Occultation Reveals Distant Kuiper Belt Object is Surprisingly Icy Bright

An artist's rendering of a Kuiper Belt object. Image: NASA
An artist's rendering of a Kuiper Belt object. Image: NASA


How do you study an extremely small planetary body in the dim outer reaches of our solar system? Get all your friends from around the world to wait for a very elusive – if not short-lived – special event. And in doing so, you may find something completely unexpected. Enter James Elliot from MIT, who worked with dozens of observatories and astronomers across the globe, including Jay Pasachoff from Williams College in Massachusetts, in an attempt to make observations of the Kuiper Belt Object 55636, (also known as 2002 TX300) a small body orbiting about 48 AU away from the Sun. Since this KBO is too small and distant for direct observations of its surface, the astronomers tracked and plotted its course, figuring out when it would pass in front of a distant star.

The KBO occulted, or passed in front of a bright background star, an event which lasted only 10 seconds. But in that short amount of time, the astronomers were able to determine the object’s size and albedo. Both of these results were surprising.

55636 was found to be smaller than previously thought, 300km in diameter, but it is highly reflective, meaning it is covered in fresh, white ice.

Most known KBOs have dark surfaces due to space weathering, dust accumulation and bombardment by cosmic rays, so 55636’s brightness implies it has an active resurfacing mechanism, or perhaps that in some cases, fresh water ice can persist for billions of years in the outer reaches of the Solar System.

One graph of the occultation from the Las Cumbres Observatory. Credit: Elliot, et al.

42 astronomers from 18 observatories located in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Mexico and the US were part of the observations, but because of weather and timing, only two observatories, both in Hawaii, were able to detect the occultation. Working with Wayne Rosing, Pasachoff coordinated the observations at the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network located at Haleakala Crater on Maui, Hawaii, which made the best observations.

But Pasachoff told Universe Today that having two different angles of view to work with provided the ability to make quite precise measurements of the KBO.

“It was absolutely crucial to have the second observation site,” he said. “Without it, we
would not have known where on a round or elliptical body the chord, the line of occultation, passed and we could not have set an upper limit to the size of the body.”

A chord near the edge of a huge body can be vanishingly small, Pasachoff added, illustrating why they needed at least two chords.

Although the surfaces of other highly reflective bodies in the solar system, such as the dwarf planet Pluto and Saturn’s moon Enceladus, are continuously renewed with fresh ice from the condensation of atmospheric gases or by cryovolcanism that spews water instead of lava, 55636 is too small for these mechanisms to be at work.

“The surprising thing in a billion-year-old object that is so reflective is that it maintained or renewed its reflectivity,” said Pasachoff, “so possibilities include the darkening that we know takes place in the inner solar system is much less way out there; or the object renews its ice or frost from inside. We need new observations or more KBO’s with occultations, and we need more theoretical work.”

This was the first successful “planned” observation of a KBO using the stellar occultation method. In 2009 another team scoured through four and a half years of Hubble data to find on occultation of an extremely small KBO 975 meters (3,200 feet) across and a whopping 6.7 billion kilometers (4.2 billion miles) away.

For several years, Pasachoff and his team from Williams College have worked with Elliot and others from MIT, as well as Amanda Gulbis of the South African Astronomical Observatory to study Pluto by occultation. With careful measurements of a star’s brightness as Pluto hides or occults it, they have shown that Pluto’s atmosphere was slightly warming or expanding. A main goal now is to find out how the atmosphere is changing. This will be especially significant with the New Horizons spacecraft en route to Pluto.

Pasachoff said he knew 55636’s albedo would be bright, but was surprised how bright it was. The origins of this object is believed to come from a collision that occurred one billion years ago between one of the three known dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt, Haumea and another object that caused Haumea’s icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636.

“Mike Brown (KBO and dwarf planet hunter from Caltech) told me last year, before the observations, that the object would be reflective since it is in the Haumea family, and Haumea itself has a high albedo,” Pasachoff said.

Pasachoff worked with Brown and his team last year in trying to capture the mutual occultations of transits of Haumea with its moon Namaka using the Palomar 5-meter telescope, but they weren’t successful in detecting the extremely small effect, given Haumea’s rapid rotation period.

Elliot used the occultation method to discover the rings of Uranus decades ago and continues to champion the method.

Pasachoff said the recent observation of 55636 was very rewarding. “It was an incredible observation, and I was very pleased to be part of it.” He said. “I am proud that all three of the graphs in the Nature article, and both of the successful observations, were arranged or made by our Williams College team.”

He added that any such observation includes at least these four elements: astrometric predictions, observations, reduction of data, interpretation.

“We were very fortunate and interested in being successful with observations,” Pasachoff said. “But it is important to note that Jim Elliot and his colleagues at MIT and Lowell Observatory have been working for years to refine the methods of predictions to get them accurate enough for this purpose. And this event was the first time that the predictions had been accurate enough to merit the all-out press of telescopes that we assembled. That we picked up the event, near the center of the prediction to boot, is a credit to the astrometry team.”

Note: This article was updated on 6/20.

The team’s paper was published in the journal Nature.

Sources: Williams College,(and email exchange with Jay Pasachoff), MIT, BBC, Nature

Circumference of the Moon

Flying Across the Moon
Flying Across the Moon

The equatorial circumference of the Moon is 10,916 km. And the circumference of the Moon in miles is 6,783 miles. So, if you wanted to drive your lunar rover around the Moon and return back where you started, you’d need to travel 10,916 kilometers.

Need some comparison? The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075 km. That makes the size of the Moon’s circumference about 27.24% the size of the Earth.

The Moon isn’t the largest moon in the Solar System – it only has an equatorial radius of 1,737.4 km. The largest moon is Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, with an equatorial radius of 2,634 km. That means Ganymede’s circumference is 16,550 km; bigger than the Moon’s circumference by about 5,634 km.

Want some more measurements?

The circumference of the Moon in meters: 10,916,000 meters
The circumference of the Moon in centimeters: 1,091,600,000 centimeters
The circumference of the Moon in feet: 35,813,648 feet
The circumference of the Moon in inches: 429,763,780 inches

We’ve written many articles about the Moon for Universe Today. Here’s an article about the full Moon, and here’s an article about the atmosphere of the Moon.

If you’d like more info on the Moon, check out NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide on the Moon, and here’s a link to NASA’s Lunar and Planetary Science page.

We’ve also recorded an entire episode of Astronomy Cast all about the Moon. Listen here, Episode 113: The Moon, Part 1.

Circumference of Saturn


The equatorial circumference of Saturn is 378,675 km (or 235,298 miles). Not that it’s actually possible, but if you wanted to drive your car around Saturn’s equator, that’s how far you’d have to travel. Just for comparison, the equatorial circumference of Earth is 40,075 km, so Saturn’s circumference is 9.4 times larger than the Earth.

Want to make the calculation for yourself? Well, the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2 x pi x r, where R is the radius of the circle. The equatorial radius of Saturn is 60,268 km, so you can do the math yourself.

Of course, Saturn isn’t the largest planet in the Solar System, that’s Jupiter. Jupiter’s circumference is 449,197 km, or 1.19 times bigger than Saturn. And the largest object in the Solar System is the Sun, with an equatorial circumference of 4,379,000 km. That’s 11.56 times bigger than Saturn.

We’ve written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today. Here’s an article about what Saturn’s rings are made of, and here’s an article about how many moons Saturn has.

If you’d like more info on Saturn, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn. And here’s a link to the homepage of NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which is orbiting Saturn.

We’ve also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast all about Saturn. Listen here, Episode 59: Saturn.

How Much Bigger is Jupiter Than Earth?

Jupiter compared to Earth. Image credit: NASA

Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun, and the largest planet in the Solar System. How much bigger is Jupiter than Earth? Just to give you a sense of scale, Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive than all the rest of the planets in the Solar System combined.

Jupiter’s diameter is 11.2 times larger than Earth. In other words, you could put 11.2 Earths side-by-side to match the diameter of Jupiter.

And Jupiter’s volume is even bigger. It would take 1321.3 Earths to fill up the volume of Jupiter. In terms of surface area, Jupiter is 121.9 times bigger than the Earth. That’s how many Earths could be flattened out to cover the surface of Jupiter.

Jupiter has 317.8 times the mass of the Earth.

Even though Jupiter is an enormous, massive planet, it’s much smaller than the Sun. The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass of the Solar System. You could fit 109 Earths side by side to match the diameter of the Sun, and it would take 1.3 million planets the size of the Earth to fill it up.

We’ve written many articles about Jupiter for Universe Today. Here’s an article about pictures of Jupiter, and here’s an article about missions to Jupiter.

If you’d like more information on Jupiter, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Jupiter, and here’s a link to NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide to Jupiter.

We’ve also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast just about Jupiter. Listen here, Episode 56: Jupiter.

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – June 18-20, 2010

Greetings, fellow Stargazers! Have you been enjoying the rain? Then keep your eyes open for a “celestial shower” as meteoritic activity picks up over the next few nights, culminating in the peak of the Ophiuchid meteor Saturday night through Sunday morning. While you’re out relaxing, be sure to spare some time for lunacy and take a look some interesting features on the Moon. Need a test of your telescope’s resolving power? Then I “double dare” you to take on Gamma Virginis! Whenever you’re ready, I’ll see you in the back yard….

Friday, June 18, 2010 – Let’s begin the day by recognizing the 1799 birth on this date of William Lassell, telescope maker and discoverer of Triton (a moon of Neptune), and Ariel and Umbriel (satellites of Uranus). As often happens, great astronomers share birth dates, and this time it’s 187 years later for Allan Rex Sandage. A Bruce Medalist, Dr. Sandage is best known for his 1960 optical identification of a quasar, with his junior colleague, Thomas Matthews.

Our telescope lunar challenge tonight will be Hadley Rille. Find Mare Serenitatis and look for the break along its western shoreline that divides the Caucasus and Apennine mountain ranges. South of this break is the bright peak of Mons Hadley, which is of great interest for several reasons, so power up as much as possible.

Impressive Mons Hadley measures about 24 by 48 kilometers at its base and reaches up an incredible 4,572 meters. If volcanic activity had created it, Mons Hadley would be comparable to some of the very highest volcanically formed peaks on Earth, like Mount Shasta and Mount Rainer. South is the secondary peak, Mons Hadley Delta. It is home to the Apollo 15 landing site just a breath north of where it extends into the cove created by Palus Putredinus. Along this ridge line and smooth floor, look for a major fault line, winding its way across 120 kilometers of lunar surface; this is Hadley Rille. In places, the Rille spans 1,500 meters in width and drops to a depth of 300 meters below the surface. Believed to have been formed by volcanic activity 3.3 billion years ago, we can see the impact lower gravity has on this type of formation. Earthly lava channels are usually less than 10 kilometers long, and only around 100 meters wide. During the Apollo 15 mission, Hadley Rille was visited at a point where it was only 1.6 kilometers wide, still a considerable distance. Over a period of time, the Rille’s lava may have continued to flow through this area, yet it remains forever buried beneath years of regolith.

Saturday, June 19, 2010 – Tonight on the Moon we’ll be looking for another challenging feature and the craters that conjoin it—Stofler and Faraday. Located along the terminator to the south, crater Stofler was named for Dutch mathematician and astronomer Johan Stofler.

Consuming lunar landscape with an immense diameter of 126 kilometers, and dropping 2,760 meters below the surface, Stofler is a wonderland of small details in an eroded surrounding. Breaking its wall on the north is Fernelius, but sharing the southeastern boundary is Faraday. Named for English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday, this crater is more complex and deeper (4,090 meters) but far smaller in diameter (70 kilometers). Look for myriad smaller strikes that bind the two together!

When you’re done, let’s have a look at a delightful pair—Gamma Virginis (RA 12 41 41 Dec +01 26 54). Better knownas Porrima , this is one cool binary whose components are of almost equal spectral type and brightness. Discovered by Bradley and Pound in 1718, John Herschel was the first to predict this pair’s orbit in 1833, and stated that one day they would become inseparable to all but the very largest of telescopes—and he was right. In 1920 the A and B stars had reached their maximum separation, and during 2007 they were as close together as they ever can be. Observed as a single star in 1836 by William Herschel, its 171-year orbit puts Porrima in almost the same position now as it was when Sir William saw it!

Sunday, June 20, 2010 – In the predawn hours, we welcome the ‘‘shooting stars’’ as we pass through another portion of the Ophiuchid meteor stream. The radiant for this pass lies nearer Sagittarius, and the fall rate varies from 8 to 20 per hour, but the Ophiuchids can sometimes produce more than expected! Perhaps the sky acknowledges the 1966 passing of Georges Lemaitre on this date? Lemaitre researched cosmic rays and the three-body problem and in 1927 formulated the Big Bang theory using Einstein’s theories.

Are you ready to explore some more history? Then tonight have a look at the Moon and identify Alphonsus; it’s the centermost in a line of rings and looks much like the Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catharina trio.

Alphonsus is a very old Class V crater, spans 118 kilometers in diameter, drops below the surface to about 2,730 meters, and contains a small central peak. Eugene Shoemaker had studied this partially flooded crater and found dark haloes on the floor. Again, this could be attributed to volcanism. Shoemaker believed they were maar volcanoes, and the haloes were dark ash. Power up and look closely at the central peak, for not only did Ranger 9 hard land just northeast, but this is the only area on the Moon where an astronomer has observed a change and backed up that observation with photographic proof.

On November 2, 1958, Nikolai Kozyrev long and arduous study of Alphonsus was about to be rewarded. Some two years earlier Dinsmore Alter had taken a series of photographs from the Mt. Wilson 60’’ reflector that showed hazy patches in this area that could not be accounted for. Night after night, Kozyrev continued to study at the Crimean Observatory, but with no success. During the process of guiding the scope for a spectrogram, the unbelievable happened—a cloud of gaseous molecules containing carbon had been captured! Selected as the last target for the Ranger series of photographic missions, Ranger 9 delivered 5,814 spectacular high-resolution images of this mysterious region before it crashed nearby. Capture it yourself tonight!

Until next time? Ask for the Moon… But keep on reaching for the stars!

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): Dr. Alan Sandage courtesy of Dr. Sandage, Hadley Rille, courtesy of Wes Higgins, Stoffler and Faraday courtesy of Wes Higgins, Porrima – Palomar Observatory courtesy of Caltech, Georges Lemaitre and Albert Einstein (historical image), Ranger 9 Image of Alphonsus taken 3 minutes before impact courtesy of NASA, Alphonsus’ central peak taken 54 seconds before Ranger 9 impact courtesy of NASA. We thank you so much!

Circumference of Mars

Mars Closest Encounter
Mars Closest Encounter

The equatorial circumference of Mars is 21,344 km (or 13,263 miles). This is the distance you would have to go if you wanted to travel completely around the equator of Mars.

You can calculate the Mars circumference on your own if you want. The equatorial radius of Mars is 3,397 km, so you can just use the mathematical formula, C = 2 x Π x Radius. Did you get the same answer?

And just for comparison, the equatorial circumference of Earth is 40,075 km. So the circumference of Mars is 53% of the circumference of Earth.

Like many of the planets in the Solar System, Mars is rotating on its axis, turning once every 24.6 hours. This rotation causes Mars’ equator to bulge out from the center of the planet. If you wanted to drive around the planet, passing through each of its poles, you would have a shorter journey because of this. This is called the meridional circumference, and for Mars, this is only 21,244 km.

We have written many articles about Mars for Universe Today. Here’s an article with some pictures of planet Mars, and here’s an article about the temperature of Mars.

If you’d like more info on Mars, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Mars, and here’s a link to the NASA Mars Exploration home page.

We’ve also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast all about Mars. Listen here, Episode 52: Mars.

Nancy is Now on Venus

Nancy on Venus. Credit: USGS

This was posted on USGS Astrogeology Science Center website yesterday:

“The name Nancy has been approved for a crater on Venus located at 6.4N, 272.2E.”

I checked with Jennifer Blue, who posts the latest nomenclature planetary news on the USGS site, wondering if the crater was named for anyone in particular or just ‘Nancys’ in general. She told me that small craters (less than 20 km in diameter) on Venus are named with common female first names, while larger craters (over 20 km) are named for deceased women who have made outstanding or fundamental contributions to their field.

This crater is pretty small, and I’m not dead yet, fortunately, so it is not named for me.

“The crater named Nancy is not named for anyone in particular,” Jennifer wrote me. “But you could pretend that it was named for you!”

I think that’s what I’ll do.

UPDATE (8/08/12): I just got a note from Lizzy Tandberg Hall, who said that she named this crater after her mother, Nancy Clay Tandberg while mapping the Devana Chasma Quadrangle.

Here’s a link to a very interesting page, USGS’s “Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature” which gives the parameters for naming features on the planetary bodies in our solar system.

Nancy Crater. Kinda like the sound of that.


That was the name of the character in Star Trek that sucked all the salt out of people.

And wasn’t the planet where Nancy Crater was stationed really hot and arid?


Here’s a pdf of a larger map of the area in Venus where Nancy Crater is located.

Thanks to Emily Lakdawalla for bringing Nancy Crater to my attention!

It’s Noctilucent Cloud Season!

Noctilucent clouds over Kendal Castle, England in June 2010. Credit: Stuart Atkinson


It’s summer (well, OK, technically next week it is summer) but it’s the time of year that northern latitudes can see the beautiful, awe inspiring atmospheric phenomena called Noctilucent Clouds, or night shining clouds. They aren’t like regular cumulus or cirrus clouds, but are mysterious and unique high atmosphere cloud formations thought to be composed of small ice-coated particles. How they form and why is not well understood, and usually the best time to see them is at twilight when the high altitude clouds are backlit by the sun. But Stu Atkinson in England sent in these great images of NLC’s, which he took in the wee hours of the morning (he woke up at 1:30 am) from the stunning location of Kendal Castle. He’s got more at his website, Cumbrian Sky.

Noctilucent clouds in Lancashire taken by Mark Purvis in 2009.

This image was sent in by UT reader Mark Purvis, who wrote, “This is an image I took in Beacon point in Lancashire. It was taken on the 21st July 2009 at 23:30(ish) with an Olympus E-400.”

Another look at Noctilucent clouds over Kendal Castle, England. Credit: Stuart Atkinson

If you have taken some images of NLC’s send them to Nancy and we’ll post them.

For more NLC images, see Spaceweather.com’s gallery.

Here’s a link to some NLC pictures (plus a Comet McNaught photo) taken in Germany, also taken in the early morning hours, about 2:30 am local time.

Check out this link for a NLC FAQ.

And here’s some observing tips from Spaceweather.com: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the Sun has dipped 6 degrees to 16 degrees below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you may have spotted a noctilucent cloud. High-northern latitudes are favored.

Thanks again to Stu for sending us his images.

Astronomers Witness Star Birth

Astronomers caught a glimpse of a future star just as it is being born out of the surrounding gas and dust, in a star-forming region similar to the one pictured above. (Spitzer Space Telescope image of DR21 in Infrared) Credit: A. Marston (ESTEC/ESA) et al., JPL, Caltech, NASA


Astronomers have glimpsed into the birth of a star, and have seen what could be the youngest known star at the very moment it is being born. “It’s very difficult to detect objects in this phase of star formation, because they are very short-lived and they emit very little light,” said Xuepeng Chen, from Yale University and lead author of a new paper. Not yet fully developed into a true star, the object is in the earliest stages of star formation and has just begun pulling in matter from a surrounding envelope of gas and dust. The team detected the faint light emitted by the nearby dust.

Using the Submillimeter Array in Hawaii and the Spitzer Space Telescope, the astronomers studied L1448-IRS2E, located in the Perseus star-forming region, about 800 light years away within our Milky Way galaxy.

Stars form out of large, cold, dense regions of gas and dust called molecular clouds, which exist throughout the galaxy. Astronomers think L1448-IRS2E is in between the prestellar phase, when a particularly dense region of a molecular cloud first begins to clump together, and the protostar phase, when gravity has pulled enough material together to form a dense, hot core out of the surrounding envelope.

Most protostars are between one to 10 times as luminous as the Sun, with large dust envelopes that glow at infrared wavelengths. Because L1448-IRS2E is less than one tenth as luminous as the Sun, the team believes the object is too dim to be considered a true protostar. Yet they also discovered that the object is ejecting streams of high-velocity gas from its center, confirming that some sort of preliminary mass has already formed and the object has developed beyond the prestellar phase. This kind of outflow is seen in protostars (as a result of the magnetic field surrounding the forming star), but has not been seen at such an early stage until now.

The team hopes to use the new Herchel space telescope, launched last May, to look for more of these objects caught between the earliest stages of star formation so they can better understand how stars grow and evolve. “Stars are defined by their mass, but we still don’t know at what stage of the formation process a star acquires most of its mass,” said Héctor Arce, also from Yale. “This is one of the big questions driving our work.”

Other authors of the paper include Qizhou Zhang and Tyler Bourke of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; and Ralf Launhardt, Markus Schmalzl and Thomas Henning of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.

The new study appears in the current issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Read the team’s paper here.

Source: Yale University