
Lakes on Titan Might Have Exotic Crystals Encrusted Around Their Shores

Titan is a mysterious, strange place for human eyes. It's a frigid world, with seas of liquid hydrocarbons, and a…

6 years ago

Methane-Filled Lakes on Titan are “Surprisingly Deep”

The Cassini mission to Saturn and its moons wrapped up in 2017, when the spacecraft was sent plunging into the…

6 years ago

Cassini Saw Rain Falling at Titan’s North Pole

The Cassini mission to Saturn ended in September 2017, but the data it gathered during its 13 year mission is…

6 years ago

Titan’s Thick Clouds Obscure our View, but Cassini Took these Images in Infrared, Showing the Moon’s Surface Features

Saturn's moon Titan is a very strange place. It's surrounded by a dense, opaque atmosphere, the only moon in the…

6 years ago

Titan First-Ever Detected Dust Storms Prove the Moon is More Earth-like than Ever

Based on Cassini data, an international team of scientists found evidence of dust storms on Titan, yet another thing it…

6 years ago

Titan Looks Cool in Infrared

Using 13 years of data obtained by Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), the Cassini imaging team has produced…

6 years ago

There’s Sand on Titan, Where Does it Come From?

A new study led by researchers from John Hopkins University tackles the question of where Titan's mysterious sand dunes come…

7 years ago

Just Like Earth, Titan Has a “Sea Level” for its Lakes and Seas

Based on Cassini data, two new studies have been produced that reveal some new and interesting things about Saturn's largest…

7 years ago

Yes Please! NASA is Considering a Helicopter Mission to Titan

NASA has chosen the Dragonfly mission concept as a finalist in its New Frontiers program. The double-quadcopter drone is designed…

7 years ago

Forecast for Titan: Cold, with a Chance of Noxious Ice Clouds

One of the many interesting finds made by the Cassini orbiter before it crashed into Saturn was evidence of a…

7 years ago