Here’s One Idea Of How To Search For Life Beyond Earth

Early on, Mars had giant active volcanoes, which would have released significant methane. Because of methane’s high greenhouse potential, even a thin atmosphere might have supported liquid water. Credit: NASA

Using a phone to search for signs of life? Yeah, we can get behind that. One group of researchers has a system that they’ve been testing out in analog environments with the aim of (eventually, one day, they hope) it being applied, say, to other planets — such as Mars.

Here’s  how it works:

“Initially the human astrobiologist takes images of his/her surroundings using a mobile phone camera. These images are sent via Bluetooth to a laptop, which processes the images to detect novel colors and textures, and communicates back to the astrobiologist the degree of similarity to previous images stored in the database,” read a press release on the technology.

View of Mars' surface near the north pole from the Phoenix lander. Credit: NASA/JPL-Calech/University of Arizona
View of Mars’ surface near the north pole from the Phoenix lander. Credit: NASA/JPL-Calech/University of Arizona

The aim is to eventually have robots, if necessary, do the same thing on Mars or in other locations. Field tests have been done in Martian analog environments, with intriguing results.

“In our most recent tests at a former coal mine in West Virginia, the similarity-matching by the computer agreed with the judgement of our human geologists 91% of the time,” stated Patrick McGuire, who works in Freie Universität’s planetary sciences and remote sensing department in Germany.

“The novelty detection also worked well, although there were some issues in differentiating between features that are similar in color but different in texture, like yellow lichen and sulfur-stained coalbeds. However, for a first test of the technique, it looks very promising.”

You can check out more details in this paper on Arxiv, a site that publishes articles before they are peer-reviewed. The information has also been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

Source: European Planetary Science Congress

How Spitzer’s Focus Changed To Strange New Worlds

Artist's concept of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope surrounded by examples of exoplanets it has looked at. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

After 10 years in space — looking at so many galaxies and stars and other astronomy features — the Spitzer Space Telescope is being deployed for new work: searching for alien worlds.

The telescope is designed to peer in infrared light (see these examples!), the wavelength in which heat is visible. When looking at infrared light from exoplanets, Spitzer can figure out more about their atmospheric conditions. Over time, it can even detect brightness differences as the planet orbits its sun, or measure the temperature by looking at how much the brightness declines when the planet goes behind its star. Neat stuff overall.

“When Spitzer launched back in 2003, the idea that we would use it to study exoplanets was so crazy that no one considered it,” stated Sean Carey of NASA’s Spitzer Science Center, which is at the California Institute of Technology. “But now the exoplanet science work has become a cornerstone of what we do with the telescope.”

Of course, the telescope wasn’t designed to do this. But to paraphrase the movie Apollo 13, NASA was interested in what the telescope could do while it’s in space — especially because the planet-seeking Kepler space telescope has been sidelined by a reaction wheel problem. Redesigning Spitzer, in a sense, took three steps.

Classifying Galaxies
An example of Spitzer’s past work: This image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope shows infrared light from the Sunflower galaxy, otherwise known as Messier 63. Spitzer’s view highlights the galaxy’s dusty spiral arms. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Fixing the wobble: Spitzer is steady, but not so steady that it could easily pick out the small bit of light that an exoplanet emits. Engineers determined that the telescope actually wobbled regularly and would wobble for an hour. Looking into the problem further, they discovered it’s because a heater turns on to keep the telescope battery’s temperature regulated.

“The heater caused a strut between the star trackers and telescope to flex a bit, making the position of the telescope wobble compared to the stars being tracked,” NASA stated. In October 2010, NASA decided to cut the heating back to 30 minutes because the battery only needs about 50 per cent of the heat previously thought. Half the wobble and more exoplanets was more the recipe they were looking for.

The Spitzer Space Telescope.  Credit:  NASA
The Spitzer Space Telescope. Credit: NASA

Repurposing a camera: Spitzer has a pointing control reference sensor “peak-up” camera on board, which originally gathered up infrared light to funnel to a spectrometer. It also calibrated the telescope’s star-tracker pointing devices. The same principle was applied to infrared camera observations, putting stars in the center of camera pixels and allowing a better view.

Remapping a camera pixel: The scientists charted the variations in a single pixel of the camera that showed them which were the most stable areas for observations. For context, about 90% of Spitzer’s exoplanet observations are about a 1/4 of a pixel wide.

That’s pretty neat stuff considering that Spitzer’s original mission was just 2.5 years, when it had coolant on board to allow three temperature-sensitive science instruments to function. Since then, engineers have set up a passive cooling system that lets one set of infrared cameras keep working.

Source: NASA

Stars in this Jam-Packed Galaxy are 25 Times Closer Together than in the Milky Way

Galaxy M60-UCD1 is an ultra-compact dwarf galaxy, and is packed with an extraordinary number of stars. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/MSU/J.Strader et al, Optical: NASA/STScI

Meet galaxy M60-UCD1. This is not your average, every day, ordinary galaxy. First of all, it’s what is known as an ‘ultra-compact dwarf galaxy,’ which – as the name implies — are unusually dense and small galaxies. Additionally, it is the most luminous known galaxy of its type and one of the most massive, weighing 200 million times more than our Sun. But M60-UCD1 is jam-packed with an extraordinary number of stars, making it the densest galaxy in the nearby Universe that we know of. Stars in M60-UCD1 are thought to be 25 times closer together than the stars in our galaxy.

Quick and easy access to neighboring star systems (if you lived there) might be your first thought. But remember, space is big, no matter where you are.

“Traveling from one star to another would be a lot easier in M60-UCD1 than it is in our galaxy,” said Jay Strader of Michigan State University in Lansing, first author of a paper describing these results. “But it would still take hundreds of years using present technology.”

Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies were discovered about a decade ago. They are typically about only 100 light years across compared to the 1,000 light years or more than other dwarf galaxies. Our Milky Way galaxy is 120,000 light-years across.

This graph shows where M60-UCD1 fits in as far as luminosity and size. Credit: Strader et al.
This graph shows where M60-UCD1 fits in as far as luminosity and size. Credit: Strader et al.

Strader said that what makes M60-UCD1 so remarkable is that about half of its mass is found within a radius of only about 80 light years. This would make the density of stars about 15,000 times greater than found in Earth’s neighborhood in the Milky Way.

“Our discovery of M60-UCD1 lends support to the idea that ultra-compact dwarfs could be stripped-down version of more massive galaxies,” Strader wrote in a post on the Chandra blog. “The first reason is its mass: we estimate that it contains about 400 million stars, far more than observed for even massive star clusters, and much closer to the galaxy regime. We also observe that M60-UCD1 has two “parts”: an inner, even denser core embedded in a more diffuse field of stars. This structure is not expected for a star cluster, but it’s a natural outcome of the tidal stripping process that could produce an ultra-compact dwarf.”

And so, this UCD is providing astronomers with clues to how these types of galaxies fit into the galactic evolutionary chain.

Additionally, this galaxy appears to have a central black hole, as Chandra X-ray Observatory reveal the presence of an X-ray source sitting right at the center.

While supermassive black holes are known to be common in the most massive galaxies, it is unknown whether they occur in less massive galaxies like M60-UCD1, Strader said.

“Further observations of M60-UCD1 and other ultra-compact dwarfs could confirm a new, significant population of massive black holes,” Strader said. “These masses of these black holes would be notable: while most central black holes in galaxies have only a fraction of a percent of the mass of their host galaxies, in ultra-compact dwarfs the black holes could be a full 10% of the mass of the dwarf. This is because so many of the dwarf’s outer stars have been stripped away, essentially boosting the contribution of the unaffected central black hole to the total mass of the galaxy.”

M60-UCD1 is located near a massive elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, also called M60, about 60 million light years from Earth. The galaxy was discovered with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and follow-up observations were done with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, and the Multiple Mirror Telescope in Arizona.

Here’s the paper describing the discovery and the galaxy.

Sources: Chandra website, Chandra blog

Enceladus, Afterburners Still Firing

This view of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its prominent plumes was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on April 2, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.

We can never get enough of seeing those intriguing jets and plumes from Saturn’s moon Enceladus, especially this great view from the Cassini spacecraft where the plumes are back-it from the Sun while the moon’s surface is lit with reflected light from Saturn. And as you can see, those jets are still firing. There are close to 100 geyser jets of varying sizes near Enceladus’s south pole spraying water vapor, icy particles, and organic compounds out into space. If you look closely, you’ll see the entire plume is as large as the moon itself.

Can we please send another spacecraft just to study this fascinating moon?

The image was taken in blue light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on April 2, 2013, when Cassini was about 517,000 miles (832,000 kilometers) from Enceladus.

See more details at the Cassini website.

Next Soyuz Rolls to Launchpad for Fast-Track Flight to the Space Station

A Soyuz rocket is rolled out to the launch pad by train on Monday, Sept. 23, 2013, at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Carla Cioffi.

A new Soyuz is now on the pad, ready to bring the next crew to the International Space Station. Launch is scheduled for at 20:58 UTC (4:58 p.m. EDT) on September 25. This is the third Soyuz spacecraft to use the new abbreviated rendezvous trajectory with the ISS, where it will reach the space station in just a few hours instead of the usual two days.

Below is a video of the rollout to the pad.

You can see a great collection of images from the rollout, a press conference and more from NASA HQ’s Flickr page.

This Soyuz rocket will send Expedition 37 Soyuz Commander Oleg Kotov, NASA Flight Engineer Michael Hopkins and Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Ryazansky on a five-and-a-half month mission aboard the International Space Station.

In the past, Soyuz manned capsules and Progress supply ships were launched on trajectories that required about two days, or 34 orbits, to reach the ISS. For tomorrow’s launch, the Soyuz will rendezvous with the space station and dock after four orbits of Earth. The new fast-track trajectory has the rocket launching shortly after the ISS passes overhead. Then, additional firings of the vehicle’s thrusters early in its mission expedites the time required for a Russian vehicle to reach the Station.

Docking to the Poisk module on the Russian segment of the station is expected to occur at 02:47 UTC on Sept. 26 (10:47 p.m. EDT, Sept. 25) All the action of the launch and docking will be on NASA TV.

The new crew will join the current Expedition 37 crew of Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin, Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency.

Hopkins, Kotov and Ryazanskiy will remain aboard the station until mid-March. Yurchikhin, Nyberg and Parmitano, who have been aboard the orbiting laboratory since late May, will return to Earth Nov. 11, leaving Kotov as commander of Expedition 38.

Electro-L’s Fully Lit View of Planet Earth at the Autumnal Equinox

The entire disk of the Earth lit during the equinox on September 22, 2013. Credit: Roscosmos / NTSOMZ / SRC "Planeta" /

Here’s a fantastic view of our home planet taken by the Russian weather satellite Electro-L. And while Elektro-L can take gigantic photographs of the entire planet every 30 minutes, it only can get a fully-lit view like this just twice a year — at the spring and autumn equinoxes. This image was taken during the autumnal equinox on September 22, 2013.

Below is an animated gif of the view, going from day to night.

Animation of the Electro-L satellite's view of Earth on September 22, 2013. Credit: Roscosmos / NTSOMZ / SRC "Planeta" /
Animation of the Electro-L satellite’s view of Earth on September 22, 2013. Credit: Roscosmos / NTSOMZ / SRC “Planeta” /

Elektro-L orbits Earth in a geostationary orbit 36,000 kilometers above the equator, and with the Sun exactly behind the satellite on the equinox — the day the north and south poles get the same amount of light — the entire disk is fully lit.

You can see the typhoon Usagi raging over Southeast Asia, clouds and rain over Russia and swirling clouds in the ocean near Antarctica.

Electro-L was launched in 2011 and is Russia’s first geostationary weather satellite. It’s a data hog – sending back 2.56 to 16.36 megabits per second, with resolution of 1 kilometer per pixel. You can see the big 5000 x 5000 pixel version at the Electro-L website.

Thanks to Vitaliy Egorov for sharing this image with UT. He has posted the images at his zelenyikot/livejournal website.

A Volcanic View of Mercury

An oblique view of pyroclastic vents on Mercury via MESSENGER

Here on Earth we’re used to seeing volcanoes as towering mountains with steam-belching peaks or enormous fissures oozing lava. But on Mercury volcanic features often take the form of sunken pits surrounded by bright reflective material. They look like craters from orbit but are more irregularly-shaped, and here we have a view from MESSENGER of a cluster of them amidst a rugged landscape that stretches all the way to the planet’s limb.

The image above shows a group of pyroclastic vents on Mercury, located just north and east of the 180-mile (290-km) -wide, double-ringed Rachmaninoff crater. The vents lie in the center of a spread of high-reflectance material, sprayed out by ancient eruptions. This bright blanket of material stands out against Mercury’s surface so well, it has even been spotted in Earth-based observations!

An older vent can be seen at the bottom right, looking like a crater but with non-circular walls. North is to the left.

So why do Mercury’s volcanoes look so different than Earth’s? Planetary scientist David Blewett from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory explains:

“Volcanism on Mercury (and also the Moon) appears to have been dominated by flood lavas, in which large quantities if highly fluid (low-viscosity) magma erupts and flows widely to cover a large area. In this type of eruption, no large ‘volcano’ edifice is constructed,” David wrote in an email. “The lunar maria and many of Mercury’s smooth plains deposits were formed in this manner.”
“On both the Moon and Mercury there are also examples of explosive activity in which eruptions from a vent showered the surroundings with pyroclastic material (volcanic ash),” he added. “The vents and bright pyroclastic halos seen near Rachmaninoff on Mercury are examples, as well as numerous ‘dark mantle deposits’ on the Moon.”
(Do you have a question about Mercury? Check out the MESSENGER Q&A page here.)

The discovery and investigation of vents like these is extremely valuable to scientists, as they provide information on Mercury’s formation, composition, and the nature of volatiles in its interior. (Plus the oblique angle is very cool! Makes you feel like you’re flying along with MESSENGER over Mercury’s surface.)

See below for a wider view of the region and context of the placement of these vents to Rachmaninoff.

MESSENGER image of Rachmaninoff crater obtained in September 2009
MESSENGER image of Rachmaninoff crater obtained in September 2009

See these and more images from Mercury on the MESSENGER website here.

Added 9/24: Want to see a volcanic vent in 3D? Click here.

Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Why Are There Seasons?

Why Are There Seasons?

We’re in the middle of Summer here on Vancouver Island, the Sun is out, the air is warm, and the river is great for swimming.

Three months from now, it’s going to be raining and miserable.

Six months from now, it’s still going to be raining, and maybe even snowing.

No matter where you live on Earth, you experience seasons, as we pass from Spring to Summer to Fall to Winter, and then back to Spring again.

Why do we have variations in temperature at all? What causes the seasons?

If you ask people this question, they’ll often answer that it’s because the Earth is closer to the Sun in the summer, and further in the winter.

But this isn’t why we have seasons. In fact, during Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth is actually at the closest point to the Sun in its orbit, and then farthest during the Summer. It’s the opposite situation for the Southern hemisphere, and explains why their seasons are more severe.

So if it’s not the distance from the Sun, why do we experience seasons?

We have seasons because the Earth’s axis is tilted.

Consider any globe you’ve ever used, and you’ll see that instead of being straight up and down, the Earth is at a tilt of 23.5-degrees.

The Earth’s North Pole is actually pointed towards Polaris, the North Star, and the south pole towards the constellation of Octans. At any point during its orbit, the Earth is always pointed the same direction.

For six months of the year, the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, while the Southern hemisphere is tilted away. For the next six months, the situation is reversed.

Whichever hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun experiences more energy, and warms up, while the hemisphere tilted away receives less energy and cools down.

Consider the amount of solar radiation falling on part of the Earth.

When the Sun is directly overhead, each square meter of Earth receives about 1000 watts of energy.

But when the Sun is at a severe angle, like from the Arctic circle, that same 1000 watts of energy is spread out over a much larger area.

This tilt also explains why the days are longer in the Summer, and then shorter in the Winter.

The longest day of Summer, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun is known as the Summer Solstice.

And then when it’s tilted away from the Sun, that’s the Winter Solstice.

When both hemispheres receive equal amounts of energy, it’s called the Equinox. We have a Spring Equinox, and then an Autumn Equinox, when our days and night are equal in length.

So how does distance from the Sun affect us?

The distance between the Earth and has an effect on the intensity of the seasons.

The Southern Hemisphere’s Summer happens when the Earth is closest to the Sun, and their winter when the Earth is furthest. This makes their seasons even more severe.

You might be interested to know that the orientation of the Earth axis is actually changing.

full-526px-earth_precessionsvgOver the course of a 26,000 year cycle, the Earth’s axis traces out a great circle in the sky. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes.

At the halfway point, 13,000 years, the seasons are reversed for the two hemispheres, and then they return to original starting point 13,000 years later.

You might not notice it, but the time of the Summer Solstice comes earlier by about 20 minutes every year; a full day every 70 years or so.

I hope this helps you understand why the Earth – and any planet with a tilted axis – experiences seasons.

Comet ISON: A Viewing Guide from Now to Perihelion

Comet ISON, as seen on September 22, 2013 at 10:00 UTC (6:00 am EDT) from Yellow Springs, Ohio, using a QHY8 CCD camera and a home-made 16 inch diameter telescope. 15 minute exposure. Credit and copyright: John Chumack.

Perhaps you’ve read the news. This Fall, the big ticket show is the approach of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON. The passage of this comet into the inner solar system has been the most anticipated apparition of a comet since Hale-Bopp in 1997.

Many backyard observers will get their first good look at Comet ISON in the coming month. If you want to see this comet for yourself, here’s everything you’ll need to know!

A composite image of Comet ISON as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope on April 30th, 2013. (Credit:

Discovered on September 21st, 2012 by Artyom-Kislovodsk and Vitaly Nevsky using the International Scientific Optical Network’s (ISON) 0.4 metre reflector, this comet has just passed out from behind the Sun from our Earthly vantage point this summer to once again become visible in the dawn sky.

Of course, there’s much speculation as to whether this will be the “comet of the century” shining as “bright as the Full Moon” near perihelion. We caught up with veteran comet observer John Bortle earlier this year to see what skywatchers might expect from this comet in late 2013. We’ve also chronicled the online wackiness of comets past and present as ISON makes its way into the pantheon as the most recently fashionable scapegoat for “the end of the world of the week…”

But now it’s time to look at the astronomical prospects for observing Comet ISON, and what you can expect leading up to perihelion on November 28th.

Comet ISON imaged by Efrain Morales on September 22nd. (Credit: Efrain Morales/Jaicoa Observatory, used with permission).
Comet ISON as recently imaged by Efrain Morales on September 22nd. (Credit: Efrain Morales/Jaicoa Observatory, used with permission).

Advanced amateur astronomers are already getting good images of Comet ISON, which currently shines at around +12th magnitude in the constellation Cancer. And although NASA’s Deep Impact/EPOXI mission is down for the count, plans are afoot for the Curiosity rover and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to attempt imaging the comet when it makes its closest approach to the Red Planet on October 1st at 0.0724 Astronomical Units (A.U.) or 10,830,000 kilometres distant. If MSL is successful, it would be the first time that a comet has been observed from the surface of another world.

Currently, ISON sits about a magnitude below the projected light curve, (see below) but that isn’t all that unusual for a comet. Already, there’s been increasing talk of “ISON being a dud,” but as Universe Today’s Nancy Atkinson pointed out in a recent post, these assertions are still premature. The big question is what ISON will do leading up to perihelion, and if it will survive its passage 1.1 million kilometres above the surface of the Sun on November 28th to become a fine comet in the dawn skies in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

ISON is already starting to show a short, spikey tail in amateur images. Tsutomu Seki estimated it to be shining at about magnitude +11.1 on September 16th. Keep in mind, a caveat is in order when talking about the magnitudes of comets. Unlike stars, which are essentially a point source, the brightness of a comet is spread out over a large surface area. Thus, a comet may appear visually fainter than the quoted magnitude, much like a diffuse nebula. Although +6th magnitude is usually the limit for naked eye visibility, I’ll bet that most folks won’t pick up ISON with the unaided eye from typical suburban sites until it breaks +4th magnitude or so.

(Credit: NASA CIOC/Matthew Knight. used with permission).
The recent revised light curve projected for Comet ISON (Credit: NASA CIOC/Compiled by Matthew Knight of the Lowell Observatory).

The forward scattering of light also plays a key role in the predicted brightness of a comet. The November issue of Astronomy Magazine has a great article on this phenomenon. It’s interesting to note that ISON stacks up as a “9” on their accumulated point scale, right at the lower threshold of comet “greatness,” versus a 15 for sungrazing Comet C/1965 S1 Ikeya-Seki. Another famous “9” was Comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake, which passed 0.1018 A.U. or 15.8 million kilometres from Earth on March 25, 1996.

ISON will pass 0.429 A.U. or 64.2 million kilometres from Earth the day after Christmas. Bruce Willis can stay home for this one.

Here is a blow-by-blow breakdown of some key dates to watch for as ISON makes its plunge into the inner solar system:

-September 25th: ISON crosses the border from the astronomical constellation of Cancer into Leo.

-September 27th: ISON passes 2 degrees north of the planet Mars.

The path of Comet ISON from October 1st to November 21st. The position of the Sun is shown on the final date. (Created by the Author using Starry Night Education software).
The path of Comet ISON from October 1st to November 21st. The position of the Sun is shown on the final date. (Created by the Author using Starry Night Education software).

-October 1st: The 12% illuminated waning crescent Moon passes 10 degrees south of Mars & ISON.

-Early October: ISON may break +10th magnitude and become visible with binoculars or a small telescope.

-October 4th: New Moon occurs. The Moon then exits the dawn sky, making for two weeks of prime viewing.

October 10th: ISON enters view of NASA’s STEREO/SECCHI HI-2A CAMERA:

Credit: NASA/ISON Observing campaign)
The path of ISON as it enters the view of STEREO. Credit: NASA/ISON Observing campaign)

-October 16th: ISON passes just 2 degrees NNE of the bright star Regulus, making a great “guidepost” to pin it down with binoculars.

-October 18th: The Full Moon occurs, after which the Moon enters the morning sky.

-October 26th: A great photo-op for astro-imagers occurs, as ISON passes within three degrees the Leo galaxy trio of M95, M96, & M105.

The position of Comet ISON on October 26th in Leo. (Created by the author in Stellarium).
The position of Comet ISON on October 26th in Leo near Mars and a trio of galaxies. (Created by the author in Stellarium).

-October 30th: The 17% illuminated Moon passes 6 degrees south of ISON.

-Early November: Comet ISON may make its naked eye debut for observers based at dark sky sites.

-November 3rd: A hybrid (annular-total) solar eclipse occurs, spanning the Atlantic and Central Africa. It may just be possible for well placed observers to catch sight of ISON in the daytime during totality, depending on how quickly it brightens up. The Moon reaching New phase also means that the next two weeks will be prime view time for ISON at dawn.

-November 5th: ISON crosses the border from the astronomical constellation of Leo into Virgo.

-November 7th: ISON passes less than a degree from the +3.6 magnitude star Zavijava (Beta Virginis).

-November 8th: ISON passes through the equinoctial point in Virgo around 16:00 EDT/20:00 UT, passing into the southern celestial hemisphere and south of the ecliptic.

-November 14th: ISON passes less than a degree from the 10th magnitude galaxy NGC 4697.

-November 17th: The Moon reaches Full, passing into the morning sky.

-November 18th: ISON passes just 0.38 degrees north of the bright star Spica.

-November 22nd: ISON crosses into the astronomical constellation of Libra.

-November 23rd: ISON sits 4.7 degrees SSW of the planet Mercury and 4.9 SSW of Saturn, respectively.

Looking east before dawn on the morning of November 23rd. (Created by the author using Starry Night Education software).
Looking east before dawn on the morning of November 23rd. Note comet 2P/Encke nearby! (Created by the author using Starry Night Education software).

-November 25th: ISON pays a visit to another famous comet, passing just 1.2 degrees south of short period comet 2P/Encke which may shine at +8th magnitude.

-November 27th: ISON enters the field of view of SOHO’s LASCO C3 coronagraph.

-November 28th: ISON reaches perihelion at ~18:00 PM EST/ 23:00 UT.

After that, all bets are off. The days leading up to perihelion will be tense ones, as ISON then rounds the Sun on a date with astronomical destiny. Will it join the ranks of the great comets of the past? Will it stay intact, or shatter in a spectacular fashion? Watch this space for ISON updates… we’ll be back in late November with our post-perihelion guide!

Be sure to also enjoy recently discovered Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy later the year.

Got ISON pics? Send ’em in to Universe Today!


China Plans To Open Doors To Foreign Astronauts: Report

Chinese taikonauts (from left) Liu Yang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang. Credit:

China’s human spaceflight program may soon be opening the door to foreign astronauts. The Asian nation has so far been forging ahead with a small space station and its own flights, independent of the multinational collaboration taking place with the International Space Station, although it has done work with Russia and France.

Last week, however, a Chinese official said the country is considering bringing foreign astronauts on board its spacecraft and also providing training for them.

“We would like to train astronauts from other countries and organizations that have such a demand, and we would be glad to provide trips to foreign astronauts,” said Yang Liwei, deputy director of China Manned Space Agency, in a report from China Daily.

Launch of Shenzhou 7. Credit: PR China
Launch of Shenzhou 7. Credit: PR China

“We will also welcome foreign astronauts who have received our training to work in our future space station.”

Yang’s remarks came at the United Nations/China Workshop on Human Space Technology. The director also pointed out that European astronauts have visited the Chinese facilities, and vice versa, which could point the way forward to more work between the nations.

China’s most recent spaceflight took place in June. Shenzhou 10 docked with a small space station in orbit (Tiangong-1.) The country is reportedly planning a larger space station in the coming years and possibly, some manned lunar missions.

Read more details in the China Daily report.