Pakistan’s “Earthquake Island” Seen From Space

Mud island off the coast of Gwadar imaged by NASA's EO-1 satellite on Sept. 26, 2013

On the afternoon of Tuesday September 24, 2013, a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Balochistan province in southern Pakistan, causing widespread destruction across several districts during more than 2 minutes of powerful tremors and shaking. Sadly at least 400 people were killed (some reports say 600) and over 100,000 have been left homeless. But a weirder — if much less tragic — effect of the quake that was soon reported worldwide was the sudden appearance of a new island off the coast, a mound of mud and bubbling methane seeps rising nearly 20 meters (70 feet) from the ocean surface.

The image above, taken by NASA’s Earth Observing-1 satellite, shows the newly-formed mud island a kilometer (0.6 miles) off the Gwadar coast.

According to an article by the Pakistani news site, the 250-by-100-foot-long pile of mud and rocks is leaking flammable gases.

“Our team found bubbles rising from the surface of the island which caught fire when a match was lit and we forbade our team to start any flame,” said Mohammad Danish, a marine biologist from Pakistan’s National Institute of Oceanography. “It is methane gas.”

Aerial photo of the Gwadar mud volcano (National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan)
Aerial photo of the Gwadar mud volcano (National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan)

Pakistan’s many earthquakes are the result of collisions between the Indian, Arabian, and Eurasian tectonic plates. These sorts of mud volcanoes are not particularly unusual after large quakes there… it just so happened that this one occurred near a populated coast and in relatively shallow water. (Source)

(In fact two days later another mud island was spotted off the coast of the nearby coastal town of Ormara.)

The mud volcano, which is being called “Zalzala Jazeera” (earthquake island) is not expected to last long. Wave action will eventually sweep the sediment away over the course of several months. (

Unfortunately earthquake relief efforts in the remote Taliban-dominated region are being hampered by militant activity.

Image source: NASA Earth Observatory

Watch Live on September 29: Orbital’s Cygnus Capsule Rendezvous with ISS

Artist rendering of Cygnus spacecraft approaching the International Space Station. Credit: Orbital Sciences Corp.

NASA and Orbital Sciences Corporation have announced a new date and time for the targeted arrival and berthing of the Cygnus spacecraft for its demonstration cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station. All the action will now take place on Sept. 29, a week later than originally planned, after a software glitch on the first rendezvous attempt, and a subsequent scheduling conflict due to the arrival of a Soyuz spacecraft with additional crew.

You can see the schedule of events below, as well as watch live on NASA TV’s UStream feed:

Here’s the current schedule of the Cygnus rendezvous, grapple and berthing activities, but check this link for any updates or changes:

Sunday, September 29

08:30 UTC (4:30 a.m. EDT: Cygnus rendezvous, grapple and berthing coverage begins on NASA Television.

11:15 UTC (7:15 a.m. EDT): Grapple of Cygnus by International Space Station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm
13:15 UTC (9:15 a.m. EDT): Cygnus berthing to Earth-facing port of Harmony node begins
17:00 UTC (1 p.m. EDT): Cygnus Post-Capture News Conference

Live streaming video by Ustream

ISS astronauts Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano are scheduled to grapple Cygnus with the station’s Canadian built robotic arm, working from the robotic work station in the Cupola module. They will install the cargo carrier at an Earth-facing docking port on the Harmony pressurized module.

Cygnus will deliver about 1,300 pounds (589 kilograms) of cargo, including student experiments, food and clothing, to the space station. Future Cygnus flights will ensure a robust national capability to deliver critical science research to orbit, significantly increasing NASA’s ability to conduct new science investigations to the only laboratory in microgravity.

Weekly Space Hangout – September 27, 2013: Buran, Comet ISON, Water on Mars

Is it Friday already? Then it’s time for another Weekly Space Hangout. Join a team of dedicated space journalists to discuss the big space and astronomy news stories that broke this week. This time around, we discussed Amy Shira Teitel’s Buran article, ISON Watch 2013, and the re-re-discovery of water on Mars.

Host: Fraser Cain

Journalists: Amy Shira Teitel, David Dickinson, Jason Major, Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, and Scott Lewis.

And here are the stories we covered:

The Life and Death of Buran
Comet ISON Viewing Guide
Water on Mars
Split Personality Pulsar
Asteroid Was Actually Space Junk
Cat’s Paw Nebula in APEX
Spitzer for Exoplanets
Mindblowing Spaceship Chart

We record the Weekly Space Hangout every Friday at 12:00 pm Pacific / 3:00 pm Eastern, 2000 GMT. You can watch from here on Universe Today, or over on Google+ or YouTube.

NASA Astronaut Helped Actors Prepare for “Gravity”

Sandra Bullock as Ryan Stone in Warner Bros. Pictures' dramatic thriller "Gravity," a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Actors for a new movie coming out in October 2013 received tips about life in space from NASA astronaut Cady Coleman. “Gravity” is the story of two astronauts (played by George Clooney and Sandra Bullock) whose shuttle is destroyed by a run-in with space junk during an EVA, stranding them both in orbit and struggling for survival.

While developing her role, Bullock gave Coleman a call while she was aboard the space station. At the time, the actress asked Coleman to elaborate on what it’s like living and moving about in microgravity. “I told her that I had long hair, and if you pulled a hair out and pushed it against something, you could move yourself across the space station,” said Coleman. “That’s how little force it takes.”

You can see more of their discussion below, as well as the heart-pounding trailer for the movie:

NASA says that although this dire scenario makes for gripping Hollywood entertainment, NASA actively works to protect its astronauts and vehicles from the dangers portrayed in the movie. From protective shielding and meticulous and methodical training on the ground and in space covering everything from spacewalking to fires or decompression inside the space station, NASA’s ground crews and astronauts are as prepared as they can be for potential anomaly, no matter how remote they may be.

Read more about aspects of the International Space Station that you’ll see in the movie in this feature article from NASA.

How Do Black Holes Form?

How Do Black Holes Form?

Black holes are the most exotic and awe inspiring objects in the Universe.

Take the mass of an entire star. Compress it down into an object so compact that the force of gravity defies comprehension.

Nothing, not even light, can escape the pull of gravity from a black hole.

The idea was first conceived in the 18th century by the geologist John Mitchell. He realized that if you could compress the Sun down by several orders of magnitude, it would have gravity so strong that you’d need to be going faster than the speed of light to escape it.

Initially, black holes were considered nothing more than abstract mathematical concepts; even Einsten assumed they didn’t actually exist. But in 1931, the astronomer Chandrasekhar calculated that certain high mass stars might be able to collapse into black holes after all.

They turned out to be real, and over the next few decades, astronomers found many examples out in the Universe.

Stars are held in perfect balance by two opposing forces. There’s the inward pressure of gravity, attempting to collapse the star, counteracted by the outward pressure of the emitted radiation.

This artist's concept illustrates a supermassive black hole with millions to billions times the mass of our sun. Supermassive black holes are enormously dense objects buried at the hearts of galaxies. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
This artist’s concept illustrates a supermassive black hole with millions to billions times the mass of our sun. Supermassive black holes are enormously dense objects buried at the hearts of galaxies. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
At the core, millions of tonnes of hydrogen are being converted into helium every second, releasing gamma radiation. This fusion process is an exothermic reaction, meaning it releases more energy than it requires.

As the star consumes the last of its hydrogen, it switches to the stockpiles of helium that it has built up. After it runs out of helium, it switches to carbon, and then oxygen.

Since the star continues to pump out radiation, it balances out the gravitational forces trying to compress it.

eso1244aStars with the mass of our Sun pretty much stop there. Not massive enough to continue the fusion reaction, beyond oxygen, they become a white dwarf and cool down.

But for stars with about 5 times the mass of our Sun, the fusion process continues further up the periodic table to silicon, aluminum, potassium, and so on, all the way to iron.

No energy can be produced by fusing iron atoms together. It’s the stellar equivalent of ash.

A supernova remnant and pulsar located 6000 light years from Earth.And so, in a fraction of a second, the radiation from the star turns off. Without that outward pressure from the radiation, gravity wins out and the star implodes. An entire star’s mass collapses down into a smaller and smaller volume of space.

The velocity you would need to escape from the star goes up, until not even light is going fast enough to escape.

And this is how you form a black hole.

Well, that’s the main way.

You can also get black holes when dense objects, like neutron stars, collide with one another.

And then there are the supermassive black holes at the heart of every galaxy. And to be honest, astronomers still don’t know how those monsters formed.

A Mindblowing Spaceship Chart Every Sci-Fi Fan Needs to See

This chart provides and accurate size comparison for every science fiction starship imaginable. Credit: Dirk Loechel. Click for original large version.

Have you always wanted to know how a Xurian Scout Fighter compares to a Valor-class Type-2 Valkyrie Attack Fighter? Wonder no more. DeviantARTist Dirk Loechel has created what is likely the most accurate and complete size comparison chart of almost every science fiction starship, from famous Star Trek and Stars Wars battle cruisers to ships from games like Halo to vessels from obscure sci-fi books. This new chart is an updated version of one Loechel made earlier. It looks like Loechel is taking suggestions for doing another update if you find he’s missed some.

Click on the image above to have access to the large original version on DeviantART, and enjoy the diversion.

Dinosaurs in Spaaaace!

While on the ISS, astronaut Karen Nyberg made this dinosaur for her son, created from reclaimed velcro-like fabric that lines the Russian food containers. Credit: Karen Nyberg via Pinterest.

Astronaut Karen Nyberg wins Pinterest. Not only has she made her 3-year old son a dinosaur toy, she created it while IN SPACE, and scored a super-coup by making it from the reclaimed velcro-like fabric that lines the Russian food containers on the International Space Station. Nyberg said the dinosaur is stuffed with scraps from a used t-shirt.

Upcycling in space … wow. She’s clearly now outdone every crafter both on and off the planet. As one commenter on Pinterest said, “How awesome to have someone promoting/demonstrating crafting, science and education and a mother’s love from the ISS!”

You can see more of Nyberg’s handiwork while she’s been in space, as well as pictures she’s taken of planet Earth, the science experiments she’s doing and more on her Pinterest page. She will be on the ISS until November 11.

This Earth-Like Mars Rock Shows Diversity of Red Planet Geology

The rock chosen for the first contact science investigations for the Curiosity rover. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

A strange rock encountered by the Mars Curiosity rover early in its mission has few similarities to other rocks found on the Red Planet, a new study says. In fact, the “Jake_M” rock is most similar to a rare kind of Earth rock called a mugearite, which is often found in ocean islands and continental rift zones.

“Such rocks are so uncommon on Earth that it would be highly unlikely that, if you landed a spacecraft on Earth in a random location, the first rock you encountered within a few hundred meters of your landing site would be an alkaline rock like Jake_M,” stated Edward Stolper, a geology professor at the California Institute of Technology.

Jake_M is named after Jacob “Jake” Matijevic, a Curiosity operations systems chief engineer who died two weeks after the rover landed last year. The rock was sampled about two weeks after Curiosity hit the surface, and was revealed to have sodium and potassium in it (which makes it chemically alkaline.)

The NASA team threw in every bit of data they could to model the Mars Curiosity landing. Credit: NASA
The NASA team threw in every bit of data they could to model the Mars Curiosity landing. Credit: NASA

It’s probable that the rock came to be, the scientists said, after partially melting in the interior of Mars and then coming up to the surface. “As it cooled, crystals formed, and the chemical composition of the remaining liquid changed (just as, in the making of rock candy, a sugar-water solution becomes less sweet as it cools and sugar crystallizes from it),” CalTech stated.

Models examining the formation conditions suggest that Jake_M originated from an area some tens of miles or kilometers in the interior of Mars relative to the surface, and that the magma  it formed in might have had a reasonably high proportion of dissolved water. This type of magma (called alkaline magma) is uncommon on Earth, but may be more common on Mars than previously believed.

You can read more details about the rock, as well as a series of four other papers published about science from MSL in the Sept. 27 edition of Science.

Source: CalTech

Curiosity Discovers Patch of Pebbles Formed by Flowing Martian Water on Mount Sharp Trek

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used a new technique, with added autonomy for the rover, in placement of the tool-bearing turret on its robotic arm during the 399th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. This image from the rover's front Hazard Avoidance Camera (Hazcam) on that sol shows the position of the turret during that process, with the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) instrument placed close to the target rock. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA’s Curiosity rover has discovered a new patch of pebbles formed and rounded eons ago by flowing liquid water on the Red Planet’s surface along the route she is trekking across to reach the base of Mount Sharp – the primary destination of her landmark mission.

Curiosity made the new finding at a sandstone outcrop called ‘Darwin’ during a brief science stopover spot called ‘Waypoint 1’.

Before arriving at Waypoint 1, the question was- “Did life giving water once flow here on the Red Planet?

The answer now is clearly ‘Yes!’ – And it demonstrates the teams wisdom in pausing to inspect ‘Darwin’.

The discovery at Darwin is significant because it significantly broadens the area here that was altered by flowing liquid water.

This mosaic of nine images, taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, shows detailed texture in a conglomerate rock bearing small pebbles and sand-size particles. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
This mosaic of nine images, taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity, shows detailed texture in a conglomerate rock bearing small pebbles and sand-size particles. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

The presence of water is an essential prerequisite for the formation and evolution of life.

Curiosity has arrived at Waypoint 1,” project scientist John Grotzinger, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told Universe Today at the time.

The robot pulled into ‘Waypoint 1’ on Sept. 12 (Sol 392).

“It’s a chance to study outcrops along the way,” Grotzinger told me.

This mosaic of four images taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows detailed texture in a ridge that stands higher than surrounding rock. The rock is at a location called "Darwin," inside Gale Crater. Exposed outcrop at this location, visible in images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, prompted Curiosity's science team to select it as the mission's first waypoint for several days during the mission's long trek from the "Glenelg" area to Mount Sharp. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
This mosaic of four images taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity shows detailed texture in a ridge that stands higher than surrounding rock. The rock is at a location called “Darwin,” inside Gale Crater. Exposed outcrop at this location, visible in images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, prompted Curiosity’s science team to select it as the mission’s first waypoint for several days during the mission’s long trek from the “Glenelg” area to Mount Sharp. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

The six wheeled rover is in the initial stages of what is sure to be an epic trek across the floor of her landing site inside the nearly 100 mile wide Gale Crater – that is dominated by humongous Mount Sharp that reaches over 3 miles (5 Kilometers) into the red Martian Sky.

“We examined pebbly sandstone deposited by water flowing over the surface, and veins or fractures in the rock,” said Dawn Sumner of University of California, Davis, a Curiosity science team member with a leadership role in planning the stop, in a NASA statement about Darwin and Waypoint 1.

“We know the veins are younger than the sandstone because they cut through it, but they appear to be filled with grains like the sandstone.”

Curiosity deploys robot arm to investigate the ‘Darwin’ rock outcrop up close at ‘Waypoint 1’ on Sept 20 (Sol 399). This photo mosaic was assembled from navcam images taken on Sept 20, 2013.   Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo
Curiosity deploys robot arm to investigate the ‘Darwin’ rock outcrop up close at ‘Waypoint 1’ on Sept 20 (Sol 399). This photo mosaic was assembled from navcam images taken on Sept 20, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo

Waypoint 1 is the first of up to five waypoint stops planned along the roving route that stretches about 5.3 miles (8.6 kilometers) between the “Glenelg” area, where Curiosity worked for more than six months through the first half of 2013, and the currently planned entry point at the base of Mount Sharp.

To date, the robot has now driven nearly 20% of the way towards the base of the giant layered Martian mountain she will eventually scale in search of life’s ingredients.

“Darwin is named after a geologic formation of rocks from Antarctica,” Grotzinger informed Universe Today.

‘Waypoint 1’ was an area of intriguing outcrops that was chosen based on high resolution orbital imagery taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) circling some 200 miles overhead.

Investigation of the conglomerate rock outcrop dubbed ‘Darwin’ was the top priority of the Waypoint 1 stop.

The finding of a cache of watery mineral veins was a big added science bonus that actually indicates a more complicated story in Mars past – to the delight of the science team.

“We want to understand the history of water in Gale Crater,” Sumner said.

“Did the water flow that deposited the pebbly sandstone at Waypoint 1 occur at about the same time as the water flow at Yellowknife Bay? If the same fluid flow produced the veins here and the veins at Yellowknife Bay, you would expect the veins to have the same composition.’

“We see that the veins are different, so we know the history is complicated. We use these observations to piece together the long-term history.”

The Rover inspected Darwin from two different positions over 4 days, or Martian Sols and conducted ‘contact science’ by deploying the robotic arm and engaging the science instrument camera and spectrometer mounted on the turret at the arms terminus.

The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) collected spectral measurements of the elemental chemistry and the Mars Hand Lens Imager is a camera showing the outcrops textures, shapes and colors.

Curiosity investigates the ‘Darwin’ rock outcrop up close after arriving for a short stay at ‘Waypoint 1’ on Sept 12 (Sol 392). This photo mosaic was assembled from navcam images taken on Sept 12, 2013.   Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo
Curiosity investigates the ‘Darwin’ rock outcrop up close after arriving for a short stay at ‘Waypoint 1’ on Sept 12 (Sol 392). This photo mosaic was assembled from navcam images taken on Sept 12, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo

What’s the origin of Darwin’s name?

“Darwin comes from a list of 100 names the team put together to designate rocks in the Mawson Quadrangle – Mawson is the name of a geologist who studied Antarctic geology,” Grotzinger told me.

“We’ll stay just a couple of sols at Waypoint 1 and then we hit the road again,” Grotzinger told me.

And indeed on Sept. 22, the rover departed Darwin and Waypoint 1 on a westward heading to resume the many months long journey to Mount Sharp.

Ken Kremer


Learn more about Curiosity, Mars rovers, MAVEN, Orion, Cygnus, Antares, LADEE and more at Ken’s upcoming presentations

Oct 3: “Curiosity, MAVEN and the Search for Life on Mars – (3-D)”, STAR Astronomy Club, Brookdale Community College & Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ, 8 PM

Oct 8: NASA’s Historic LADEE Lunar & Antares/Cygnus ISS Rocket Launches from Virginia”; Princeton University, Amateur Astronomers Assoc of Princeton (AAAP), Princeton, NJ, 8 PM

Secret Messages Left on the International Space Station

An adapter recently installed on the ISS's Canadarm II, with the message, "Installed by your friendly Expedition 36 Crew." Credit: NASA/ESA/Luca Parmitano.

We humans have certain tendencies toward the eternal. We like to leave our mark by somehow saying “I was here!” or send messages to the future about what we’ve accomplished. We’re also intrigued by things like the Voyager record, the Pioneer plaque, and we all love those “send your name on a spacecraft” opportunities NASA has.

This recent image, above, posted by astronaut Luca Parmitano on Twitter of a message written on a new piece for the International Space Station’s Canadarm 2 is an example of leaving a little message to the future (albeit, one that the majority of us might never get to see) and it prompted me to wonder if there are more “secret messages” like that on the ISS — messages of remembrance or good wishes from the people who built, designed or installed various components, or messages passed down from one crew to the next.

NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn, who returned from a 5-month stint on the ISS in May of 2013, said there are plenty of memorable messages, signatures and objects left by the station’s builders or previous crews.

“We did a lot of maintenance during our flight and rotated out a lot of the experiment racks and we saw many signatures on the internal hull or on the inside parts of the racks,” Marshburn told Universe Today via phone from Johnson Space Center. “Things like ‘Greetings from the Water Recovery team!’ with everyone’s signature. That’s fairly prevalent on the inside, particularly behind the racks, but not in plain view.”

But he’s never seen anything on the external parts of the space station before.

“I have heard that engineers who have built different components and even external structures, like to sign their names to internal pieces that no one can actually see, but the engineers know their name is up in space,” he said. “I’ve done three spacewalks, and I’ve never seen anything like that on the outside — like in the picture from Luca Parmitano — so that’s a rarity to see something like that.”

There are some signatures plainly visible on the interior, however: signed mission stickers from all the visiting Space Shuttle crews and the Expedition crews adorn the walls in certain parts of the ISS.

But how about other messages that crews leave for future inhabitants?

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata exercises using the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) in the International Space Station. (NASA)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata exercises using the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) in the International Space Station. (NASA)

Marshburn said there are several “helpful” notes that are left by former crew members to assist or instruct future crews — important ‘lessons learned’ or little reminders.

“One of the favorite messages left by a former resident of the station is near the resistive exercise machine,” Marshburn said. “This machine allows you to lift the equivalent of 600 pounds, so there is a lot of stored energy there and you have to be careful with it, making sure you follow procedures carefully. There is a placard there that someone just wrote with a Sharpie: ‘Nothing is as important as what you are doing right now.’ That has become a mantra for a lot of people on the ISS, and we quoted quite often. I really like that one.”

There’s also a nice ‘aide-mémoire’ in the space station bathroom.

“Everyone has to urinate into a funnel that goes into a hose,” Marshburn explained. “We are pretty good about cleaning ourselves up in the bathroom, but some crewmembers have not been so good about cleaning up the equipment because written in Sharpie on the wall in the bathroom is, ‘Blessed are those who wipe the funnel.’ That’s just a good little reminder.”

In addition to messages, there are objects left by previous crews that end up as talismans or things that are used over and over.

A closeup of Gort in the Destiny Lab on the ISS. Credit: NASA.
A closeup of Gort in the Destiny Lab on the ISS. Credit: NASA.

“There is a four-inch version of Gort, the robot figure from the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” stuck on the wall where we gather in the Destiny Lab for our daily planning conferences,” Marshburn said. “He sometimes gets unstuck and floats around the ISS, so whenever we find him wandering around, we stick him back up on the wall. He’s kind of ubiquitous.”

There’s also a little toy astronaut figure that ends up floating around and showing up in different places.

“We don’t know who brought them up, but they have been retained and remain as mascots for the crews,” Marshburn said.

The toy left on the ISS that Marshburn enjoyed the most was a ping pong ball.

“That is a wonderful toy,” he said. “While you are eating, you can bounce it off the wall and figure out the best angles to have it come right back to you. Or you can spin it around a hatch and the centripetal force will just keep it spinning around and around.”

Chris Hadfield in the Cupola of the ISS. Credit: NASA
Chris Hadfield in the Cupola of the ISS. Credit: NASA

Also on board are musical instruments — an electric piano, guitar and ukulele – that get a lot of use. Additionally, previous astronauts have left reading material, so by now there is a shoebox-sized library of books to read.

“After working on computers most of the day, it’s nice to grab a real book and read during your off time,” Marshburn said.

Since Marshburn and his crewmates — Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko — launched to the space station on December 19, 2012, they really enjoyed the bag-full of holiday ornaments that are on board. “There’s a 2-foot Christmas tree, stockings, and an elf hat,” he said, “which was nice because it was a tiny piece of home, a little bit of Christmas.”

There’s also Mardi Gras hats, Happy Birthday signs, and flags of each country associated with the International Space Station.

So, any other secret “just between astronauts” messages up on the space station?

“There aren’t any that I saw or even know about that I couldn’t share with you!” Marshburn said with a laugh. “But I don’t know how much mission control even knows about some of these things.”

Astronaut Tom Marshburn during an EVA on May 11, 2013 to replace a pump controller box on the International Space Station that was leaking coolant. Credit: NASA.
Astronaut Tom Marshburn during an EVA on May 11, 2013 to replace a pump controller box on the International Space Station that was leaking coolant. Credit: NASA.