpack Observatory.…

16 years ago

Celestron Sky Maps and Star Finder – Start Out Right

I'm often asked about what I'd recommend as a very basic book for beginner's to help them learn their way…

16 years ago

The TeleVue Plossl – Unsung Eyepiece Hero

If you're into telescopy, then you know the name Televue needs little or no introduction at all. The name is…

16 years ago

Big Things Come In Small Packages – The Celestron C65 Mini-Mak

Have you been wanting to get your hands on a telescope that's easy to use, very portable and best of…

16 years ago

Coronado PST – Personal H-Alpha Solar Telescope

[/caption]Are you interested in taking an in-depth look at our nearest star in a specific wavelength of light? H-alpha has…

16 years ago

The 16″ Meade LightBridge – That’s What I Like About You…

At around $2000, this "light bucket" telescope isn't for everyone, but if you are interested in big, big aperture and…

16 years ago

Telescope Review – Celestron NexStar 102 SLT

Are you looking for a sweet little telescope that can take abuse and keep coming back for more? Designed for…

17 years ago

Equipment Review: Meade 8X42 Travel Binoculars

My Mother always told me that if I couldn't say something good about somebody, that I shouldn't say anything at…

17 years ago