Ripped to Shreds, Exoplanet Suffers Painful Death

[/caption] WASP-12b, discovered in 2008, is a real outlier among the 400 or so exoplanets discovered to date. Not that it’s particularly massive (it’s a gas giant, not unlike Jupiter), nor that its homesun (host star) is particularly unusual (it’s rather similar to our own Sun), but it orbits very close to its homesun, and …

First Direct Spectrum of an Exoplanet Orbiting a Sun-like Star

[/caption] Astronomers have obtained the first direct spectrum – a “chemical fingerprint” – of a planet orbiting a distant, Sun-like star, providing direct data about the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. An international team of researchers studied the planetary system around HR 8799 a bright, young star with 1.5 times the mass of our Sun, …

Get Ready for “Largest Meeting in Astronomy History”

Here comes the 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held during January 3-7, 2010 in Washington, DC. With over 2,500 registrants, the AAS has billed this as “the largest meeting in astronomy history.” The AAS 215 will undoubtedly produce some amazing new astronomical announcements, press releases and briefings, and we at Universe Today will …

New Observations of TrES-2b May Reveal New Exoplanet

[/caption] For those know their solar system history, the discovery of Neptune is an especially exciting story. Before it was detected observationally, its gravitational effects on another planet (Uranus) were discovered. From this, astronomers were able to predict the position of the yet unobserved planet and in 1846 they discovered the predicted planet observationally from …

Astronomers Find Super-Earth With An Atmosphere

This artist’s conception shows the newly discovered super-Earth GJ 1214b, which orbits a red dwarf star 40 light-years from our Earth. Credit: Credit: David A. Aguilar, CfA More exoplanets this week! Today astronomers announced the discovery of so called super-Earth around a nearby, low-mass star, GJ1214. The newly discovered planet has a mass about six …