Carbon Dioxide Detected on Exoplanet HD 189733b

[/caption]The Hubble Space Telescope has detected carbon dioxide on a planet orbiting another star. The star in question is HD 189733 (also known as V452 Vulpeculae, a variable star designation), a binary system over 60 light years away, and the planet is approximately the size of Jupiter (called HD 189733b). The exoplanet is already known …

First Image of Another Multi-Planet Solar System

Here’s what we’ve all been waiting for: for the first time, astronomers have taken pictures of a multi-planet solar system, much like ours, orbiting another star. This coincides with announcement of the first visible light image of an extrasolar planet taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. This new solar system orbits a dusty young star …

Hottest Ever Exoplanet Discovered: WASP-12b

[/caption] Planets approximately the size of Jupiter orbiting close to their star in other systems are often referred to as “Hot Jupiters.” It would appear that a new classification is required: Very Hot and Very Fast Jupiters. WASP-12b is an exoplanet, about 50% more massive than Jupiter, orbiting a star (imaginatively called WASP-12) over 800 …

Dense Exoplanet Creates Classification Calamity

[/caption] Given all the fervor over the definition of Pluto (planet? dwarf planet? snowball?), let’s hope the debate over the discovery of a planet that lies in an equally hazy area of classification is a little calmer. The COROT satellite recently discovered an extrasolar planet named Corot-exo-3b. It’s quite a curiosity as far as exoplanets …

Oops, TW Hydrae b Isn’t a Planet; Just a Sunspot

[/caption] You gotta love this about science; someone is always checking your work. Early this year a new exoplanet discovery was announced: TW Hydrae b, a huge planet about ten times as massive as Jupiter. Astronomers thought the planet was in a super-tight orbit around its host star (TW Hydrae), circling in only 3.56 days …