The Hubble and FU Orionis: a New Look at an Old Mystery

This is an artist's concept of the early stages of the young star FU Orionis (FU Ori) outburst, surrounded by a disk of material. A team of astronomers has used the Hubble Space Telescope's ultraviolet capabilities to learn more about the interaction between FU Ori's stellar surface and the accretion disk that has been dumping gas onto the growing star for nearly 90 years. NASA-JPL, Caltech

In 1936 astronomers watched as FU Orionis, a dim star in the Orion constellation, brightened dramatically. The star’s brightness increased by a factor of 100 in a matter of months. When it peaked, it was 100 times more luminous than our Sun.

Astronomers had never observed a young star brightening like this.

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China Tests a Reusable Inflatable Module in Space

Illustration of China's first reusable and returnable test satellite Shijian-19. /China Media Group

Inflatable space modules are not a new concept, NASA have been exploring the possibility since the 1960’s. The Chinese Space Agency is now getting in on the act and is testing its new inflatable module which is part of its Shijian-19 satellite launch. To get it into orbit the capsule was compressed and folded and then inflated once in orbit. Following completion of the tests, it re-entered the atmosphere, landing in the Gobi Desert on 10th October. The goal is for this to be used to extend its space station in the same way NASA have been exploring expansion of ISS. 

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OKEANOS – A Mission That Would Have Retrurned Samples From the Trojan Asteroids

Getting a mission to the point of officially being accepted for launch is an ordeal. However, even when they aren’t selected for implementation, their ideas, and in some cases, their technologies, can live on in other missions. That was the case for the Oversize Kite-craft for Exploration and AstroNautics in the Outer Solar system (OKEANOS) project, originally planned as a Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) mission. Despite not receiving funding to complete its entire mission, the project team released a paper that details the original plan for the mission, and some of those plans were incorporated into other missions that are still under development.

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Fantastic New Image of the Sombrero Galaxy From Webb

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope recently imaged the Sombrero Galaxy, resolving the clumpy nature of the dust along the galaxy’s outer ring. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI

NGC 4594 is an unusual galaxy. It was discovered in 1781 by Pierre Méchain, and is striking because of a symmetrical ring of dust that encircles the visible halo of the galaxy. Images taken of the galaxy in 2003 show this dusty ring in detail, where it almost resembles the brim of a large hat. So it’s understandable that NGC 4594 is more commonly known as the Sombrero Galaxy. Now the James Webb Space Telescope has captured an amazingly sharp image of the galaxy, and it’s revealing some interesting surprises.

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We’re Living in an Abnormal Galaxy

The Milky Way. This image is constructed from data from the ESA's Gaia mission that's mapping over one billion of the galaxy's stars. Image Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC

Astronomers often use the Milky Way as a standard for studying how galaxies form and evolve. Since we’re inside it, astronomers can study it in detail with advanced telescopes. By examining it in different wavelengths, astronomers and astrophysicists can understand its stellar population, its gas dynamics, and its other characteristics in far more detail than distant galaxies.

However, new research that examines 101 of the Milky Way’s kin shows how it differs from them.

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Testing the Robots that Might Explore Europa

A prototype of a robot designed to explore subsurface oceans of icy moons is reflected in the water’s surface during a pool test at Caltech in September. Conducted by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the testing showed the feasibility of a mission concept for a swarm of mini swimming robots. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Europa, one of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter is one of the most intriguing locations in the Solar System to search for life. However, its subsurface oceans are buried beneath thick layers of ice making exploration difficult. To explore its oceans, scientists have suggested using small swimming robots capable of penetrating the icy shell. Recently, NASA engineers tested prototypes designed to operate as a swarm, enabling them to explore the mysterious sub-ice oceans on Europa and other icy worlds in the Solar System.

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Einstein Predicted How Gravity Should Work at the Largest Scales. And He Was Right

The sparkling band of the Milky Way Galaxy backdrops the Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope, located at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Credit: KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/R.T. Sparks

When Albert Einstein introduced his theory of general relativity in 1915, it changed the way we viewed the Universe. His gravitational model showed how Newtonian gravity, which had dominated astronomy and physics for more than three centuries, was merely an approximation of a more subtle and elegant model. Einstein showed us that gravity is not a mere force but is rather the foundation of cosmic structure. Gravity, Einstein said, defined the structure of space and time itself.

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Watch the Crescent Moon Occult Spica for North America Early Wednesday Morning

Spica reemerges from behind the Moon Wednesday morning. Credit: Stellarium.

One of the best bright star lunar occultations for 2024 occurs this week, as the Moon covers Spica.

Have you ever seen the Moon blot out a star? If the weather cooperates, early morning viewers across eastern North America have a chance to see a rare spectacle, as the crescent Moon occults (covers) the bright star Spica.

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NASA Releases its Moon Phases Animation for 2025

Moon phases animation

Every year, NASA releases a detailed simulation of the Moon that shows how it will change through the year. They produce a couple of versions that show how it appears from the northern and southern hemisphere and others that highlight different features. Not only does it show the phases through the year but it also shows the change in size as its completes its orbit. The change in apparent size of the Moon is a result of its elliptical orbit so that it can appear up to 30% brighter. 

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NASA, SpaceX Illustrate Key Moments of Artemis Lunar Lander Mission

Artist's rendering of the Starship HLS on the lunar surface. NASA has contracted with SpaceX to provide the lunar landing system. Credit: SpaceX
Artist's rendering of the Starship HLS on the Moon's surface. NASA has contracted with SpaceX to provide the lunar landing system. Credit: SpaceX

Before the decade is out, as part of the Artemis Program, NASA plans to send astronauts to the Moon for the first time since the Apollo Era. To realize this goal, they have contracted with commercial space industries to develop all the necessary components. This includes the Space Launch System (SLS) and the Orion spacecraft that will take the Artemis astronauts to the Moon. There’s also the Lunar Gateway and the Artemis Base Camp, the infrastructure that will facilitate regular missions to the Moon after 2028.

In between, NASA has also partnered with companies to develop the Human Landing Systems (HLS) that will transport the Artemis astronauts to the lunar surface and back. This includes the Starship HLS SpaceX is currently developing for NASA, which will rendezvous with the Orion spacecraft in lunar orbit and allow the Artemis III astronauts to land on the Moon (which will take place no sooner than September 2026). In a series of newly-updated images, SpaceX has provided artistic renders of what key moments in this mission will look like.

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