What’s Up this Week: December 11 – December 17, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! We’ll start off the week in living color and end it fishing for galaxies in Pices. Along the way, we’ll have a look at the dark side as we study obscuration nebula… and you won’t have to say “Betelguese” three times to study this bright star! If you were disappointed in missing this year’s Leonid meteors, then you better watch out and you better not pout… Because the Geminids are coming to town! I’ll race you to dark skies, because…

Here’s what’s up!
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What’s Up this Week: December 4 – December 10, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! While things are cooling down in the northern hemisphere, they’re heating up for the south as our “friends down under” are up for two meteor showers this week. We’ll have a look a double stars, the distant Neptune, and practice judging stellar magnitudes. Be sure to read closely, because there just might be a suprise or two hidden in here! So, turn an eye to the sky because…

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What’s Up this Week: November 27 – December 3, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Sister Selene is back en force, so why not take a few evenings to catch up on some lunar features? If you want to double your pleasure and double your fun – why not look at binary stars instead of just one! Time to dust off the telescope and head out into the night, because…

Here’s what’s up!
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What’s Up this Week: November 13 – November 19, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Here’s the week you’ve been waiting for… It’s almost time for the annual Leonid meteor shower! Although it won’t reach its peak until later this week, there will still be plenty to explore as we look at everything from the Andromeda family to the mighty M13. Time to get out your binoculars or telescopes, because…

Here’s what’s up!
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What’s Up this Week: November 6 – November 12, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! The hottest event of the year is about to happen as mid-week brings up a transit of Mercury. If you haven’t had a chance to view comet SWAN yet, now is the time before it fades west. You’ll find it in the constellation of Hercules. There’s still many other things to explore as we take a look at the Andromeda galaxy family this week as well. So turn an eye to the sky, because…

Here’s what’s up
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What’s Up this Week: October 30 – November 5, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! The Moon has returned again to the night sky and what perfect timing. Be sure to give your visiting “trick or treat” monsters a view of the lunar surface. Or better yet? Comet SWAN! Mid-week also brings on the Taurid meteor shower along with plenty of history and other objects to explore. It’s time to set sail on the wings of the night, because…

Here’s what’s up!
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What’s Up this Week: October 16 – October 22, 2006

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! As dark skies return at a sane hour, we’ll spend this week checking in on galactic star clusters and nebulae. No scope? No problem! The brilliant Venus is back just before dawn and the week ends with one of the year’s most reliable meteor showers. So turn an eye towards the sky, because…

Here’s what’s up!
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