MESSENGER Solves Solar Flare Mystery

Antenna Array
MESSENGER on the sunside of Mercury. Credit: NASA


In a case of being in the right place at the right time, the MESSENGER spacecraft was able to capture a average-sized solar flare, allowing astronomers to study high-energy solar neutrons at less than 1 astronomical unit (AU) from the sun for the first time. When the flare erupted on Dec. 31, 2007, MESSENGER – on course for entering orbit around Mercury — was flying at about half an AU, said William C. Feldman, a scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. Previously, only the neutron bursts from the most powerful solar flares have been recorded on neutron spectrometers on Earth or in near-Earth orbit. The MESSENGER results help solve a mystery of why some coronal mass ejections produce almost no energetic protons that reach the Earth, while others produce huge amounts.

Solar flares spew high-energy neutrons into interplanetary space. Typically, these bursts last about 50 to 60 seconds at the sun. But MESSENGER’s Neutron Spectrometer was able to record neutrons from this flare over a period of six to ten hours. “What that’s telling us is that at least some moderate-sized flares continuously produce high-energy neutrons in the solar corona.” Said Feldman. “From this fact, we inferred the continuous production of protons in the 30-to-100-MeV (million electron volt) range due to the flare.”
About 90 percent of all ions produced by a solar flare remain locked to the sun on closed magnetic lines, but another population results from the decay of the neutrons near the sun. This second population of decayed neutrons forms an extended seed population in interplanetary space that can be further accelerated by the massive shock waves produced by the flares, Feldman said.

“So the important results are that perhaps after many flare events two things may occur: continuous production of neutrons over an extended period of time and creation of seed populations of neutrons near the sun that have decayed into protons,” Feldman said. “When coronal mass ejections (nuclear explosions in the corona) send shock waves into space, these feedstock protons are accelerated into interplanetary space.”

“There has always been the question of why some coronal mass ejections produce almost no energetic protons that reach the Earth, while others produce huge amounts,” he added. “It appears that these seed populations of energetic protons near the sun could provide the answer, because it’s easier to accelerate a proton that already has an energy of 1 MeV than a proton that is at 1 keV (the solar wind).”

The seed populations are not evenly distributed, Feldman said. Sometimes they’re in the right place for the shock waves to send them toward Earth, while at other times they’re in locations where the protons are accelerated in directions that don’t take them near Earth.

The radiation produced by solar flares is of more than academic interest to NASA, Feldman added. Energetic protons from solar flares can damage Earth-orbiting satellites and endanger astronauts on the International Space Station or on missions to the Moon and Mars.

“People in the manned spaceflight program are very interested in being able to predict when a coronal mass ejection is going to be effective in generating dangerous levels of high-energy protons that produce a radiation hazard for astronauts,” he said.

To do this, scientists need to know a lot more about the mechanisms that produce flares and which flare events are likely to be dangerous. At some point they hope to be able to predict space weather — where precipitation is in the form of radiation — with the same accuracy that forecasters predict rain or snow on Earth.

MESSENGER could provide significant data toward this goal, Feldman observed. “What we saw and published is what we hope will be the first of many flares we’ll be able to follow through 2012,” he said. “The beauty of MESSENGER is that it’s going to be active from the minimum to the maximum solar activity during Solar Cycle 24, allowing us to observe the rise of a solar cycle much closer to the sun than ever before.”

MESSENGER is currently orbiting the sun between 0.3 and 0.6 AU — (an AU is the average distance between the Earth and the sun, or about 150,000 km) — on its way to orbit insertion around Mercury in March 2011. At Mercury, it will be within 0.45 AU of the sun for one Earth year.

Read the team’s paper: Evidence for Extended Acceleration of Solar Flare Ions from 1-8-MeV Solar Neutrons Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer.

Source: PSI

Can I Have One More #Moonwatch With You?

Gazing at the Moon seems to be universal among humans. So why not share the experience with the rest of the world using the hottest social media tool? From Oct. 26-28 you can join in on Moonwatch on Twitter. Various Twitterers will be live-tweeting conversation and images of the Moon, planets and other astronomical objects. Moonwatch was headed up by astronomers from the Newbury Astronomical Society in the UK. Additionally, the Faulkes Telescope Network of professional telescopes will also be taking part and taking images with their 2-metre telescope situated in New South Wales, Australia.
Continue reading “Can I Have One More #Moonwatch With You?”

Carnival of Space #126

This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by Jason Perry over at The Gish Bar Times.

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #126.

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past Carnivals of Space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let Fraser know if you can be a host, and he’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Finally, if you run a space-related blog, please post a link to the Carnival of Space. Help us get the word out.

Weather Only Issue for Ares I-X Test Flight

Ares I-X and the space shuttle on the launchpads at KSC. Credit: NASA

The Ares I-X and the space shuttle on the launchpads at KSC. Credit: NASA. Click for larger version.

Possible rain and high clouds are the only “ifs” so far for the test flight of the Ares I-X rocket on Tuesday morning, the first test flight of a new rocket for NASA in over 30 years. Central to the concern about weather is a possible static discharge called “tribo electrification” created by the outer coating of the rocket if it flies through cloud vapor or precipitation that is colder than -10 degrees C (14 deg. F). This static electricity could disrupt the transmission of flight test data from the rocket, one of the main reasons for the test. At a briefing Monday morning, managers for the Ares program said the only other issue they are working with also deals with weather – the timing when to remove a probe cover.

“There are no issues we are currently working,” said Bob Ess, Ares I-X mission manager. “We’ve worked through all the technical issues and it is relatively unprecedented to have a vehicle this clean for this long. Right now we’re just making sure test team is ready. The probe cover is not a new problem; we want to be smart and protect ourselves for when we take it off, because once you take it off you can’t put it on.”
The probe is covered by a “sock” that is Velcroed over the cover. The cover has to be removed manually by pulling a lanyard attached to the cover. If the cover is taken off and it starts to rain, water could get inside, freeze and cause problems with the probe. This doesn’t cause any issues of the vehicle being able to fly, but could cause issues with taking and receiving data.

The probe is part of over 700 sensors for the flight.

The launch window opens at 8 am EDT (1200 GMT), but managers said they can use the entire four-hour window if necessary. $445 million test flight will last six minutes from liftoff to splashdown, with the Ares I-X reaching a maximum altitude of 46,000 m (153,000 feet) and a top velocity more than 4.7 times the speed of sound.

NASA weather officer Kathy Winters said there is a chance of isolated showers, not widespread, but clouds could be a problem. Currently Winters reports a 40% chance of favorable weather for Tuesday. If a 24 hour delay is called, the weather improves to 60% chance of good weather on Wednesday and 70% on Thursday.
“This is a test flight, and not human flight, so there’s not the level of redundancy and the amount analysis if it was,” said Ess. “There are no guarantees, but we have high confidence in the vehicle. We know we’ll learn a lot from this.”

Ess said the main data they will be looking for is that the stage separation occurs at the altitude and speeds that are expected from computer models. “We’ll be receiving data during the flight,” Ess said, “and we’ll get a data recorder back when we recover the booster. We’ll get a huge amount of data from the recorders and compare it with ground station tracking. We’ll merge two different data sets, to get the ‘best of source,’ as its called — get the cleanest , data we can get. That takes a couple of weeks. We have scheduled to give 30-, 60- and 90-day reports, and will be looking through sensor data for any surprises. We have computer models what we expect to see.”

Top of their list of things to look for are information about thrust oscillation issues which have been reported to be a potential show stopper for the Ares program, as well as monitoring acoustics and other pressure sensors. “It will be a long process to go through the large amount of data we’ll be getting” Ess said.
Over 200 sensors will measure how vehicle will bend and stretch throught the various parts fo the flight. They are also interested in seeing how robust the parachute deployement sequence is. A large amount of that data will be gathered through imagery by a chase plane.

When asked about the possibility of this being the only flight for Ares – since the Augustine Commission Report seems to hint at a possible future without the Ares 1 vehicle, Constellation program manager Jeff Hanley said, “What is most critical is that we learn something, and what does it mean for generations coming up. Key for future of human spaceflight is to have tools that allow us to go places we’ve never gone before, and we need substantial tools in our tool kit… What you see in Ares I-X is a stepping stone along the way. With any other architecture we’d be following a similar approach. Whatever the nation asks us to do, the Ares I-X demonstrates a lot of learning.”

Source: NASA press briefing

Infrared Spectroscopy

Silicates in Alien Asteroids. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech

Infrared spectroscopy is spectroscopy in the infrared (IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a vital part of infrared astronomy, just as it is in visual, or optical, astronomy (and has been since lines were discovered in the spectrum of the Sun, in 1802, though it was a couple of decades before Fraunhofer began to study them systematically).

For the most part, the techniques used in IR spectroscopy, in astronomy, are the same or very similar to those used in the visual waveband; confusingly, then, IR spectroscopy is part of both infrared astronomy and optical astronomy! These techniques involve use of mirrors, lenses, dispersive media such as prisms or gratings, and ‘quantum’ detectors (silicon-based CCDs in the visual waveband, HgCdTe – or InSb or PbSe – arrays in IR); at the long-wavelength end – where the IR overlaps with the submillimeter or terahertz region – there are somewhat different techniques.

As infrared astronomy has a much longer ground-based history than a space-based one, the terms used relate to the windows in the Earth’s atmosphere where lower absorption spectroscopy makes astronomy feasible … so there is the near-IR (NIR), from the end of the visual (~0.7 &#181m) to ~3 &#181m, the mid (to ~30 &#181m), and the far-IR (FIR, to 0.2 mm).

As with spectroscopy in the visual and UV wavebands, IR spectroscopy in astronomy involves detection of both absorption (mostly) and emission (rather less common) lines due to atomic transitions (the hydrogen Paschen, Brackett, Pfund, and Humphreys series are all in the IR, mostly NIR). However, lines and bands due to molecules are found in the spectra of nearly all objects, across the entire IR … and the reason why space-based observatories are needed to study water and carbon dioxide (to take just two examples) in astronomical objects. One of the most important class of molecules (of interest to astronomers) is PAHs – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – whose transitions are most prominent in the mid-IR (see the Spitzer webpage Understanding Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for more details).

Looking for more info on how astronomers do IR spectroscopy? Caltech has a brief introduction to IR spectroscopy. The ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) has several dedicated instruments, including VISIR (which is both an imager and spectrometer, working in the mid-IR); CIRPASS, a NIR integrated field unit spectrograph on Gemini; Spitzer’s IRS (a mid-IR spectrograph); and LWS on the ESA’s Infrared Space Observatory (a FIR spectrometer).

Universe Today stories related to IR spectroscopy include Infrared Sensor Could Be Useful on Earth Too, Search for Origins Programs Shortlisted, and Jovian Moon Was Probably Captured.

Infrared spectroscopy is covered in the Astronomy Cast episode Infrared Astronomy.


Gravity Constant

Anaglyph images created from an ESA video animation of global gravity gradients. A more accurate global map will be generated by ESA's GOCE craft. Credit: ESA and Nathaniel Burton Bradford.

The constant of gravity, or gravity constant, has two meanings: the constant in Newton’s universal law of gravitation (so is commonly called the gravitational constant, it also occurs in Einstein’s general theory of relativity); and the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface. The symbol for the first is G (big G), and the second g (little g).

Newton’s universal law of gravitation in words is something like “the gravitational force between two objects is proportional to the mass of each and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them“. Or something like F (the gravitational force between two objects) is m1 (the mass of one of the objects) times m2 (the mass of one of the other object) divided by r2 (the square of the distance between them). The “is proportional to” means all you need to make an equation is a constant … which is G.

In other words: F = Gm1m2/r2

The equation for little g is simpler; from Newton we have F = ma (a force F acting on a mass m produces an acceleration a), so the force F on a mass m at the surface of the Earth, due to the gravitational attraction between the m and the Earth is F = mg.

Little g has been known from at least the time of Galileo, and is approximately 9.8 m/s2 – meters per second squared – it varies somewhat, depending on how high you are (altitude) and where on Earth you are (principally latitude).

Obviously, big G and little g are closely related; the force on a mass m at the surface of the Earth is both mg and GmM/r2, where M is the mass of the Earth and r is its radius (in Newton’s law of universal gravitation, the distance is measured between the centers of mass of each object) … so g is just GM/r2.

The radius of the Earth has been known for a very long time – the ancient Greeks had worked it out (albeit not very accurately!) – but the mass of the Earth was essentially unknown until Newton described gravity … and even afterwards too, because neither G nor M could be estimated independently! And that didn’t change until well after Newton’s death (in 1727), when Cavendish ‘weighed the Earth’ using a torsion balance and two pairs of lead spheres, in 1798.

Big G is extremely hard to measure accurately (to 1 part in a thousand, say); today’s best estimate is 6.674 28 (+/- 0.000 67) x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s -2.

The Constant Pull of Gravity: How Does It Work? is a good NASA webpage for students, on gravity; and the ESA’s GOCE mission webpage describes how satellites are being used to measure variations in little g (GOCE stands for Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer).

The Pioneer Anomaly: A Deviation from Einstein’s Gravity? is a Universe Today story related to big G, as is Is the Kuiper Belt Slowing the Pioneer Spacecraft?; GOCE Satellite Begins Mapping Earth’s Gravity in Lower Orbit Than Expected is one about little g.

No surprise that the Astronomy Cast episode Gravity covers both big G and little g!

2003 ub313

The mysterious Eris and moons. Credit: NASA


In 2003, a celestial object was discovered, but little did astronomers know that this object, which was designated 2003ub313, was going to change astronomy forever. Although the object was first photographed in 2003 by Mike Brown and other astronomers, it was not until 2005 that astronomers announced their discovery. You may better know 2003 ub 313, which was its designation given when it was believed to be a minor planet, as Eris. Eris made such a fuss because it is larger than Pluto – 27% more massive. Some people labeled it as the tenth planet while others did not think it should join the ranks of the nine planets we had. Finally, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) met to decide on a definition of a planet. Eventually, they decided on a definition in 2006, and 2003ub313 was not classified as a planet but rather a dwarf planet.  In addition to Eris, Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet, and several other celestial bodies – including Ceres, Haumea, and Makemake – were classified as dwarf planets. Astronomers are evaluating dozens more celestial bodies to see whether they fall under the classification of dwarf planets.

Eris is the ninth largest celestial body in our Solar System that orbits the Sun and the most distant object orbiting the Sun. It takes the dwarf planet 556.7 years to orbit our star. Eris is located in the scattered disc, which is a region beyond the Kuiper Belt. In addition to being a dwarf planet, Eris is also classified as a Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO). The surface of the dwarf planet is grey, and astronomers believe that the surface is covered with methane ice, which is what causes it to appear grey.  Methane is the same substance that makes Uranus and Neptune blue. Scientists think that Eris’ composition is similar to that of Pluto. Eris also has a very eccentric orbit, and it is also highly inclined. At some point in its orbit, Eris will actually be closer to the Sun than Pluto will be.

Like most celestial bodies, Eris was named after a figure in mythology. Eris was the Greek goddess of strife and discourse. Many believe this is a very fitting name for the dwarf planet, which caused so much division over the definition of a planet and the fate of Pluto.  The dwarf planet Eris also has a moon, which was named Dysnomia. Dysnomia was Eris’ daughter in Greek mythology and the demon of lawlessness.

Universe Today has articles on Eris including dwarf planet Eris and plutoid Eris is changing.

For more information, check out the discovery of Eris and former 10th planet officially named Eris.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on Pluto’s planetary crisis you will want to hear.

Source: NASA

Impact in Latvia Creates 20-Meter Crater

Latvia crater. Credit: Delfi

A possible meteorite fall near in northern Latvia on Sunday left a crater approximately 20 meters (66 feet) in diameter and 10 meters (33 feet) deep. UPDATE: Many reports now say the impact was a fake; The Bad Astronomer says “shovel” marks were found around the perimeter of the crater; additionally, a burning impactor is highly unlikely (see video below). And here’s an article from the Associated press. , and another from Yahoo news, where a phone company in Latvia admits the “crater” was a publicity stunt.

Our earlier report:
No one was injured, as the impact occurred outside the small town of Mazsalaca, although houses were nearby. Early reports said it was not clear whether it was an asteroid or a space satellite, but later news indicated it was a meteorite strike. Another account said it might be a hoax, as a cover-up of illegal weapons tests. One report said a witness saw the object falling through the sky, leaving a burning trail behind, and said it was making a noise similar to the one of an aircraft flying at a low altitude. See a video of the crater below.

A spokesperson for the Latvian State Fire and Rescue Service said that rescuers and soldiers immediately cordoned off the territory, as they wanted to guard against any radioactive contamination if it was a satellite.

See this link for more images of the crater.

We’ll post more news about the crater as it becomes available.

Sources: RiaNovosti, ITAR-TASS

Hat tip to @cosmos4U on Twitter

Podcast: Famous Stars

VY Canis Majoris
VY Canis Majoris

This week we’re going to talk about famous stars. But not those boring human ones you read about in People magazine. No, we’re talking about those hot balls of plasma across the distant Universe. The close ones, the bright ones, the massive ones, the giant ones. Let’s get to know some famous stars.

Click here to download the episode.

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Famous Stars show notes and transcript.

Podcast: Dwarf Stars

Artist illustration of a red dwarf star.
Artist illustration of a red dwarf star.

We think we live near an average star, but that’s not the case at all. Compared to most stars in the Universe, the Sun is a giant! Let’s look at the small end of the stellar spectrum, to stars with a fraction of the size and mass of our own Sun. There are many ways that a star can get small, and they lead dramatically different lives and deaths.

Click here to download the episode.

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Dwarf Stars show notes and transcript.