Psychedelics in the Sky: NASA Launches 5 Rockets in 5 Minutes

Sounding rockets released chemical tracers that created strange milky, white clouds at the edge of space. Credit: NASA


After several days of delays due to weather and technical issues, NASA has now successfully launched five suborbital sounding rockets in five minutes from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia as part of a study of the upper level jet stream.

The first rocket was launched at 4:58 a.m. EDT and each subsequent rocket was launched 80 seconds apart.

Each of the rockets released a chemical tracer that created psychedelic-looking clouds at the edge of space, which were reported to be seen from as far south as Wilmington, N.C.; west to Charlestown, W. Va.; and north to Buffalo, N.Y.

The above image was taken from one of the official viewing sites by a NASA photographer; below is an image taken by John Anton from New Jersey, as well as more images from NASA, the video showing all the launches and time-lapse video from twolf1 on Vimeo.

Chemical tracers from the ATREX mission as seen from New Jersey in the US. Credit and copyright: John Anton.

The Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX) is a Heliophysics sounding rocket mission that gathered information to better understand the process responsible for the high-altitude jet stream located 95-105 km (60 to 65 miles) above the surface of the Earth.

Sounding rockets released chemical tracers that created strange milky, white clouds at the edge of space. Credit: NASA Wallops

Scientists from the mission had viewing sites at three locations: the launch site in Virginia, the Rutgers Marine Field Station in Tuckerton, N.J., and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Duck, N.C. Clear skies at all three locations were a prerequisite for the rockets to be launched.

The sounding rockets were two Terrier-Improved Malemutes , two Terrier-Improved Orions and one Terrier-Oriole.

Chemical tracers from ATREX rockets launched from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia from twolf1 on Vimeo.

The map of the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. shows the projected area where the rockets may be visible while the motors are burning through flight. It also shows the flight profile of each of the five rockets. Credit: NASA/Wallops

The high-altitude jet stream is higher than the one commonly reported in weather forecasts. The winds found in this upper jet stream typically have speeds of 320 to well over 480 km/hr (200 to over 300 mph) and create rapid transport from the Earth’s mid latitudes to the polar regions. This jet stream is located in the same region where strong electrical currents occur in the ionosphere. It is therefore a region with a lot of electrical turbulence, of the type that can adversely affect satellite and radio communications.

Not only did the rockets release the chemical tracers to allow scientists and the public to “see” the winds in space, but two of the rockets had instrumented payloads to measure the pressure and temperature in the atmosphere at the height of the high-speed winds. NASA will release more information on the outcome of the experiment after scientists have had time to review the data.

See a slideshow of images of the launches on Flickr from NASA

Carnival of Space #242

Carnival of Space. Image by Jason Major.


This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by Ray Sanders at his Dear Astronomer blog.

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #242

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past Carnivals of Space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, sign up to be a host. Send an email to the above address.

One Night, Dozens of Triple Conjunctions

Mosiac of the conjunction of Jupiter, the Moon and Venus on March 25, 2012. Credit: Rick Ellis


Last night (March 25, 2012), Jupiter, Venus and the Moon put on quite a show, and Rick Ellis from Toronto, Canada captured it — over two dozen times. This composite image was created from 31 frames taken five minutes apart, each with an exposure time of 5 seconds. Thanks to Rick for creating this image “just for the gang at UT.” Check out his earlier image of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction from March 13

Want to get your astrophoto featured on Universe Today? Join our Flickr group, post in our Forum or send us your images by email (this means you’re giving us permission to post them). Please explain what’s in the picture, when you took it, the equipment you used, etc.

An Ultraviolet, Ultraviolent Supernova Shockwave

The Cygnus Loop in Ultraviolet. Captured by Galex. Image credit: NASA
The Cygnus Loop in Ultraviolet. Captured by Galex. Image credit: NASA

You’re looking at an insanely beautiful image of the Cygnus Loop nebula captured by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) mission. Furthermore, this isn’t viewed in plain old visible light, this is high-energy ultraviolet light, revealing regions of hot gas remaining after a supernova detonated here 5,000 to 8,000 years ago.

In fact, the original supernova would have been bright enough to be visible with the unaided eye.

The Cygnus Loop Nebula, also known as W78 or Sharpless 103, is a huge emission nebula measuring more than 3° across. There are many smaller features inside the complex, like the Veil Nebula, the Western Veil (the Witch’s Broom), Eastern Veil and Pickering’s Triangle. Many will be familiar to astronomers and astrophotographers as they’re large and faint, and can only really be revealed with long exposure images in various narrowband filters.

Astronomers originally believed it was located about 2,500 light-years away, but according to newer research with the Hubble Space Telescope, they’ve pegged its distance at only 1,470 light-years away; and it now stretches across a distance of 90 light-years.

This extremely close distance is important. There are many supernova remnants like this, scattered across our galaxy, but none are so close, taking up such a vast region of our skies.

This view was captured by NASA’s GALEX mission, which launched in April 2003. Its main purpose was to image hundreds of thousands of galaxies, charting their rates of star formation – the science is best gathered in ultraviolet. Unfortunately, NASA cut off financial support for the mission back in February, 2011, but control might be transferred to the California Institute of Technology.

Original Source: NASA/Galex News Release

You’ll Only See This Landform on Mars, Nowhere on Earth

Periodic Bedrock Ridges on Mars. Image credit: University of Washington
Periodic Bedrock Ridges on Mars. Image credit: University of Washington

Geologists are often surprised to find features on Earth replicated on other worlds; ancient riverbeds on Mars, lakes on Titan, and volcanic eruptions on Io. But researchers from the University of Washington have identified a geologic feature that exists on Mars…

But not on Earth.

These structures are known as periodic bedrock ridges. They look like sand dunes on the surface of Mars, but instead of sand piled high by strong winds, it appears that the wind has carved dune-like ridges right into the Martian bedrock.

“These bedforms look for all the world like sand dunes but they are carved into hard rock by wind,” said David Montgomery, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. It is something there are not many analogs for on Earth.”

A yardang in Texas. Image credit: USDA
A yardang in Texas. Image credit: USDA

What could create such a unique feature? According to Prof. Montgomery, the ridges are probably a softer form of bedrock, which is easier for the Martian wind to erode it away. One similar feature on Earth is known as a “yardang”, but these are teardrop-shaped features parallel to the direction of the wind.

But on Mars, these periodic bedrock ridges are perpendicular to the flow of the prevailing wind, just how sand dunes form on Earth (and Mars).

The additional ingredient in the weather on Mars is probably some kind of deflection. The high speed surface winds are deflected up into the air by a land formation, and then they come down to the surface and create these periodic ridges. The length of the gap in the ridges depends on the strength of the wind, size of the deflection and the density of the atmosphere.

Apart from the fact that this is just really cool, there’s a scientific benefit too. This wind will expose layers of rock, created eons ago. A rover could travel across these ridges, sampling very different ages of Martian geology in a local area.

It would be an all-you-can-eat Martian geology buffet.

Original Source: University of Washington News Release

Rare Rain on Titan; Once Every 1,000 Years

Lakes on Titan. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI
Lakes on Titan. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI

Even though there are lakes and rivers of liquid hydrocarbons on the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan, the rains that feed them may come few and far between. According to data gathered by NASA’s Cassini mission, parts of Titan might not see rain for more than 1,000 years.

And according to Dr. Ralph Lorenz, from the John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUALP), a new mission to Titan is exactly what’s needed to get to the bottom of this.

Rain on Titan?! It sounds bizarre, but scientists have observed a complex cycle of liquid on Titan, with lakes and rivers, clouds, and the rain that must feed them. But on Titan, where surface temperatures plunge to -179C, we’re not talking about water. The whole hydrological cycle runs with methane: methane lakes, methane rivers, and methane rain.

And it appears that the rain on Titan can be extreme, with deep river channels that must have had enormous flows for brief periods. But this rain must also be rare. In all of its observations of Titan, Cassini only spotted two instances of darkened regions that might have indicated rainfall.

In a recent talk at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Dr. Lorenz presented his estimates of the Titan rainfall, and the need for a new mission that could study it.

Titan Mare Explorer. Image credit: NASA/JPL
Titan Mare Explorer. Image credit: NASA/JPL

Titan Mare Explorer (TiME)

Dr. Lorenz is one of the scientists involved with the proposed Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) mission; one of three shortlisted missions that might be turned into NASA Discovery missions.

If selected, TiME would travel to the Saturn system, descend through Titan’s thick atmosphere, and land in Ligeia Mara, a large lake on the surface of the moon. It would search for rainstorms on the descent – an extremely unlikely event – and then watch the skies for evidence of rainfall. It would be able to “hear” rain falling directly onto it, and in the liquid around it. TiME would also be equipped with instruments that would let it see cloud formation, rain shafts, and even methane rainbows.

Assuming the rain shafts are 10 km wide, and would be observable at distances of 20 km, the lander should be able to detect rainstorms within a 1200 km2 area. According to Dr. Lorenz:

We might expect a 50% chance for a lander to be rained on directly in a 2500hr mission, but that its camera could observe nearby rainfall an expected ~5 times.

Once in 1,000 years?

While the weather system on Titan is similar to Earth, it probably has some significant differences, which Cassini observations have hinted at. Although there were possible storms seen in 2004, there was a huge gap until 2010. After the “storm”, the surface of Titan was changed with a large darkened area that could indicate saturation of liquid on the surface. These ponds seemed to dry up in future observations.

Estimates indicate that regions near Titan’s poles see rainfall for 10-100 hours every Titan year (30 Earth years). But the drier parts of the moon might not see more than a single rainfall every 1,000 years.

Source: USRA Presentation

Weekly SkyWatcher’s Forecast – March 26 to April 1, 2012

Supernova in M95 - Credit: Larry McNish - RASC

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Have you been following the supernova in M95 (R.A. = 10 43 53.76, Decl. = +11 40 17.9)? Who would have ever believed Mars could be considered “light pollution”? Take advantage of darker skies and catch it now! It’s another planetary showdown as the week begins with Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Pleiades lighting up the western twilight sky. Right now is an awesome time to study lunar features and to go asteroid hunting! Get out those telescopes and binoculars and I’ll meet you in the back yard…

Monday, March 26 – Need a smile? Then be outside after sunset to check out the awesome solar system show! How often do you see something as cool as the crescent Moon being accompanied by a bright planet like Venus? Or to have another bright planet like Jupiter so nearby? Keep looking, because you can spot the Pleiades just a bit further east. Be sure to point out to your family and friends what a great unaided eye observation can be like!

Tonight the Moon provides an opportunity to view to a very changeable and eventually bright feature on the lunar surface – Proclus. At 28 km in diameter and 2400 meters deep, crater Proclus will appear on the terminator to the west of Mare Crisium’s mountainous border. Depending on your viewing time, it will seem to be about two-thirds shadowed, but the remainder of the crater will shine brilliantly. Proclus has an unusually high albedo, or surface reflectivity, of about 16%. This is uncommon for most lunar features. Watch this area over the next few nights as two rays from the crater widen and lengthen, extending approximately 320 kilometers north and south.

While you’re out, this would also be a good time to have a look at Epsilon Canis Majoris – a great double star. While its companion is quite disparate at roughly magnitude 8, the pair can be easily separated with a small telescope.

Tuesday, March 27 – If you haven’t collected this Lunar Club Challenge crater, tonight will be the perfect opportunity to find the lunar crater named for Joseph Fraunhofer. Return again to the now shallow appearing crater Furnerius. Can you spot the ring at its southern edge? This is crater Fraunhofer – a challenge under these lighting conditions.

Have you noticed the dynamic duo? If not, then you owe it to yourself to take a look at the very close pairing of Spica and Saturn. It’s not often that you can spot a lot of color contrast between celestial objects without optical aid, but blue/white Alpha Virginis and creamy yellow Saturn should be quite noticeable. Have fun!

Speaking of pairs, why not revisit the “Twin Stars” – Castor and Pollux? Separated by not much more than 3 arc seconds, 2.0 magnitude Castor A has a bright sibling – 2.8 magnitude Castor B. The pair is actually a true binary with an orbital period of roughly 500 years. The Castor system contains four lesser members – each main star is a spectroscopic binary. Without Fraunhofer’s discovery of spectra, we would have never known.

Wednesday, March 28 – Born today in 1749, Pierre LaPlace was the mathematician who invented the metric system and the nebular hypothesis for the origin of the solar system. Also born on this day in 1693 was James Bradley, an excellent astrometrist who discovered the aberration of starlight (1729) and the nutation of the Earth. And, in 1802, Heinrich W. Olbers discovered the second asteroid, Pallas, in the constellation Virgo while making observations of the position of Ceres, which had only been discovered fifteen months earlier. Five years later on this same date in 1807, Vesta – the brightest asteroid – was discovered by Olbers in Virgo, making it the fourth such object found.

So, are you ready to go asteroid hunting? To capture asteroid Pallas, you’re going to have to stay up late or get up early, because it’s located right on the ecliptic just west of the circlet of Pisces and running ahead of the rising Sun. Its position will be roughly RA 23h 1m 37s – Dec 11°34’44”. But it does have one thing in its favor – it should be brighter than magnitude 5, so it will be an easy binocular object! Now for Ceres… At close to magnitude 3, it’s so bright you could spot it without optical aid! Tonight it will be visible just after the Sun sets about a handspan southwest of Saturn at roughly RA 2h 18m 43s – Dec 5°49’38”. It certainly makes a pretty picture with the Moon so nearby, too! Last, but not least, is Vesta. Also super-bright, and probably close to magnitude 4, you’ll find Olbers study scooting along the eastern edge of the asterism that denotes the constellation of Capricornus. Its position is roughly RA 21h 39m 21s – Dec 20°35’25”. Remember that time plays an important role in an asteroid’s exact position, and so does your observing location. Be sure to check the resources for planetarium programs or on-line generators that will give you specific information… and have fun!

Tonight’s outstanding lunar features are two craters that you simply can’t miss – Aristotle and Eudoxus. Located to the north, this pair will be highly prominent in binoculars as well as telescopes. The northernmost – Aristotle – was named for the great philosopher and has an expanse of 87 kilometers. Its deep, rugged walls show a wealth of detail at high power, including two small interior peaks. Companion crater Eudoxus, to the south, spans 67 kilometers and offers equally rugged detail.

Thursday, March 29 – Today celebrates the first flyby of Mercury by Mariner 10 in 1974. Mariner 10 was unique. It was the first spacecraft to use a gravity assist from the planet Venus to help it travel on to Mercury. Due to the geometry of its orbit, it was only able to study half the surface, but its 2800 photographs gave us the knowledge that Mercury looks similar to our Moon, has an iron-rich core, a magnetic field, and a very thin atmosphere. Right now Mercury is running ahead of the rising Sun just south of the circlet of Pisces.

Tonight the Moon provides a piece of scenic history as we take a more in-depth look at a previous study crater – Albategnius. This huge, hexagonal, mountain-walled plain appears near the terminator about one-third the way north of the south limb. This 135 kilometer wide crater is approximately 14,400 feet deep and its west wall casts a black shadow on the dark floor. Partially filled with lava after creation, Albategnius is a very ancient formation that later became home to several wall-breech craters, such as Klein, which can be seen telescopically on the southwest wall. Albategnius holds more than just the distinction of being a prominent crater tonight – it also holds a place in history. On May 9, 1962 Louis Smullin and Giorgio Fiocco of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) aimed a ruby laser beam toward the Moon’s surface and Albategnius became the first lunar feature to reflect laser light from Earth.

On March 24, 1965 Ranger 9 took a “snapshot” of Albategnius from an altitude of approximately 2500 km. Ranger 9 was designed by NASA for one purpose – to achieve lunar impact trajectory and send back high-resolution photographs and video images of the lunar surface. Ranger 9 carried no other science packages. Its destiny was to simply take pictures right up to the moment of impact. They called it a “hard landing.”

Friday, March 30 – Tonight’s featured lunar crater is located on the south shore of Mare Imbrium right where the Apennine mountain range meets the terminator. At 58 kilometers in diameter and 12,300 feet deep, Eratosthenes is an unmistakable crater. Named after the ancient Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomer Eratosthenes, this splendid crater will display a bright west wall and a black interior hiding its massive crater capped central mountain 3570 meters high! Extending like a tail, an 80 kilometer mountain ridge angles away to its southwest. As beautiful as Eratosthenes appears tonight, it will fade away to almost total obscurity as the Moon approaches full. See if you can spot it again in five days.

Despite the bright waxing moon, we still have a chance to get a view of a sprinkling of faint stars high to the south at skydark. Located less than a finger-width west-northwest of Wezen (Delta Canis Majoris) – 6.5 magnitude NGC 2354 (Right Ascension: 7 : 14.3 – Declination: -25 : 44) is achievable in small scopes. Although richly populated, this open cluster lacks a bright core. This may challenge the eye to see it. Despite the moonlight, about a dozen stars should be visible in smaller scopes, but return on a moonless night to look for faint clumps and chaining among its 50 or so brightest members.

Before you hang up your eyepieces for the night, be sure to check out Mars. Today’s universal date marks Northern Summer, Southern Winter Solstice on the brilliant red planet. Do the polar caps look any different than they did a few weeks ago? How about surface features? Have you spotted any dust storms or changes? Keep watching, because it won’t be long before Mars is gone!

Saturday, March 31 – Tonight would be a terrific opportunity to study under-rated crater Bullialdus. Located close to the center of Mare Nubium, even binoculars can make out Bullialdus when near the terminator. If you’re scoping – power up – this one is fun! Very similar to Copernicus, Bullialdus’ has thick, terraced walls and a central peak. If you examine the area around it carefully, you can note it is a much newer crater than shallow Lubiniezsky to the north and almost non-existent Kies to the south. On Bullialdus’ southern flank, it’s easy to make out its A and B craterlets, as well as the interesting little Koenig to the southwest.

Today in 1966, Luna 10 was on its way to the Moon. The unmanned, battery powered Luna 10 was a USSR triumph. Launched from an Earth orbiting platform, the probe became the first to successfully orbit another solar system body. During its 460 orbits, it recorded infrared emissions, gamma rays, and analyzed lunar composition. It monitored the Moon’s radiation conditions – measuring the belts and discovering what eventually would be referred to as “mascons” – mass concentrations below maria surfaces which magnetically affect orbiting bodies. Do you remember any areas we’ve studied so far that contain a mascon?

While the Moon will be nearly overpowering tonight, let’s take a look at a pair of orbiting bodies as we head for Kappa Puppis – a bright double of near equal magnitudes. This one is well suited to northern observers with small telescopes. For the southern observer, try your hand at Sigma Puppis. At magnitude 3, this bright orange star holds a wide separation from its white 8.5 magnitude companion. Sigma’s B star is a curiosity, because at a distance of 180 light-years it would be about the same brightness as our own Sun placed at that distance!

Sunday, April 1 – Today in 1960, the first weather satellite – Tiros 1 – was launched. While today we think of these types of satellites as commonplace, the Television InfraRed Observation Satellite was quite an achievement. Weighing in at 120 kilograms, it contained two cameras and magnetic tape recorders – along with an on-board battery supply and 9200 solar cells to keep them charged. While it only operated successfully for 78 days, for the first time ever we were able to see the face of the Earth’s changing weather.

Tonight we’ll have the opportunity to look for a lunar feature named for Urbain Leverrier. To find it, start with the C-shape of Sinus Iridum. Imagine that Iridum is a mirror focusing light – this will lead your eye to crater Helicon. The slightly smaller crater southeast of Helicon is Leverrier. Be sure to power up to capture the splendid north-south oriented ridge which flows lunar east.

Now check out the close triangulation of Regulus, Mars and Algieba. This splendid triangulation of stars and a planet are only separated by a few degrees and make for a splendid sight!

Until next week? Ask for the Moon… But keep on reaching for the stars!

Journal Club – Black Holes Made All The Difference

Today's Journal Club is about a new addition to the Standard Model of fundamental particles.


According to Wikipedia, a journal club is a group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the scientific literature. And of course, the first rule of Journal Club is… don’t talk about Journal Club.

So, without further ado – today’s article is about how turning complex theory into plain English can lead to advances in science.

Today’s article:
Schutz, B. Thoughts about a conceptual framework for relativistic gravity.

This article is a bit on the philosophical side and involves some debatable historical interpretation. For example, it is claimed that Einstein’s general relativity theory, after an initial buzz in the 1920s, sat in the obscurity of backroom physics through the 1930s and up to the mid 1950s. Indeed, as an example of the maxim that you often have to wait for someone to die before the science can move on, it is claimed that only after Einstein’s death in 1955 did something of a revival take place, which then brought relativity physics back into the mainstream.

The author Bernard Schutz can claim some authority here since his thesis supervisor was Kip Thorne whose thesis supervisor was John A Wheeler. Wheeler, quoting from his Wikipedia write up was an American theoretical physicist who was largely responsible for reviving interest in general relativity in the United States after World War II. And according to Kip Thorne’s Wikipedia write up, Thorne is one of the world’s leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Bernard F Schutz’s Wikipedia write up just says he is an American physicist, but give him time.

In the article, Einstein is claimed to be partly responsible for keeping general relativity in the boondocks by dismissing some of its more exciting implications such as black holes and gravitational waves. Instead Einstein doggedly pursued his idea of a unified field theory which led relativity science to an apparent dead end.

Wheeler was at Princeton University at the same time as Einstein and is described as a ‘late collaborator’, although much of his earlier work was in quantum physics and he was closely involved in the Manhattan project.

But Wheeler’s later work and teaching was very focused on the implications of the curvaceous space-time geometry of general relativity, which he communicated via plain English heuristic explanations of some of the wilder implications of that geometry. For example, he was responsible for coining the term black hole as well as the term worm hole. And suddenly general relativity got sexy again. There was an explosion of papers from the 1960s on into the 1990s seeking to grapple with the concept of a black hole – which then reached a fever pitch as astronomical evidence of the existence of black holes began to come in.

Schutz’s essential hypothesis is that it was physicists schooled in quantum mechanics taking a fresh look at relativity theory that made the difference. These were physicists schooled in the approach of we have the math, but what does it mean? Suddenly people like Wheeler were back engaging with Einstein-like Gedanken (thought) experiments. This turned the math into plain-English so that non-relativist physicists suddenly got what it was about – and wanted a piece of the action.

So… comments? Was Einstein inadvertently responsible for delaying the incorporation of relativity into mainstream physics? Or is this article just about a bunch of quantum physicists trying to stake a claim in the development of ‘the other side’ of physics? It’s a story of rivalry, jealousy and curvaceous sexiness – I welcome suggestions about an even more controversial article for the next edition of Journal Club.

Can “Warp Speed” Planets Zoom Through Interstellar Space?

Artist’s conception of a runaway planet zooming through interstellar space. A glowing volcano on the planet’s surface hints at active plate tectonics that may keep the planet warm. Image Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA)

[/caption]Nearly ten years ago, astronomers were stunned to discover a star that had been apparently flung from its own system and travelling at over a million kilometers per hour. Over the years, a question was brought up: If stars can be ejected at a high velocity, what about planets?

Avi Loeb (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) states, “These warp-speed planets would be some of the fastest objects in our Galaxy. If you lived on one of them, you’d be in for a wild ride from the center of the galaxy to the Universe at large.”

Idan Ginsburg (Dartmouth College) adds, “Other than subatomic particles, I don’t know of anything leaving our galaxy as fast as these runaway planets.”

The mechanics responsible for the super-fast planets are similar to those responsible for “hypervelocity” stars. With stars, if a binary system drifts too closely to a supermassive black hole (such as the ones in the center of galaxies), the gravitational forces can separate the stars – sending one outward at incredible speeds, and the other in orbit around the black hole. Interestingly enough, “Warp Speed” planets can theoretically travel at a few percent of the speed of light – not quite as fast as Star Trek’s Enterprise, but you get the point.

The team, which includes Loeb and Ginsburg, created computer models to simulate the outcome if each star had planets orbiting it. The outcome of the model showed that the star shot into interstellar space would keep its planets, but the star “captured” into orbit around the black hole would have its planets stripped and sent outward at incredible speeds. Typical speeds for the planets range from 11-16 million kilometers per hour, but given the proper conditions could approach even higher velocities.

As of now, it’s impossible for astronomers to detect a wandering planet due to their small size, distance, and rarity. By detecting the dimming of light levels from a hypervelocity star as an orbiting planet crosses its face, astronomers could detect planets that orbit said star.

Ginsburg added, “With one-in-two odds of seeing a transit, if a hypervelocity star had a planet, it makes a lot of sense to watch for them.”

Loeb concluded with, “Travel agencies advertising journeys on hypervelocity planets might appeal to particularly adventurous individuals.”

If you’d like to learn more about hypervelocity planets, you can access a draft version of the upcoming paper at:

Source(s): Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics , Hypervelocity Planets and Transits Around Hypervelocity Stars