Hubble Snaps Rare Moon Parade Across Saturn


Once every 15 years, Saturn flashes its paper-thin rings in edge-on formation relative to Earth. 

Because the orbits of Saturn’s major satellites are in the ring plane, too, this alignment gives astronomers a rare opportunity to capture a spectacular parade of celestial bodies crossing Saturn’s surface.

Leading this moon train is Titan – larger than the planet Mercury. The frigid moon’s thick nitrogen atmosphere is tinted orange with the smoggy byproducts of sunlight interacting with methane and nitrogen. Several of the much smaller icy moons that are closer in to the planet line up along the upper edge of the rings. 

In the image, snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope on February 24, the giant orange moon Titan casts a large shadow onto Saturn’s north polar hood. Below Titan, near the ring plane and to the left is the moon Mimas, casting a much smaller shadow onto Saturn’s equatorial cloud tops. Farther to the left, and off Saturn’s disk, are the bright moon Dione and the fainter moon Enceladus.

Hubble’s exquisite sharpness also reveals Saturn’s banded cloud structure, which is similar to Jupiter’s.

The top frame captures the giant moon Titan and its shadow near Saturn's northern polar hood. Dione, the brightest of the icy moons in this view – which are closer in to Saturn – can easily be traced crossing the disk from far left to image center. In the center frame, the smaller moon Enceladus can be seen near the western limb of Saturn. Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

At the time, Saturn was at a distance of roughly 775 million miles (1.25 billion kilometers) from Earth. Hubble can see details as small as 190 miles (300 km) across on Saturn. The dark band running across the face of the planet slightly above the rings is the shadow of the rings cast on the planet.

Early 2009 was a favorable time for viewers with small telescopes to watch moon and shadow transits crossing the face of Saturn. Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, crossed Saturn on four separate occasions: January 24, February 9, February 24, and March 12, although not all events were visible from all locations on Earth.

 This “ring plane crossing” occurs every 14-15 years. In 1995-96 Hubble witnessed the ring plane crossing event, as well as many moon transits, and even helped discover several new moons of Saturn.

Source (and more images!): HubbleSite

Titan Dunes Turn Climate Models Upside Down

Map of dunes on Titan, with arrows indicating the general wind direction. Dark areas without arrows might have dunes but have not yet been imaged with radar. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute (Boulder, Colorado)

Scientists have mapped vast dune fields on Titan that may align with the wind on Saturn’s biggest moon — flowing opposite the way climate models had predicted.

The maps, as above, represent four years of radar data collected by the Cassini spacecraft. They reveal rippled dunes that are generally oriented east-west, which means Titan’s winds probably blow toward the east instead of the west. If so, Titan’s surface winds blow opposite the direction suggested by previous global circulation models. On the example above, the arrows indicate the general wind direction. The dark areas without arrows might have dunes but have not yet been imaged. 

“At Titan there are very few clouds, so determining which way the wind blows is not an easy thing, but by tracking the direction in which Titan’s sand dunes form, we get some insight into the global wind pattern,” says Ralph Lorenz, Cassini radar scientist at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. “Think of the dunes sort of like a weather vane, pointing us to the direction the winds are blowing.”

Titan’s dunes are believed to be made up of hydrocarbon sand grains likely derived from organic chemicals in Titan’s smoggy skies. The dunes wrap around high terrain, which provides some idea of their height. They accumulate near the equator, and may pile up there because drier conditions allow for easy transport of the particles by the wind. Titan’s higher latitudes contain lakes and may be “wetter” with more liquid hydrocarbons, not ideal conditions for creating dunes.

“Titan’s dunes are young, dynamic features that interact with topographic obstacles and give us clues about the wind regimes,” said Jani Radebaugh, from Brigham Young University in Utah. “Winds come at these dunes from at least a couple of different directions, but then combine to create the overall dune orientation.”

Researchers say the wind pattern is important for planning future Titan explorations that might involve balloon-borne experiments. Some 16,000 dune segments were mapped out from about 20 radar images, digitized and combined to produce the new map, which is available at and A paper based on the new findings appeared in the Feb. 11 issue of Geophysical Research Letters.

Cassini, which launched in 1997 and is now in extended mission operations, continues to blaze its trail around the Saturn system and will visit Titan again on March 27. Seventeen Titan flybys are planned this year.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA’s Jet propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California manages the Cassini-Huygens mission. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The radar instrument was built by JPL and the Italian Space Agency, working with team members from the United States and several European countries. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

LEAD IMAGE CREDIT: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute (Boulder, Colorado)

Source: NASA

Next Big Planetary Mission: To Jupiter and Its Moons

Artist concept of proposed missions to the Jupiter system (left) and the Saturn system (right). Image credit: NASA/JPL

At a meeting last week between NASA and ESA, the two space agencies narrowed down the choices for the next big flagship planetary missons, which will be joint efforts between the US and Europe. A mission to Jupiter and its four largest moons will be the primary mission the two space agencies will focus on, while they continue to plan for another potential mission to visit Saturn’s largest moon Titan and Enceladus. The two missions, the Jupiter System Mission and the Titan Saturn System Mission, are the result of NASA and ESA merging their separate mission concepts.

“This joint endeavour is a wonderful new exploration challenge and will be a landmark of 21st Century planetary science,” said David Southwood, ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration. “What I am especially sure of is that the cooperation across the Atlantic that we have had so far and we see in the future, between America and Europe, NASA and ESA, and in our respective science communities is absolutely right. Let’s get to work.”

The Europa Jupiter System Mission would use two robotic orbiters to conduct detailed studies of the giant gaseous planet Jupiter and its moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. NASA would build one orbiter, initially named Jupiter Europa. ESA would build the other orbiter, initially named Jupiter Ganymede. The probes would launch in 2020 on two separate launch vehicles from different launch sites. The orbiters would reach the Jupiter system in 2026 and spend at least three years conducting research.

Europa.  Credit: NASA
Europa. Credit: NASA

Europa has a surface of ice, and scientists theorize it has an ocean of water beneath that could provide a home for living things. Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, is the only moon known to have its own internally generated magnetic field and is suspected to have a deep undersurface water ocean. Scientists long have sought to understand the causes of the magnetic field. Callisto’s surface is extremely heavily cratered and ancient, providing a clear indication of a record of events from the early history of the Solar System. Finally, Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system.

“The decision means a win, win situation for all parties involved,” said Ed Weiler, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “Although the Jupiter system mission has been chosen to proceed to an earlier flight opportunity, a Saturn system mission clearly remains a high priority for the science community.”

The future Titan Saturn System Mission would consist of a NASA orbiter and an ESA lander and research balloon.

Both of these proposed missions will set the stage for future planetary science research. These outer planet flagship missions could eventually answer questions about how our solar system formed and whether life exists elsewhere in the universe.

Source: JPL

Hydrocarbon Downpours Could Be Creating New Lakes on Titan

Mosaics of the south pole of Saturn’s moon Titan, made from images taken almost one year apart, show changes in dark areas that may be lakes filled by seasonal rains of liquid hydrocarbons. Credit: NASA/JPL/CICLOPS

Recent pictures from the Cassini spacecraft of Titan’s south polar region reveal new lake features not seen in images of the same region taken a year earlier. Extensive cloud systems seen in images covering the area during past year suggest that the new lakes could be the result of a large rainstorm and that lakes on Titan owe their presence, size and distribution to the moon’s weather and changing seasons. But there must also be large underground reservoirs as well of the liquids on Titan. Those liquids aren’t water, of course, but super-cold hydrocarbons like methane.

For several years, Cassini scientists have suspected that dark areas near the north and south poles of Saturn’s largest satellite might be liquid-filled lakes. Cassini’s Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) have now surveyed nearly all of Titan’s surface, helping to create an updated global map.

Global Map of Titan.  Credit: NASA/JPL/CICLOPS
Global Map of Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL/CICLOPS

Observations have documented greater stores of liquid methane in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. And, as the northern hemisphere moves toward summer, Cassini scientists predict large convective cloud systems will form there and precipitation greater than that inferred in the south could further fill the northern lakes with hydrocarbons.

Some of the north polar lakes are large. If full, Kraken Mare — at 400,000 square kilometers — would be almost five times the size of North America’s Lake Superior. All the north polar dark ‘lake’ areas observed by ISS total more than 510,000 square kilometers — almost 40 percent larger than Earth’s largest “lake,” the Caspian Sea.

However, evaporation from these large surface reservoirs is not great enough to replenish the methane lost from the atmosphere by rainfall and by the formation and eventual deposition on the surface of methane-derived haze particles.

“A recent study suggested that there’s not enough liquid methane on Titan’s surface to resupply the atmosphere over long geologic timescales,” said Dr. Elizabeth Turtle, Cassini imaging team associate at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Md., and lead author of a paper published today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. “Our new map provides more coverage of Titan’s poles, but even if all of the features we see there were filled with liquid methane, there’s still not enough to sustain the atmosphere for more than 10 million years.”

Combined with previous analyses, the new observations suggest that underground methane reservoirs must exist.

Hemisphere Map of Titan.  Credit: NASA/JPL/CICLOPS
Hemisphere Map of Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL/CICLOPS

Titan is the only satellite in the solar system with a thick atmosphere in which a complex organic chemistry occurs. “It’s unique,” Turtle said. “How long Titan’s atmosphere has existed or can continue to exist is still an open question.”

That question and others related to the moon’s meteorology and its seasonal cycles may be better explained by the distribution of liquids on the surface. Scientists also are investigating why liquids collect at the poles rather than low latitudes, where dunes are common instead.

“Titan’s tropics may be fairly dry because they only experience brief episodes of rainfall in the spring and fall as peak sunlight shifts between the hemispheres,” said Dr. Tony DelGenio of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, a co-author and a member of the Cassini imaging team. “It will be interesting to find out whether or not clouds and temporary lakes form near the equator in the next few years.”

Titan and the transformations on its surface brought about by the changing seasons will continue to be a major target of investigation throughout Cassini’s Equinox mission.


ExoFly: Future Space Exploration Super Hero?

Artist rendition of th ExoFly on Mars. Courtesy Ray Villard

This is perhaps the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Ray Villard, the news director for the Hubble Space Telescope, also writes a blog for Discovery called Cosmic Ray (love that name!) He recently wrote about a dragonfly-like robotic device being developed by the Technical University Delft, Wageningen University in the Netherlands. It’s call the ExoFly, and Ray described it as a “dragonfly-on-steroids … a nimble flapping aerobot.” It could be the next generation of robotic planetary explorers. It’s a small, lightweight autonomous machine capable of flying, hovering, landing and taking off like an insect. Ray says this type of vehicle would “open up a new exploration niches that it not easily reachable by rovers or airborne vehicles on far flung worlds.” Actually, it might work best in conjunction with a future big rover, flying ahead to search for interesting or dangerous terrain, and the rover would provide a “landing pad” for the ExoFly’s home base. While the ExoFly may be small, its name sounds like a potential super hero, and its capabilities could be in the exploration super hero category, as well.

Take a look at the incredible video of the ExoFly below:

The ExoFly would be great for exploring Mars, and Titan, too. Small onboard cameras would provide a unique overhead but close-up view of the terrain in geological terms that would be different from, and could compliment, a rover.

The prototype ExoFly weighs less than an ounce, has a wingspan of only a foot, and can fly for 12 minutes on batteries.

A Mars ExoFly would need a longer wingspan and carry a miniaturized high-resolution digital video camera, sensors, navigation system and instruments.

Check out all of Ray Villard’s ideas for this future flying robot at Cosmic Ray.

Image and video credit: T.E. Zegers

Source: Cosmic Ray (with a head nod to Disco Dave Mosher for his Twitter Tweet)

Lake-Effect Clouds Discovered on Titan

Map projected images of lake-effect clouds at the winter north pole of Titan from the VIMS (left, both from 27 April 2007) and ISS (right, from 24 Feb 2007, top, and 13 April 2007, bottom) imagers on board the Cassini spacecraft.


While browsing through Cassini images of Saturn’s moon Titan, astronomer Mike Brown and some colleagues noticed a recurring pattern of clouds appearing over the frigid moon’s north pole. While a large, stable cloud has been visible in every image of Titan’s north pole obtained since its discovery, Brown noticed bright “knots or streaks” in the cloud that appeared on some images but not others, or changed in images taken hours apart. Brown thought these bright features looked similar to cumulus clouds – or even like thunderheads. But how could tropical-like thunderheads be present on a moon where surface temperatures hover around -178°C (-289°F)? Brown believes these clouds are similar to winter-time lake-effect clouds found on Earth, and are due to convection and condensation occurring in the methane and ethane lakes on Titan.

“On the Earth, lake-effect clouds occur in the winter when cold air goes over warm water (like the Great Lakes) and picks up heat and moisture and then, often, deposits it all in the form of snow on the eastern shores,” Brown told Universe Today. “On Titan the winters are so long (the north pole has been in the dark for the past ~10 years!) that the lakes retain almost no heat. But as the spring sunlight starts to hit the lakes they begin to heat up just a tiny amount and this is enough to cause little blips of evaporation and clouds.”

So, while lake-effect clouds on Earth are predominantly a winter event, on Titan, lake-effect clouds occur as spring is approaching. The clouds appear only in images taken since February 2005, as the increasing amount of sunlight has heated the liquid hydrocarbon lakes slightly and evaporation takes place. “Every time the lakes warm up just a bit, a huge dollop of evaporation occurs, which re-cools the lake, and we see a cumulus cloud pop up. The lake then has to wait for some more sunlight before it happens again,” Brown wrote in his blog.

Brown, a professor of planetary astronomy at Caltech, is known primarily for his discoveries of trans-Neptunian objects like Eris and Sedna. But he enjoys dipping his toes in the water, so to speak, in other areas as well. That includes studying the meteorology of a moon that’s over 1,200 million kilometers away. “I think it’s pretty fun,” Brown admitted.

Since spring is approaching on Titan (equinox occurs in August 2009), the cloud activity is likely to increase. Fortuitously, Cassini is scheduled to fly by Titan frequently the next few years, and Brown and his team will be keeping an eye on these lake-effect-like clouds that may have a great influence on Titan’s weather.

“When Cassini was first conceived no one even knew that clouds existed on Titan!” said Brown. “But the trick is to put a spacecraft up that has highly versatile and flexible instruments and then you’ll be able to see things even if you hadn’t anticipated them.”

Brown and his team examined the north polar clouds of Titan using data from VIMS (Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) and ISS (Imaging Science Subsystems) instruments on board the Cassini spacecraft and from adaptive optics observations from the Gemini observatory and full-disk spectroscopy of Titan from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).

Titan continues to surprise planetary scientists like Brown. “I love the similarities and differences with the Earth,” he said. “Titan is the only other place that we know of that has both liquids on its surface and a thick atmosphere, so we get a chance to watch something sort of Earth-like but with some very non-terrestrial behavior.”

Source: arXiv

Electrical Activity on Titan Confirmed: The Spark for Life?

False colour image of Titan's atmosphere. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute/ESA

Titan not only has an atmosphere it has hydrocarbon lakes, oceans, sand dunes and now research has just been published proving Saturn’s moon is sparkling with electrical activity. Scientists are in general agreement that organic molecules, the precursors to life on Earth, are a consequence of lightning in the atmosphere. Now, using data from the Huygens probe that descended through Titan’s atmosphere in 2005 and continued transmitting for 90 minutes after touchdown, Spanish scientists have “unequivocally” proven that Titan has electrical storms too. The presence of electrical activity in the atmosphere is causing much excitement as this could mean that organic compounds may be found in abundance on the Titan surface.

The fruits from the Cassini-Huygens mission are coming thick and fast. Only yesterday, Nancy reviewed the discovery of liquid hydrocarbon lakes by Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). Although possible lakes have been theorized, it is only now that there is observational proof of the existence of such features. Now, three years after the Huygens probe dropped through Titan’s atmosphere, scientists have made another crucial discovery: Titan experiences electrical activity in its atmosphere. Now Titan has all the necessary components for life; it has an atmosphere with electrical activity, increasing the opportunity for prebiotic organic compounds to form, thus increasing the possibility for life to evolve.

According to Juan Antonio Morente from the University of Granada, Titan is already considered a “unique world in the solar system” since the early 20th Century when Spanish astronomer José Comas y Solá made the discovery that the Saturn moon had an atmosphere. This is what makes Titan special, it has a thick atmosphere, something that is not observed on any other natural satellite in the Solar System.

On this moon clouds with convective movements are formed and, therefore, static electrical fields and stormy conditions can be produced. This also considerably increases the possibility of organic and prebiotic molecules being formed, according to the theory of the Russian biochemist Alexander I. Oparín and the experiment of Stanley L. Miller [who managed to synthesise organic compounds from inorganic compounds through electrical discharges] That is why Titan has been one of the main objectives of the Cassini-Huygens joint mission of NASA and the European Space Agency” – Juan Antonio Morente.

Morente and his team analysed data from Huygens’ Mutual Impedance Probe (MIP) that measured the atmospheric electrical field. The MIP instrument was primarily used to measure the atmosphere’s electrical conductivity but it also acted as a dipolar antenna, detecting the natural electric field. The MIP was therefore able to detect a set of spectral peaks of extremely low frequency (ELF) radio signals (known as “Schumann resonances”). These ELF peaks are formed between the moon’s ionosphere and a huge resonant cavity in which electromagnetic fields are confined.

The detection of these signals have led the Spanish researchers to state that it is “irrefutable” evidence of electrical activity on Titan, not dissimilar to static charge that builds up in the terrestrial atmosphere, leading to electrical storms.

Source: Scientific Blogging

Liquid Lake on Titan Confirmed

Artist's concept of the liquid lake on Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL


NASA’s Cassini mission has detected liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn’s moon Titan, in a large, glassy lake near the moon’s south pole. Before the Cassini mission began, scientists thought Titan would have global oceans of methane, ethane and other light hydrocarbons. But after more than 40 close flybys of Titan by Cassini, data showed no global oceans exist. However hundreds of dark, lake-like features are present. Until now, it was not known whether these features were liquid or simply dark, solid material. Using Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), which identifies the chemical composition of objects by the way matter reflects light, a liquid ethane lake 235 kilometers (150 miles) long was detected. This makes Titan the only body in our solar system beyond Earth known to have liquid on its surface.

“This is the first observation that really pins down that Titan has a surface lake filled with liquid,” said Bob Brown of the University of Arizona, Tucson, leader of the VIMS instrument.

Scientists had deduced through earlier observations that there was likely liquid on Titan, but this is the first incontrovertible evidence. (Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary Society explains this excellently.)

“Detection of liquid ethane confirms a long-held idea that lakes and seas filled with methane and ethane exist on Titan,” said Larry Soderblom, a Cassini interdisciplinary scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “The fact we could detect the ethane spectral signatures of the lake even when it was so dimly illuminated, and at a slanted viewing path through Titan’s atmosphere, raises expectations for exciting future lake discoveries by our instrument.”

The dark area near the top is Ontario Lacus.  Credit: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute
The dark area near the top is Ontario Lacus. Credit: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute

Titan’s hazy, nitrogen and methane atmosphere makes it difficult to study the moon’s surface. The liquid ethane was identified using a technique that removed the interference from the atmospheric hydrocarbons.

The VIMS instrument observed a lake, called Ontario Lacus, in Titan’s south polar region during a close Cassini flyby in December 2007. The lake is roughly 20,000 square miles (7,800 square miles) in area, slightly larger than North America’s Lake Ontario.

The ethane is in a liquid solution with methane, other hydrocarbons and nitrogen. At Titan’s surface temperatures, approximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, these substances can exist as both liquid and gas. Titan shows overwhelming evidence of evaporation, rain, and fluid-carved channels draining into what, in this case, is a liquid hydrocarbon lake.

Earth has a hydrological cycle based on water and Titan has a cycle based on methane. Scientists ruled out the presence of water ice, ammonia, ammonia hydrate and carbon dioxide in Ontario Lacus. The observations also suggest the lake is evaporating. It is ringed by a dark beach, where the black lake merges with the bright shoreline. Cassini also observed a shelf and beach being exposed as the lake evaporates.

“During the next few years, the vast array of lakes and seas on Titan’s north pole mapped with Cassini’s radar instrument will emerge from polar darkness into sunlight, giving the infrared instrument rich opportunities to watch for seasonal changes of Titan’s lakes,” Soderblom said.

More information is available at NASA’s Cassini site, JPL’s Cassini site, and the Univeristy of Arizona’s VIMS site.

Titan’s Hydrocarbon “Sand Dunes

Even before the Cassini spacecraft entered the Saturn system, scientists were predicting that Saturn’s moon Titan would be quite Earth-like. And every image that’s been returned of Titan’s clouds, lakes, rivers, and other landforms is proving them right. In 2005 Cassini’s imaging radar discovered a massive area of sand dunes around Titan’s equatorial region. Although these dark, windblown dunes look much like sand dunes on Earth (they’ve been compared to mountainous drifts of coffee grounds), scientists are finding that the dunes are likely made of organic molecules that are not anything at all like sand.

Titan is known to have massive amounts of hydrocarbons. New observations of Titan’s sand dunes raise the possibility that much of the sand grows from hydrocarbon particulates fallen from Titan’s thick atmosphere. Once on the ground, the particulates join together and become sand grain-size particles.

This process is called sintering – where the particles are heated enough to melt together. Scientist Jason W. Barnes of NASA’s Ames Research Center says that this sintering may produce particles that are about the same size as sand grains – between 0.18-0.25 millimeters, which are perfect for blowing in the wind and drifting into dunes.

So, this process is quite the opposite of what happens to sand on Earth, which comes from silicates, gypsum, or rock that have broken down to finer grains. But on Titan, the small hydrocarbon particulates grow together into larger grains. Barnes says the process is extremely slow, but Titan has been around long enough for this to have occurred.

Based on measurements from Cassini, the dunes are 100-200 meters high and are between 1 and 79 kilometers long. Not all over Titan’s surface has been imaged, but scientists believe up to 20 % of Titan’s surface could be covered by these hydrocarbon dunes.

Original News Source: JPL

Underground Oceans Discovered on Titan

With each flyby, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has been building up the case that there are lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons on the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan. But now we get the stunning news that the planet might have vast oceans of water and ammonia underneath its surface as well.

Over the course of 19 separate Cassini Titan flybys, members on the mission science team carefully established the position of 50 unique landmarks on the surface of the moon. After each flyby, they located the landmarks again, and marked their positions.

During nearly 2 years of flybys, from October 2005 to May 2007, surface features had moved from their original positions by up to 30 km (19 miles). The only way the surface could be shifting like this is if the moon’s icy crust is floating atop an internal ocean.

“We believe that about 62 miles beneath the ice and organic-rich surface is an internal ocean of liquid water mixed with ammonia,” said Bryan Stiles of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in, Pasadena, Calif.

Since Titan has an incredibly thick atmosphere, 1.5 times more dense than the Earth, it’s possible that powerful winds are rocking the moon back and forth around its axis. It might be speeding the rotation up at one point in the year, and then slowing it back down again. But this would only be possible if there’s an ocean underneath the surface that the entire crust floats on top of.

“The combination of an organic-rich environment and liquid water is very appealing to astrobiologists,” said Ralph Lorenz, lead author of the paper and Cassini radar scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. “Further study of Titan’s rotation will let us understand the watery interior better, and because the spin of the crust and the winds in the atmosphere are linked, we might see seasonal variation in the spin in the next few years.”

Researchers will get another chance to test their theories shortly. Cassini is due to make another Titan flyby on March 25th, at an altitude of only 1,000 km (620 miles).

The research will be published in the March 21st issue of the journal Science.

Original Source: NASA News Release