Book Review: To the End of the Solar System


A good idea gone bad. How do you describe the nuclear industry? At one time it answered everyone’s dreams, from nuclear powered airplanes to shopping mall heaters. James Dewar describes one of its roles in his book To the End of the Solar System – The Story of the Nuclear Rocket. In it, he shows how scientists’ practicalities came up short when confronted against politicians’ questions and environmentalists’ mores. For some, the benefits were huge and obvious. Others held different views.

After the dust settled from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a new technology entered into the lexicon of our lives. Born amidst fear and death, the ability to split an atom spread into more benign and fruitful affairs. For after all’s said and done, this process is just another source of energy. As well, its raw materials occur quite naturally and regularly throughout the Earth’s crust and interior so humans aren’t so much inventing as engineering. Thus, smart humans learned to dig the material from the ground, concentrate it and put it to work.

Dewar’s book presents one type of this work; the use of the released energy to drive a vehicle through space. But, its not a technical review. Rather, the book’s main focus deals with the fascinating challenge of maintaining an expensive research project in a politically charged environment. The book shows that ideas were aplenty in the 1950s and a receptive audience happily encouraged research. However, often, once an idea passed beyond theory and into some sort of development, then costs rose even further. And, as written, the nuclear rocket program followed this sequence. In response, Dewar identifies a cabal, a small group of powerful politicians, who kept this program alive and kicking for over 20 years and through a number of administrations. Over this time, significant technical hurdles arose, budget constraints exploded and vociferous objections screamed. But these were countered and the rocket program matured. On termination, this program was ready to flight test a high specific impulse, throttlable, and re-startable propulsion system fully capable of transporting large masses to the Moon, Mars or the outer reaches of the our solar system. But, as Dewar concludes, the visionary supporters died and no young torch bearers had the desire to constantly carry and nurture this nascent capability along with the dreams of many a hopeful space traveller.

Though most historical reviews of a technical or political nature get quite dry, Dewar’s is different. He nicely bounces from technical challenges and the people who solved them and on to boardrooms where strategists plotted passages of bills. He even includes interesting conjectures on the definition and evolution of political power and bureaucracy in the United States. But, as to be expected for this subject, his book’s passages are decidedly non-fiction. There’s no flurry of adjectives or similes to lighten an image. He faithfully remains true to his sub-title in that his book is an insightful, competent and opinionated review of the development of the nuclear rocket.

For those interested in the historical aspect, this book does provide a great review of both the people involved and the technological developments. Further, Dewar’s career with the Atomic Energy Commission and the book’s 60 pages of reference confirm its veracity. But, Dewar’s inclusion of a number of appendices embellish as a wonderful icing on an already fantastic cake. To avoid obscuring the main storyline, the book’s later sections contain more technical depth, including fuel element design, specific impulse allowances, the benefits of liquid hydrogen and the Russian nuclear rocket program. But, maybe most valuable of all, it includes a section entitled Lessons for Program Managers and the Public. In it, Dewar uses the experiences of the rocket program to describe fundamentals on pushing projects so as they survive budgets and administration changes. Its contents will greatly help those who want to try advancing their personal, large, pet projects.

Dewar’s book would easily address those curious about this particular program. But, it certainly is opinionated with its positive support of the nuclear rocket and all those who championed it. There’s little room for fence sitters; those who think well of the idea of nuclear rockets will like this book, others will likely see little of value.

Note, the review copy was Apogee Book’s second edition published in 2007. The University Press of Kentucky published the original in 2003. No comparison was made between the two.

Stories of unrequited love make for good romance tales, but not so good for historical reviews. Yet, John Dewar’s book To the End of the Solar System – The Story of the Nuclear Rocket goes against this. He writes of a technology that is capable, fair and worthy yet never accepted. But, as with other great romance books, through it, the technology stays alive, awaiting a suitor to raise it on high.

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Space Junk, Toxic Fuel Rains Down on Siberian Region


People from the normally quiet and picturesque republic of Altai, Siberia keep their eyes on the sky when a launch occurs from the nearby Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan. This region is regularly littered with debris and toxic fuel from space launches, as Altai lies along the flight path of rocket launches to space. Unlike rockets launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which shed excess stages into the Atlantic Ocean, sections from rockets launched from Baikonur crash back on land, usually landing in the Altai region of the Kazakh steppe.

Two incidents of falling debris in the past two weeks prompted farmers to file claims against the Russian space agency for damages. Four horses were reportedly killed from traces of toxic fuel in found in space debris that landed on grazing land and another 4.5 meter chunk of metal landed very close to a house.

According to the Moscow Times, the Russian Federal Space Agency and Altai authorities have designated a strip of land where rocket debris is supposed to fall. People who live in the zone are given at least 24 hours’ notice of falling debris. Only those outside the zone are entitled to any compensation for damage caused by the launches.

The two recent incidents both occurred outside the zone, an official said.

In 2007, 27 people in the Ust-Kansky region were hospitalized with cancer-related illnesses they said were linked to contamination from falling debris. Also, in September 2007, a Proton-M rocket carrying a Japanese communications satellite malfunctioned around two minutes after takeoff, crashing near another Kazakh city, Zhezkazgan. No one was injured in the incident, but Russia paid Kazakhstan more than $2 million in compensation, after admitting that the rocket had been filled with higher-than-permissible levels of toxic heptyl fuel.
Space Junk.  Image credit:  Jonas Bendiksen/
In cases where there is a rocket malfunction, the procedure is for ground control to destroy it, often spreading debris outside the expected area.
People from the region say that the Soviets thoroughly cleaned up debris from the discarded stages, but clean-up efforts have scaled back considerably since the Soviet Union fell. The pictures used here are from a 2002 photo essay by Norwegian photographer Jonas Bendiksen showing the large pieces of debris laying lying around the Altai region.

Original News Source: New York Times

When Black Holes Explode: Measuring the Emission from the Fifth Dimension

Exploding primordial black holes could be detected (credit:

Primordial black holes are remnants of the Big Bang and they are predicted to be knocking around in our universe right now. If they were 1012kg or bigger at the time of creation, they have enough mass to have survived constant evaporation from Hawking radiation over the 14 billion years since the beginning of the cosmos. But what happens when the tiny black hole evaporates so small that it becomes so tightly wrapped around the structure of a fifth dimension (other than the “normal” three spatial dimensions and one time dimension)? Well, the black hole will explosively show itself, much like an elastic band snapping, emitting energy. These final moments will signify that the primordial black hole has died. What makes this exciting is that researchers believe they can detect these events as spikes of radio wave emissions and the hunt has already begun…

Publications about primordial black holes have been very popular in recent years. There is the possibility that these ancient singularities are very common in the Universe, but as they are predicted to be quite small, their effect on local space isn’t likely to be very observable (unlike younger, super-massive black holes at the centre of galaxies or the stellar black holes remaining after supernovae). However, they could be quite mischievous. Some primordial black hole antics include kicking around asteroids if they pass through the solar system, blasting through the Earth at high velocity, or even getting stuck inside a planet, slowly eating up material like a planetary parasite.

But say if these big bang relics never come near the Earth and we never see their effect on Earth (a relief, we can do without a primordial black hole playing billiards with near Earth asteroids or the threat of a mini black hole punching through the planet!)? How are we ever going to observe these theoretical singularities?

Eight-meter-wavelength Transient Array (credit: Virginia Tech)

Now, the ultimate observatory has been realized, but it measures a fairly observable cosmic emission: radio waves. The Eight-meter-wavelength Transient Array (ETA) run by Virginia Tech Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Physics, and the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI), is currently taking high cadence radio wave observations and has been doing so for the past few months. This basic-looking antenna system, in fields in Montgomery County and North Carolina, could receive emissions in the 29-47 MHz frequencies, giving researchers a unique opportunity to see primordial black holes as they die.

Interestingly, if their predictions are correct, this could provide evidence for the existence of a fifth dimension, a dimension operating at scales of billionths of a nanometer. If this exotic emission can be received, and if it is corroborated by both antennae, this could be evidence of the string theory prediction that there are more dimensions than the four we currently understand.

The idea we’re exploring is that the universe has an imperceptibly small dimension (about one billionth of a nanometer) in addition to the four that we know currently. This extra dimension would be curled up, in a state similar to that of the entire universe at the time of the Big Bang.” – Michael Kavic, project investigator.

As black holes are wrapped around this predicted fifth dimension, as they slowly evaporate and lose mass, eventually primordial black holes will be so stressed and stretched around the fifth dimension that the black hole will die, blasting out emissions in radio wave frequencies.

String theory requires extra dimensions to be a consistent theory. String theory suggests a minimum of 10 dimensions, but we’re only considering models with one extra dimension.” – Kavic

When the Large Hadron Collider goes online in May, it is hoped that the high energies generated may produce mini-black holes (amongst other cool things) where research can be done to look for the string theory extra dimensions. But the Eight-meter-wavelength Transient Array looking for the death of “naturally occurring” primordial black holes is a far less costly endeavour and may achieve the same goal.

Here’s an article on a theory that there could be 10 dimensions.

Source: Nature

STS-123 Photo/Video Journal

The crews of space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station have been busy during the current mission and here’s a few pictures and a video to update what’s been happening. Early Sunday, Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan and Mike Foreman completed the second spacewalk of five scheduled for STS-123. The two spacewalkers assembled Dextre, the final element of the International Space Station’s Mobile Servicing System, attaching two arms to the robot-like tool designed for station maintenance and service. Above is a picture of Linnehan during the first spacewalk. He’s anchored to the Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint as it moves him into position for a construction task. Isn’t that something we’d all like to do….be out in space and pretend to be flying? This image is the embodiment of the human spirit.

2nd spacewalk.  Image credit:  NASA TV

Here’s an image from the second spacewalk, with the two astronauts working on constructing the stick-figure like Dextre. With its two arms, Dextre will remove and replace smaller components on the Station’s exterior. It will be equipped with lights, video equipment, a tool platform and four tool holders. Each of the arms are 11 feet long and have seven different joints.

Dextre can perform dexterous tasks, and can sense forces and movements of objects it is manipulating, and can automatically compensate its movements to ensure the payload is manipulated smoothly. Dextre will be used to load and unload objects, use robotic tools, attach and detach covers and install various units of the Space Station.

Entering Kibo.  Image Credit:  NASA TV

The other important task for this mission is attaching the Japanese Logistics Module’s Pressurized Section (JLP), the first component of the Japan’s Kibo laboratory. This is an image from NASA TV showing Japanese astronaut Takao Doi as he and Expedition 16 Commander Peggy Whitson open up the module and go inside for the first time.

Garrett Reisman 1st spacewalk
Astronaut Garrett Reisman, Expedition 16 flight engineer works during the first spacewalk of the mission. Among other tasks, he and Linnehan prepared the Japanese logistics module for removal from Space Shuttle Endeavour’s payload bay and installed equipment on Dextre.

Working with the ISS arm.  Image Credit:  NASA

NASA astronauts Greg Johnson (foreground), STS-123 pilot; and Bob Behnken, mission specialist, work the controls of the station’s robotic Canadarm2 in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station while Space Shuttle Endeavour is docked with the station. European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Leopold Eyharts, mission specialist, looks on.

Wake-up calls are a long-standing tradition of the NASA program. Each day during the mission, flight controllers in the Mission Control Center will greet the crew with an appropriate musical interlude. This video from flight day 4 gives us chance to get to know Garrett Reisman (aka Mr. Saturday Night) who will stay on board the ISS for 6 months.

Heavy ATV Must Learn to Apply the Brakes Before Docking with the ISS


Although ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will be approaching the International Space Station (ISS) at a rate slower than tortoise-pace, what would happen if the 20 tonne space truck didn’t slow down as it docks with the station? It wouldn’t be pretty. In all likelihood, the large mass of supplies and metal would cause significant structural damage to the ISS and could be life-threatening to the astronauts on board. To avoid a very big dent in the manned outpost, the ESA’s partners insist that the ATV carry out some practice runs of the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre (a.k.a. the “emergency brake”)…

The ATV “Jules Verne”, still sitting in an orbital holding pattern awaiting the departure of Space Shuttle Endeavour from the ISS, still must prove its robotic worth. The unmanned supply vehicle is the most advanced spaceship the ESA has ever launched into space and it appears to be performing well. Recent engine problems were quickly and neatly solved and the re-supply mission of the ISS appears to be progressing nicely.

Worked into the schedule of the ATV’s orbit of Earth are some practice manoeuvres – after all, the robot has a lot of time on its hands, a bit of activity should be welcomed.

First up is the spaceship equivalent of an emergency brake. The ATV project will have never been allowed near the space station without an emergency procedure should there be a problem during docking. Although the relative speed between the station and approaching ATV will be exceedingly slow, the orbital velocity of both will be approximately 27,000 km/h, so any unforeseen collision or misalignment could be highly dangerous.

So, the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre will be carried out on Friday, before the ATV is anywhere close to the station to make sure the operation is successful at preventing a mock collision.

The ATV carries countless failsafe measures; critically the robot runs three parallel flight-control computers with an independent computer overseeing them. If something should go wrong, the flight-control computers can be overridden and an avoidance manoeuvre enacted. Also, mission control in Toulouse, France can manually initiate the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre and so can the ISS astronauts inside the docking module watching events as they unfold. A big red button has even been installed in the Russian Zvezda module to raise the alarm and force the ATV to stop and reverse at 5 km/h.

Source: BBC

The astronauts do it by hitting a big red button on a panel positioned in the Russian Zvezda module.

Genesis Scientists Finally Have Some Luck: Clues to Oxygen Content of Solar Wind


As the parachute failed on re-entry, a man hanging out of a helicopter wielding a big hook didn’t have chance to grab the falling object. Instead, it entered the atmosphere and thudded into the crusty layer of sand in the Utah Desert. This isn’t some Monty Python sketch, it was the demise of the Genesis sample return probe as the descent mechanism failed to release its parachutes on September 8th 2004. Hope to analyze any of the pristine samples of the Sun’s atmosphere quickly dissipated as scientists realized the precious cargo was likely destroyed and contaminated. But now, with a bit of luck and a lot of patience, mission scientists have recovered some samples from the wreckage and hope most of the Genesis mission goals will be accomplished regardless…

Launched from Earth on August 8th 2001, the Genesis spacecraft was sent on its way to the Earth-Sun First Lagrangian (L1) point to collect solar wind particles in the aim of understanding our Sun and solar system development. All was going very smoothly for this Discovery-class NASA mission (consisting of a spacecraft and sample return probe piggybacking) and the probe collected solar wind particles from December 2001 to April 2004 by exposing an array of sample collectors.

Task accomplished, the spacecraft returned toward Earth and the sample return probe separated from the Genesis “bus”. The probe fell through the atmosphere to begin its parachute deployment. It should have deployed the parachute as sensors detected a sudden deceleration as the Earth’s atmosphere thickened. But due to a technical fault, this didn’t happen. The parachute should have allowed the probe to glide slowly through the atmosphere, and using a unique helicopter capture technique (guy with a hook hanging out of a helicopter swooping down to collect the probe mid-glide), there would be very little impact the probe would experience. The smaller the force of impact, the better the chance of retrieving the very delicate solar wind particles.

But to their horror, Genesis scientists could only watch as the 600lb sample return probe thudded into the Utah desert at 193 miles per hour.

Surprisingly, the probe wasn’t totally destroyed and much of the contents were protected on impact as the soft mud and sand of the desert lessened the blow. Also, the collector arrays allowed solar wind particles to be deeply embedded within the material, keeping them clear of any terrestrial material that may have contaminated the samples as the probe crashed. Still, the outlook looked bleak for any analysis of the samples the $264 million mission hoped to bring back in one piece.

Fortunately, the Genesis mission was lucky – there are enough samples left uncontaminated by terrestrial debris and these tiny solar particles are beginning to help scientists understand the particles existing in the ultimate clean room: interplanetary space. Not only that, these particles hold the key to the development of our solar system (hence the “Genesis” mission name) and provide clues to the development of stars, nebulae and planets in other systems.

One would not normally characterise the Genesis mission as being lucky, but in this case we were.” – Kevin McKeegan, UCLA

Of particular interest will be the measurement of the primordial form of oxygen as it is emitted from the Sun in the solar wind. If we can measure the quantities of oxygen isotopes in the solar wind, we will have a starting point from which other oxygen isotopes are formed from. The Earth, Moon and meteorites have vastly differing quantities of oxygen-16, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18. Why this is the case is a mystery to scientists. Using the Genesis data as a foundation to this work will help us understand how the oxygen isotopes evolved so differently in different parts of the solar system.

Source: BBC

Galileo Returns to the Vatican


Four centuries after Galileo Galilei was ordered by the Catholic Church to come to Rome and stand trial on suspicion of heresy, a statue of the Italian astronomer will be erected at the Vatican. 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, which celebrates 400 years since Galileo first used a telescope to study the heavens, and the Vatican plans to join in commemorating the anniversary. Galileo was condemned to house arrest by the Catholic Church in 1633 because his belief that the sun was at the center of the solar system, and not the Earth, contradicted the bible.

The statue was commissioned by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and was paid for with private donations. The president of the Academy, Nicola Cabibbo, said the statue shows Galileo standing and gesturing as if he were teaching. Cabibbo, a particle scientist, said honoring Galileo in this way is important because the Academy considers Galileo to be one of the oldest members of their group. Galileo was a member of the National Academy of Lincei, from which the Pontifical Academy began.

At his trial, Galileo argued that his heliocentric beliefs and writings did not oppose the church’s teachings, and stated that the bible was not meant to provide scientific explanations. He once wrote that scripture does not reveal what is in the heavens, but rather how to get to heaven.

In 1992, Pope John Paul II acknowledged that that the church made a mistake when it condemned Galileo for maintaining that the Earth revolved around the sun. At that time the church officially conceded that the Earth was not stationary. The pope also said that theologians should keep informed on scientific advances to determine if there would be cause for “introducing changes in their teaching.”

The exact location for the statue has not yet been determined, but Cabibbo was confident that the details would be worked out in time for the start of the anniversary celebrations in early 2009.

Original News Source: The Catholic Times

Life Thrived After More Than 100 Meteorites Struck the Earth


Yesterday we talked about the discovery of amino acids in meteorites. And then today comes news that there was an explosion of life (pardon the pun) after meteorites rained down more than 400 million years ago. Even though the Earth was struck by more than 100 1-km meteorites in a short period of time, life not only survived, it thrived.

The string of impacts occurred during the Ordovician period, between 490-440 million years ago. It wasn’t quite life as we know it, but creatures were living on land, and organisms had evolved to fit every niche in the oceans.

According to planetary scientists, a disruption in the asteroid belt about 470 million years ago sent hundreds of space rocks out of their normal orbit, and into ours.

Over a few million years, more than 100 separate meteorites larger than 1 km across struck the Earth, throwing up a Sun-clogging shroud of dust. Plants, starved for sunlight, died, and the chains of life depending on them collapsed.

But incredibly, life thrived after this period, evolving into new and interesting life forms.

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Lund University gathered together chemical samples from meteorites, fossils, and examined several craters in Sweden. The Lockne crater, for example, is located in northern Sweden and has a diameter of 7.5 km across.

They found evidence for the thriving life forms in layers newer than the ones containing debris from the meteorite strikes.

“You could say that biological evolution experienced a serious boost within a relatively short period of time. And, as is the case with, for example, volcanic eruptions or large forest fires, the impacts initially had a devastating effect on all life, but from the ashes arose a much richer fauna than had existed previously,” said Dave Harper from the University of Copenhagen.

This is research we’ve seen before. Paleontologists announced earlier this year that life can bounce back quickly from an extinction event, but it takes a long time for the true diversity of life to reappear. So, after most life is wiped out by an asteroid, the cockroaches and rats take over. You might have the same number of creatures, but it takes many years before you get rich ecosystems with butterflies and giraffes too.

Original Source: Nature Geoscience

Making the Best First Impression, with Aliens


Did you know the SETI Institute has a Director of Interstellar Message Composition? I did not know that. I guess it makes sense. If we’re going to be communicating with aliens, we’ll want to be careful about the words we choose. Get it right, and we’ve got extraterrestrial friends, here to uplift us to the galactic community. Get it wrong and we might be looking at radio silence, or worse…

So how should we present ourselves to prospective galactic neighbours?

Douglas Vakoch, the aforementioned Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute has done some thinking about this, and recently wrote it up in an article entitled, How we Present Ourselves to Aliens.

The trick, of course, is to make a good first impression. When the aliens finally receive our first communications, we want them to be wowed. But should we hide our more violent tendencies, or is the best strategy to just be honest. Sure, we fight a few wars here and there, but that’s just a phase we’re working through.

Vakoch thinks that honesty is the best policy. Sure we’re flawed, but what member of the Milky Way club didn’t ravage society with constant warfare and nearly destroy their environment before they reached perfection?

The aliens might be touched at our honestly, recalling their own struggle to get to a stable, peaceful society. Or they might just send in the berserkers to wipe the violent apes off the planet.

And how should we communicate? Could we just transmit CAT-scans of the human body, demonstrating both our physique and level of technology. Or should the mathematicians do our talking for us, communicating in terms of pi until we’ve a mutual mathematical appreciation happening. Do we send our beautiful music, hoping their like it? But what if they hate it?

Whatever we say, and however we say it, that first impression is everything.

So let me know. What would you say, and how would you say it? And if the aliens actually replied, what would we do then?

Original Source: SETI Institute